Chapter:- 5

Azra's POV:

"He didn't talk to Abbu?" I looked at Ahsan who asked me.

"How do you know that he came here?" I asked him and he sighed.

"I met him at the gate when I was leaving for Archery practice." He said looking at me and I sighed.

"He went to talk to him but Abbu didn't gave a damn. He thought he was here asking for job and told his assistant to send him away. Thank God I was there or else he wouldn't have gotten anything what he was saying." I said gritting my teeth. Whenever I try to change my opinion about him he end up doing something which angers me.

"Why were you going for practice at 8?" I asked turning to him and he sighed.

"I couldn't go in the morning so went at that time when Abbu was in his study." He said and I nodded my head. When he is in his study we are free to do anything. Because he forget the outside world inside his study.

"Okay, now go and sleep. We'll see what happens next." He said smiling at me and I nodded my head. We both left for our room hoping for something good which I know may not happen. Something good.

After two weeks.

"Akka, we are going in the garden. Shaaz isn't here to play with us." Afshan said pouting her lips and I chuckled.

"Okay go. But be careful." I said smiling at them and they nodded their head. They left and I gave my attention to my book which I was reading. I was busy in reading when I heard some voice coming from the balcony. I covered my face with my dupatta and turned to the balcony. I found a man coming inside my room and my eyes widened. Who is he? How come he is here?

"Who are you?" I asked looking at him with frowns and he looked at me with smirk. Evil smirk which was not giving me good vibes.

"You." He said moving forward and I took a back step towards table. If a single wrong step you are gone.

"You think whatever conditions you'll put and I'll agree them?" He said gritting his teeth and I frowned but moved back again when I found him coming near me.

"You said I don't have permission to touch you after marriage, right?" He said smirking at me and my eyes widened. So, he is the one whom I agreed to marry? This man?

"How about before the marriage then?" He said smirking evilly making my eyes widened and making my mind block. Any girl will be shocked hearing something like this out of nowhere.

"Wow! Your being near me gives me so peace." I heard him and my eyes widened when I found so near me. I took the wooden box placed on the table and hit it on his head.

"Thinking a village girl can't do anything came to become a man? You call yourself a man after doing this? Huh? Do you think girls are your property to be cherished? They don't have dignity?" I looked at him with fire blazer eyes and holding his hair in my fist tightly.

"Yes. I kept those conditions. And if you don't follow them then this is where you'll be. Entering in my own room and scaring me with those words? I'm not an easy girl to handle. I can throw you out of here. I don't even care if your legs will be broken or head. Don't ever dare to touch me." I said twisting his hand and he groaned in pain making me smirk. I dragged him towards the balcony and closed the window leaving him there who was half conscious.

"Get out. Use the same way from where you came up." I said glaring at him and left the room. Let me give shock to my father. Who is very proudly leaving me in the hands of this man.

"Akka." I found Afshan but ignoring her I walked towards his study. I reached in his study and entered inside without knocking. He looked up when the door opened with a thud and glared at me.

"Is this the way to enter inside? Don't you have manner?" He asked standing up from his chair and I glared at him.

"Is he the man whom you want me to marry? Who came to touch me before marriage?" I said glaring at him and walked towards him who walked ahead. I looked at him whose eyes widened but he covered it up with a hard face.

"You kept those conditions. Not my fault." He said and I closed my eyes to calm myself. Because he is getting on my nerves.

"Then let me blast a bomb on your head. I'm not going to marry him. Never in a million years. Keep him to yourself or do whatever you want. But I'm not going to marry him." I said glaring at him and he glared at me.

"What will you do then? Whom will you marry then? There's no prince charming waiting for you." He said walking towards me and held me by my shoulders tightly making me hell scared.

"There is. There is my prince charming who is waiting for me. And I will marry him. I love him and I will marry him. I don't care if you accept him or not. If you don't, then I'll runaway. I'll marry him by ru-" I coughed when he held me tightly by my throat stopping me to complete my sentence.

"HOW DARE YOU." He shouted making me hell scared. And this was the first time I got hell scared of him. I tried to remove his hand from my throat but I was too tight and I was losing my energy. My breath. It was feeling like I'm going to the end of life. My eyes which were filled with tears started closing down. That's when I heard someone entering inside the study.

"ABBU." I think I won't be able to see him before dying.

"Abbu, leave her please." I heard Afshan's voice.

"NO. SHE HAS TO DIE." He shouted tightening his hold and I choked. Ya Allah. Is there any angel who can save me today? You send angel in the form of human, right? My legs became numb may be no energy was left in them. That's when his hand loosened and there was a thud sound as if something or someone fell down. I started taking deep breaths with coughs. I felt someone covering my face and as I was about to open my eyes to see I heard him. His voice. The person who hasn't came to meet me from several weeks.

"We are going. We are leaving. Just don't lose your sense. Please. Hang in there. Don't close your eyes please." I was hearing his voice which was shaking. I felt like I was being carried.

"Where to?" I heard someone's voice as my back touched something.

"Wherever which is safe for her. Not to our house. Out of this village." I heard his voice and that was the last thing I heard before loosing my sense.

I shook my head little as it was paining a bit. I felt myself on soft surface. It made me frown. Where am I? I opened my eyes slowly only to close them again immediately as a flashlight fell on my eyes. I felt a hand caressing my head making me open my eyes back. I looked at my side to find a beautiful woman with a smile on her lips. She was wearing a white coat and a stethoscope in her neck. Oh. She is a doctor.

"How are you feeling, dear?" She asked smiling lightly at me and I frowned.

"Where am I? Is this a hospital?" I asked looking at her and she smiled.

"Yep. And you are safe here. How's your throat now?" She asked touching my throat and I sighed. My voice is still very low.

"Where is the person who brought me here?" I asked in my low voice and she smiled.

"You are surrounded with men though. You came with three men here." She said smiling widely and I frowned.

"Three? I may know only one of them." I said with frowns and she chuckled.

"Yeah. I know. May be the same person who didn't came to meet you saying you won't like as he haven't seen you yet. But he was very worried. His eyes were pouring tears when he brought you here. He loves you a lot. " She said smiling at me and I smiled lightly. I wish Abbu could understand that too.

"Where is he? Can I meet him? And how many hours its been?" I asked all at once and she smiled.

"I'll answer one by one. He is outside. And yes you can meet him. And you are waking up after whole one day." She said and my eyes widened. What?

"But my condition wasn't that serious to wake up after a day." I said with wide eyes and she smiled.

"I know. I gave you some dosage which gave you a peaceful sleep. He said that you need it a lot." She said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"Should I call him?" She asked and I nodded my head getting up. She helped me sitting with a pillow behind me. She put a dupatta on me and I covered my face with it.

"Now can I call him?" She asked looking at me and I nodded my head. I brought my knees near my chest and kept my chin on them. I looked up when I heard the door open. He kept looking at me for some time then sighed.

"How are you feeling now?" He asked walking towards me and I sighed.

"Is your throat still paining?" He asked sitting on the chair beside my bed and I shook my head.

"The doctor said you cried." I said looking at him and he narrowed his brows at me.

"Is this the first thing you found after getting up after a day?" He asked and I looked down smiling lightly.

"You are the one who told her to make me sleep as I needed it a lot." I said looking back at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Where are we?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"The same city where I work." He said and I nodded my head.

"When will we go from here?" I asked and he smiled.

"Let me set the house first. Then we'll go. May be till evening." He said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"But before going I want to ask something." He said and I looked at him.


"Are you ready for the Nikah? We have to live in a house where there's only two room. One will be taken by my friend and we'll be left with one only. So, we have to marry first then we can share the room." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you using room as an excuse? Tell me directly if you want to do the Nikah." I said and he chuckled.

"Really? Should I propose you right now?" He asked with narrowed brows and I raised my brows.

"How will you do that?" I asked him and he smiled.

"The Maulvi is waiting outside." He said smiling at me and I looked at him weirdly.

"Is this how you propose?" I asked and he rolled his eyes.

"Unfortunately I don't have a ring or rose. So, I think this is the best way to propose. And there are people who are after us right now." He said pouting his lips and I chuckled.

"Who will be my witness?" I asked and he smiled.

"Are you saying yes indirectly?" He asked with a smile and I smiled.

"You can say that." I said smiling at him and he chuckled.

"The Doctor will be your witness." He said smiling and I looked at him in confusion.


"I know her. And I think she is interested in our love story." He said smiling at me and I chuckled.

"The people who were following us, do they know that we are here?" I asked with a sigh and he shook his head.

"Faheem helped us in distracting them. I don't know how he got to know about us but he came on the right time. We distracted them by exchanging our cars. They thought they were following us but we were in Faheem's car and Faheem was riding that car which they were following." He said smiling at me and I smiled lightly.

"What if Faheem get caught?" I asked and he chuckled.

"He is outside. I didn't get to ask how he came out of their eyes. We'll ask together." He said nodding his head and I smiled.

"Go now. Its time for Maulvi to come inside." I said looking at him and he looked at me with frowns.

"Have you swear on saying things in subtle ways always?" He asked and I shrugged.

"May be." I said and he chuckled.

"Oh Allah. I'll have hard time understanding what is she trying to say." He said shaking his head and I chuckled. After some time the Doctor came inside and I removed my dupatta from my face. She smiled coming towards me.

"Masha Allah. Your lips are smiling after meeting him." She said sitting on the chair and I chuckled.

"Do you want me to make you ready for your Nikah?" She asked looking at me and I sighed.

"Should I get ready? I don't have any family members with me." I said looking at her and she smiled.

"True though." She said nodding her head and I sighed.

"I brought my Amma for the witness." She said looking at me and I frowned.

"You could have done that too." I said and she smiled.

"Some times the Maulvi want an elder witness." She said and I nodded my head.

"What about his witness then?" I asked and she smiled.

"My Dad is there for him. He and his friend work in my Dad's office." She said smiling at me and I nodded my head. Oh.

"Let me call my Amma." She said and left the room. But why is she helping us? I mean can a stranger help a stranger? If yes. Then I was living in a hell till now. After few minutes the door opened and she came inside with her Mother. She smiled and I smiled back at her while my eyes moved to her mother who was looking at me with. Love? Why?

"Assalamualaikum." I greeted and she smiled lightly at me.

"Wa-Alaikum-Assalam, dear. How are you feeling?" She asked sitting beside me and I smiled.

"Alhamdulillah good. Thank You for asking." I said smiling at her and she patted my head.

"You sure you want to do this?" She asked looking at me and I nodded my head lightly.

"Call him inside, Muneeba." She said smiling at the doctor and she nodded her. Oh. So her name is Muneeba. Beautiful name. I looked at her who spread the dupatta on my head making me smile. I heard the door opening and closing back. Is this really happening? Am I really getting married? So weird. I don't have anyone of my family with me. After some time the Maulvi started the Nikah. When he was done he left the room to take his concession. I closed my eyes when I found someone wrapping her arms around me embracing me in a hug. A tear rolled down on my cheek and I sighed. I should be happy that I got married with my love.

"I bet you are younger than me and you got married first." I heard the Doctor's voice and chuckled. She pulled away and removed my dupatta from my face. She smiled at me and I wiped the tears which were on my cheek.

"How can you be so sure that I'm young?" I asked looking at her and she smiled.

"You look young. May be around 23 or 24." She said smiling and I chuckled.

"Right. I'm 23." I said smiling at her and turned to the other side where her Mom was sitting. I don't know why but she is looking at me as if she was waiting for this moment. To watch me from close. She did the same when she entered inside. Let's keep these aside.

"Thank You for being here, Aunty." I said smiling at her and she smiled.

"No worries, dear. I'm glad that I could help someone." She said patting my cheek and I smiled.


"Now you are all ready to go to your house." I smiled hearing the Doctor.

"Thank You for everything. For taking care of me and helping me." I said smiling at her and she smiled.

"It was my duty. Wait. I have something to give you." She said smiling and turned to the table.

"Here. Keep this number. You don't have phone with you right now but when you need someone to talk or for help call me. I'm just a phone call away." She said passing me a piece of paper where her phone number was written.

"Thank You so much, Doctor." I said holding her hands in mine and she smiled.

"And you can call me Akka as Aariz call me that only." She said smiling at me and I nodded my head.

"Let's go." She said and I covered my face again. I want him to see me directly at home. As we got out all eyes turned to us making me nervous. Hell guys. I'm not a bride who is entering inside the Hall. I'm a patient who is going home. I looked at him who was looking at me weirdly. I raised my brows at him while he shook his head rolling his eyes making me confuse. What now? We took our seats in a car.

"Hi, Akka." I looked at front seat hearing Faheem.

"Faheem?" He smiled widely at me making me chuckle.

"Hello, Bhabhi. I'm Hamiz. This stupid's friend." The guy from the driving seat said smiling at me.

"Hello. Nice meeting you." I said smiling at him and he smiled.

"Shall we start?" He asked turning to us and we nodded our heads. Everyone was busy in their thoughts when I heard him whispering in my ear.

"Why this cover on the face when we are married?" I smiled hearing him.

Assalamualaikum and Hello lovelies. How are you all?

How was the chapter? Enjoyed it? Loved it? Where the story is going? Any idea? What's going to happen next? Are you guys loving the plot? Let me know your views. I'll be waiting.

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Take care till next time.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:
