Chapter:- 8

Aariz's POV:

"I wanted to ask something." I turned hearing her who was looking at me with a small smile.

"I wonder what's the topic that's making my wife smile so lightly." I said walking towards her while she chuckled.

"How does she smiles usually?" She asked looking at me and I placed my hand on her waist making her eyes wide.

"Usually she smiles widely and beautifully." I said smiling at her and she looked down with a smile. I smiled more when I found her hand fisting my shirt from both the sides.

"Are you getting nervous?" I asked looking at her and she looked up.

"Should I tell you truth or lie?" She asked looking at me and I smiled.

"How about a lie?" I said smiling at her and she chuckled.

"No. You are not making me nervous. My heart isn't beating fast. My nerves are in my control." She said smiling at me and I was just looking at her with a big smile.

"I love the beautiful confession." I said pinching her nose and she chuckled.

"What do you wanted to ask?" I asked taking her hair lock in my finger and she smiled.

"Muneeba Akka's mother run a Women Taekwondo Training Center, right?" She asked and I nodded my head with frowns.

"Yes. What's with that?" I asked and she sighed.

"Can I join there as a trainer? I'm very good in that and I would love to teach other girls." She said hesitantly and I smiled.

"You know Taekwondo?" I asked and she nodded her head.

"Yep. Abbu kept a teacher for us." She said and I smiled widely.

"That's so amazing. Of course you can join. I'm no one to stop you. If you find happiness in this then go ahead. I will always agree with you as far as your decision is good." I said patting her cheek and she smiled widely.

"This is enough for me. You being beside me is enough for me. I don't give a damn what others will think." She said hugging me making me shock. Oh Allah. This was unexpected.

"Your heart beat is so fast." She said keeping her head on the place where my heart is beating. I wrapped my arms around her back and closed my eyes.

"If my wife does something unexpected then the result would definitely be something like this." I said hugging her close to me and heard her chuckling.

"Then I think I should do unexpected things daily. I will get to hear the crazy heartbeats of my husband." She said pulling away from me and looked at me while I chuckled.

"Then I will wait for the unexpected moments daily." I said nuzzling my nose with her making her giggle beautifully.

"I have saved Akka, mine and Hamiz's number in your phone." I said to her who was looking at it and then nodded her head.

"Should I drop you to the Aunt's center?" I asked wearing my shoes and she shook her head.

"I will talk to Akka first." She said smiling and I nodded my head.

"Whatever you find better." I said patting her head and she rolled her eyes.

"Am I a kid?" She asked looking at me and taking off my hand from her head making me chuckle.

"You do this to me more often." I said and she chuckled.

"Let's go. You'll be late or else." She said and I nodded my hear. Then we went out and I found Hamiz placing the breakfast on the mat.

"Come fast, bro. Vansh called me saying we have to reach as soon as possible. You have a meeting with Mr.Aggarwal." He said and I frowned.

"But it was tomorrow. Why suddenly today?" I asked sitting on the floor and he sighed.

"Don't have any idea, man." He said shaking his head and I sighed. We were having our breakfast when Hamiz asked her.

"Bhabhi, I have heard you haven't used phone before." She looked at him and chuckled.

"You have heard correct, Bhai." She said smiling at him and he looked at her weirdly making me chuckle.

"What you used to do daily then?" He asked and she smiled.

"I used to spend time with my siblings or reading books." She said smiling at him and he rolled his eyes.

"You could have watched movie or something." He said rolling his eyes and I chuckled. He says the people who read books are nerdy and he doesn't match them.

"We didn't have TV too." She said and his eyes widened. Damn.

"What the hell? Were you guys living in 1950?" He asked looking at her and she chuckled.

"You can say that." She said smiling widely and I shook my head.

"So weird." I said and heard her chuckling. After having our breakfast Hamiz left and I turned to her who came out from the kitchen.

"Take care. Bye. Allah Hafiz. Don't open the door without seeing from the door hole." Before I can say something she said looking at me and I laughed.

"I know these things. You go and attend the important meeting. Allah Hafiz." She said patting my cheek and I nodded my head. I placed a kiss on her head and left the house with a smile. I reached downstairs and found Hamiz with the car. Faheem has given us this car saying we need it.

"Man, just look at your smile." He said as I took my seat inside and I chuckled.

"Get a life partner and then your lips will smile like this too. Insha Allah." I said smiling at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Life partner is not my cup of tea." He said shaking his head and I sighed.

"Its alright to fall in love with an elder girl. You don't have to be ashamed of something like this." I said looking out of the window.

"I don't love anyone." I heard him and turned to him.

"You can hide many things from other people. But nothing from me, bro." I said looking at him and he sighed.

"You have gone mad I think. You are saying anything." He said shaking his head and I rolled my eyes.

"Should I ask Akka if she loves someone?" I asked looking at him and he turned to me glaring at me.

"Better stop it." He said glaring at me and I rolled my eyes.

"May be you'll get an idea if you should keep loving her or you should move on." I said looking at him and he sighed.

"Please, bro. Please stop it." He said turned to me and I rolled my eyes. 

"What are you gaining by hiding the love? Huh? You are hurting yourself only." I said glaring at him and he rolled his eyes.

"She is living better life. I don't want to involve in my problematic life." I shook my head hearing him.

"You are talking stupidly now." I said shaking my head and he sighed.

"We'll talk about this later. For now let's go." He said getting out of the car and I rolled my eyes. As if this later will come. As we walked inside all the eyes widened.

"My god. How come you both are so early?" Harsh asked looking at us with wide eyes and we rolled our eyes.

"Exactly. The people who used to come after 10 are here at 9. Damn." Ashish said and we shook our head chuckling.

"Do your works guys." Hamiz said sitting on his table and I went to mine.

"Well, now they'll be daily on time. They have a responsible woman at home." We heard Sir's voice and stood up. He was smirking at us and we shook our head.

"Bhabhi don't let you guys work till midnight, right?" Harsh asked looking at me and I chuckled.

"Yeah. Something like that." Hamiz said and all laughed.

"Okay no more talks now. Get back to work. And you prepare for the meeting, Aariz. You know you have to meet Mr.Aggarwal, right?" Sir said and all went back to work.

"Yes, sir. But it was tomorrow, right?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"His mother is not doing fine and he is going to take her to France. That's why he wants to sign the contract today and yes. He has requested that he wants your team to do the editing. So, brace yourself." He said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"It will be done, sir." I said and he nodded his head then left for his office.

"If its romance novel then I would love to do it with interest." Vansh said smiling widely and we chuckled.

"You enjoy romantic only. Get yourself a girlfriend, bro." Harsh said rolling his eyes and we chuckled.

"His books are damn long, guys. Best of luck." Ashish said smirking at us and we chuckled. He is leader of the other team. But he is true though. His books are damn long. But doing the editing is fun. Damn fun though.

Third Person's POV:

He was doing his work when there was a knock on the door.

"Yes." He said and found his guard coming inside.

"Sir it was Sohail's men behind them that day." The guard said and he fisted his palms.

"What does he want now?" He whispered to himself in anger.

"Sir, should we catch his man?" The guard asked and he looked up shaking his head.

"No. Don't let them know that we know it was them." He said shaking his head and he nodded his head.

"As you say, sir." He said and left the room. He sighed keeping his head down on the table. He was lost in his thoughts when there was another knock on the door followed by a voice.

"May I come inside?" He looked up and sighed.

"You don't need permission." He said and she smiled walking towards him.

"What happened? Why are you so stressed?" She asked sitting beside him and he sighed.

"Its Sohail." He said and she looked at him with frowns.

"What about him?" She asked and he sighed.

"He is behind them now." He said and she shook her head.

"Wasn't it enough what he did in the past?" She said with teary eyes and he caressed her cheek.

"This time we won't let him do anything. Just trust me." He said caressing her cheek and she closed her eyes.  

"Just don't let him hurt you like last time. I don't have the courage to bear your silence again." She said shaking her head and he sighed.

"Situation will decide that, love." He said wiping her tears and she glared at him.

"I'll leave you." She said glaring at him and he chuckled.

"As if I will let you." He said kissing on her head and she closed her eyes praying in her heart to make everything alright.

Aariz's POV:

After four months.

We stood up as we saw sir coming out of his cabin.

"What are you three still doing here?" He asked looking at three of us and we smiled.

"We thought to complete the work tonight." I said smiling at him and he looked at Harsh who was busy in his work.

"Shouldn't you be with your wife?" He asked him and he stood up.

"I was thinking to take leave for a week that's why I thought to complete the work tonight." He said smiling at him and he nodded his head.

"Okay. Then continue. And I had some complaints against you." He said turning to me and I frowned.

"Me?" He nodded his head making me confuse.

"Yep. My daughter told me that you are not giving time to her friend. Its been four months to your marriage and you haven't taken her out on dinner or lunch." He said narrowing his brows at me and I pressed my lips.

"Will do that soon, Sir." I said nodding my head and he nodded his head.

"And your Aunt has invited the three of you for lunch tomorrow. So better be there." He said before leaving the office and I smiled.

"I wish I was also related to Sir somehow." Harsh said and we chuckled. After some time we left the office and Hamiz left in the car while I walked towards my bike. I bought this as I have to pick her up from her work place. I drove towards her work place and found her waiting outside. I stopped the bike in front of her making her jump as she was lost in her thoughts.

"You stu-" She was about to shout but stopped finding me. She glared at me with those beautiful eyes and I smiled.

"I have been waiting here from half an hour." She said glaring at me and I held my ears.

"I'm sorry." I said holding my ears and she rolled her eyes.

"Please." I said batting my lashes and she held my hands taking off them from my ears.

"Why are you so cute?" She said sitting beside me and I smiled.

"I have to be cute. Or else how will my wife look at me?" I said staring the bike and her hand held my shoulders. 

"Your wife's eyes are on you only. Doesn't matter if you look cute or hot." She whispered in my ear and my eyes widened listening her words.

"Do I look hot?" I asked and she wrapped her arms around my chest making my heart jump more.

"Yep. Damn hot when you come out of shower. The water dripping from your hair and then tracing down on the neck." My eyes widened hearing her. Has she gone mad? Why is she talking like this?

"And you want to know what my mind tells me to do that at that time?" She whispered in my ear and I nodded my head gulping my saliva.

"I just want to replace that water drop from my finger. The drop which traces down the neckline to the abs and I just want to touch them." My Allah. Is she the same Azra who wasn't talking to me on phone call in front of Akka? I stopped the bike and turned to her who was looking at me and I bet she is smiling inside.

"You know these types of things shouldn't be said in the middle of the road." I said glaring at her and she got down.

"We have reached our building." She said taking out her hand for me and I smiled. I parked the bike on the side and held her hand.

"Why is my wife so romantic today?" I said smiling at her and she rolled her eyes.

"You will get the answer at home." She said linking her arm with mine and I chuckled.

"Then I'll have to wait for hours I think." I said patting her head and she chuckled. We reached our floor and rang the bell. Hamiz opened the door and smiled at us. I chuckled when I found his right hand covered in flour. He might be kneading flour.

"Are we having Aloo Paratha tonight?" I asked walking inside and he nodded his head.

"I don't have energy to cook, bro." He said shaking his head and I frowned.

"Then we could have ordered from outside." She said looking at us and we chuckled.

"We don't prefer outside food, Bhabhi. And its alright. We can have dinner which won't take much time." He said smiling at her and she nodded her head.

"You go and change till then I'll help him." I said to her who nodded her head. She left and I went to wash my hand. I went back to the kitchen and found him sitting on the slab with head down.

"What happened, bro?" I asked walking towards him and he looked up.

"I think fever is going to cross me over by midnight." He said sighing deeply and I placed my hand on his forehead.

"You have slight fever. Go and rest. I'll prepare the rest." I said patting his shoulder and he sighed.

"Are you sure? I haven't prepared anything." He said looking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Go now. We'll talk about the matter later. And don't sleep. I'll bring your dinner in some time." I said taking him out of the kitchen and he went to his room. He usually gets fever when he overthink about something. I wonder what's bothering him. I got busy in my work when I found her coming inside.

"Hamiz Bhai?" She asked looking around and I smiled.

"He isn't feeling well so I told him to rest for some time." I said smiling at her and she nodded her head.

"He should have dinner first and then sleep." She said sitting on the slab and I smiled.

"Let me prepare something then after giving him medicine we'll have dinner." I said mashing the potatoes in a pan and she smiled.

"No worries. I can wait." She said smiling at me and I chuckled. I was doing my work while I was feeling her eyes on me. And it was making me nervous. I mean she was gazing me continuously without any break. I sighed and looked up at her who was looking at me with a small smile.

"Look away." I said glaring at her and she looked at me with frowns. As if she is clueless.

"What happened? Why did you stop?" She asked looking at me and I sighed.

"Go and read the book which you are reading now a days." I said to her and she smiled.

"I'm not reading anything now a days. I'm busy." She said smiling at me and I sighed.

"If you are busy then go from here." I said keeping the frying pan on the stove and heard her chuckling.

"Why? Am I disturbing you?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Yes. With your eyes." It slipped from my mouth and slapped myself inwardly. My mouth speaks when it shouldn't and doesn't speak when it should.

Assalamualaikum and Hello dearies. How are you all?

How was the chapter? Enjoyed it? Loved it? How is our Azra? Her bold nature? Are you guys loving that side of her? Have you guys loved the scenes of love birds? Let me know your views in the comment section. I'll be waiting.

Do vote and comment please. It means a lot.
Take care till next time.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:
