Chapter:- 14

Third Person's POV:

One week after the truth revelation.

"I wonder what happened to my son that he hasn't gone out for Archery practice from last one week." He looked up hearing his mother and sighed.

"I won't be shocked if you say Abbu knows that I go out for the practice." He said smiling at her and she frowned.


"You were also involved in hiding these things from us, right Ammi?" He said looking at her and she was looking at him in confusion. 

"What are you saying, Ahsan?" She asked and he sighed.

"Am I not big enough that Abbu doesn't share his problems with me? Am I not big enough to handle his problems? Am I not trustworthy?" He asked looking at her and she was looking at him with wide eyes.

"Don't tell me-"

"Yeah. I know everything. Someone very precious to Abbu told me everything." He said smiling at her and she was shocked to react.


"Madi Akka has some similar features with her." He said taking out the picture from the drawer and passed it to his Ammi. Her eyes widened looking at the picture.

"Munazza." She whispered.

"Where have you met her?" She asked looking back at him and he sighed.

"Its a long story." He said and she sighed.

"Go ahead." She said and he started telling her everything which happened a week ago.

"How is Azra doing?" She asked looking at him with teary eyes.

"Hasn't Abbu sent any of his men behind them to know about their whereabouts?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No. He said she'll be happy with that man." She said wiping the tear which fell on her cheek and he smiled.

"She is doing fine. Alhamdulillah. And save these tears for some other day, Ammi. You may need them when you'll hold a mini Azra soon. Insha Allah." He said wiping her eyes and she looked at him all shocked.


"Insha Allah." He said smiling widely and she chuckled.

"Oh. Your Abbu will be so happy hearing this." She said with a big smile and he smiled hugging her.

"He will be." He whispered lightly.

"But how does Munazza know all these things?" She whispered to herself but couldn't reach anywhere.

He sighed looking at the picture. He turned to the man standing beside him and passed the picture to him.

"I want to know who lives in this house. I want to know why did he go there and ended up crying." He said more like ordered and he nodded his head.

"You'll be informed in some time, sir." He said nodding his head and left the room. He was busy in analyzing the picture when he heard his wife.

"Still don't know who lives in that house?" He sighed shaking his head.


"What?" He looked at her weirdly.

"Your sister Munazza lives there." She said smiling lightly at him and his eyes widened.

"And Ahsan acted like that because he knows everything. From the start till the end." She said walking towards him and his head jerked upto to her.

"Everything?" She nodded her head while he sighed. And 'how' was the only question running in their mind. How does Munazza knows all these things?

Azra's POV:

I looked at him who was looking at me with a smirky smile. Stop giving me that look you stupid. I can be more devilish than you. Its just I have an angel to protect in my womb right now. Or else you would have known who real Azra Aariz Malik is.

"What's with that look?" He asked looking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"I can ask the same thing." I said narrowing my brows at him and he chuckled.

"Woah. You are fiesty. I thought you'll also be like your sister. Naive and innocent. She couldn't even save herself from me that day." His words made me shocked. Is he the same bloody murder? I wish my hands were open right now. I would have loved to give him black and blue punches right on his face.  

"Do you call yourself a man? After doing that act? If yes, then you should be ashamed of yourself for doing that. Not shouting it to the whole world. Because of mother fuc**rs like you our parents gets scared to send us out alone. You guys do the sin but the girl who became the victim is insulted and blamed. This society doesn't let a girl live peacefully. She suffers because of your sin. She gets molested and she is the one who face the insults, taunts and many more. You guys start living your life ruining their lives. Guys like you shouldn't be called as humans. You guys are bloody monster who don't have heart. I really want to give you such beautiful names which you might have never heard in your life. But I won't because you don't even deseve those words. You are more f***er boy than those words." I was glaring at him while his eyes were blazing fire. May be his ego got hurt. I'm thankful to my Almighty that HE has made less men like him who don't have any shame and guilt after doing such a big crime. Alhamdulillah.

"You bitch. Aren't you talking too much?" I grit my teeth as my face to the other side as he slapped me. I wish my hands were open. I would have given him best medicine.

"I'm talking reality. You should sit at home locked in a room with shame after doing such dirty act. Not roam like this with your head high up. You shouldn't feel proud of yourself for doing that. But that's impossible. Because men like you only love to satisfy their so-called ego. You guys think and love your ego a lot. In the same way we women love and respect our dignity. Our dignity comes first for us which you guys take it just to satisfy something called ego. You guys have a big ego. Every person on this earth give respect to it. But where's the respect for our dignity? Some people do that but that some people are not in the village where I have spend my life. And you are one of them who should be called as monster. Not a man." Thank god my legs are open. I can't kick him but I can press my feet on his who is talking as if he has done something good.

"Don't ever talk about that thing in front of a woman who knows how to handle men like you. You'll regret it." I said gritting my teeth and pressing more pressure to my left foot on his making him groan in pain. Before he can say something I heard voice of screeching tire. I think he is here. I looked at him with a smirk.

"I'll tell you who real man is. The person who is going to enter inside is the perfect example and may be he becomes your destruction too." I said smirking at him and he smirked back at me making me narrow my eyes at him.

"Do you think that's your so-called husband? Forget him, darling. He won't be coming here." I glared at him hearing him giving more pressure in his foot and he chuckled. The nerves of this guy.

"You won't get him back by hurting me like this. He might have reached up by now. Poor him. He was just crossing the road and BOOM. A truck hit him." My eyes widened hearing him and my heart beat in fear. What is he saying? May be to confirm this I heard Faheem's voice.

"AKKA!" He might be searching for me. But why is he here? Is he saying truth?

"Oh. You are not saying anything? What happened? Are you scared?" I looked at him hearing him and this was enough. Does he think he'll be able to scare me?

"A single scratch on his body and you'll be dead." I said glaring at him and he laughed loudly like a stupid. Thank You stupid for laughing. May be hearing you Faheem knows where am I.

"Oh my god. I wonder what will happen to me if you'll know that he is already dead." I wanted to show him my skills but right now I don't have energy. First after listening to him and second I have my baby to protect.

"May be chopped down into small pieces of meat which I'll give eagles to eat." I said glaring at him while tears formed in my eyes thinking about his words. I looked him who was looking at me but before he can say anything he fell down to the side and I found Faheem standing there with a big fat bamboo in his hands. He came to me and opened my hands hurriedly.

"Why are you here? Where's Aariz?" I asked and he looked up.


"Why Aariz isn't here?" I asked and frowned when he looked down releasing the other hand if mine from the rope.

"He is waiting for you at home." He said without looking at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Do you think I'll believe that? He would have done something to find me if he didn't find me in the car. You are lying." I said more like shouted and he looked up.

"I-I'm not. Let's go." He said making me stand and I sighed. My eyes fell on him who was still laying down on the floor holding his head. I kicked in his stomach which was too light for him though.

"If something really happened to him then be ready to be chopped in pieces. I will have two reasons to do that." I said glaring at him and walked out of that small house. Stupid, man. If he has kidnapped me then he should have kept some men to guard the house. I looked at him who walked towards the car and I followed him. He opened the door for me and I stood in front of him.

"Where is Aariz, Faheem?" I asked looking at him and he sighed.

"Akka, get inside. I told you he is waiting for you at home." He said nodding his head and I shook my head.

"You are lying. Do you think he'll sit quiet after finding me missing from the car? And that man said that he was hit by a truck." I said and my tears fell down on my cheeks. I have been trying to stay strong from the time he said that but if this is truth then I don't know what will happen. 

"Damn him." I heard him whispering under his breath and frowned.

"Is that truth?" I asked and he looked at me.

"Akka, get inside. We have to go right now." He said holding me by my shoulders and I jerked his hand off.

"Is that true, Faheem?" I asked firmly while tears were rolling down on my cheeks and he sighed.

"Sort of." He said nodding his head and my mind went blank. This shouldn't happen. Not at least at this time. Not him getting into accident nor my mind going blank. I came back to reality when a sharp pain hit me in my stomach making me shriek.

"Akka." I looked up hearing him and held my belly with my hand tightly. He was looking at me with wide eyes. He made me sit inside and I kept my head on the headrest. Its paining like hell. Is this the time? But I don't want it to be right now. How can there be good and bad news together? I looked at Faheem who was speeding up while talking on phone with someone.

"Fast, Faheem." I shrieked clutching the handle from the side and closed my eyes to bear the pain. Oh Allah! Now I know why a mother loves her children more than anything in this world. If she has gone through so much just to bring a beautiful soul in this world then her unconditional love is expected. I looked at him who stopped the car and went out of the car. They made me lay down on the stretcher and took me inside. The pain was coming and going. Why is this happening? Is something wrong with my baby? I opened my eyes when I felt someone caressing my head to find Akka with her mask on.

"Relax. Its going to be okay. You just have to be patient and strong." She said wiping my sweat.

"Aariz." I said looking at her may be in a hope that she will tell me how's he.

"He is fine. He is perfectly alright. He is waiting outside for you and the baby." She said and again a sharp pain hit me making me shout in pain. Ya Allah. Give me strength to go through this.

Third Person's POV:

He looked at the phone and frowned finding an unknown number. He picked the call up and before he could say anything he heard the voice which he least wanted to hear.

"Remember me?"

"This world can forget the most beautiful soul on this earth but not a monster." He said rolling his eyes and heard him chuckling.

"True though. By the way, do you know where your daughter is?" He frowned hearing him.

"Well, in my son's territory. I wonder what will happen to her." He chuckled hearing him.

"Make sure you keep a dozen of guards for your son. My daughter is pro in Taekwondo." He said smirking evilly and heard him laughing.

"Hearing her husband is on the hospital bed fighting for his life, she may forget her skills." His eyes widened listening to him.


"Well, I thought I can hurt you by hurting your daughter. But I found your daughter's weakness. So, thought to make your daughter suffer and you won't live in peace finding your daughter in pain." He closed his eyes fisting his palm.

"Better brace yourself for my wrath. I won't sit quiet this time." He said before hanging up and kept the phone on the table back. He took deep breaths to calm himself and walked out and found his right hand coming towards him. The only person who does everything for him.

He frowned looking at the caller ID.

"Yes, Ma'am." He said picking up the call.

"How much time will it take him to collect the drive from that house, Shlok?" He heard her and sighed.

"May be in some days, Ma'am. You'll be back to your place in some days." He said sighing deeply.

"Does your Sir knows where his daughter is?" He frowned hearing her but what made him more confused was when he found his Sir coming out of his study.

"May be he knows." He said still with frowns. 

"Come to the hospital where my daughter works. Along with him." He was shocked hearing her but before he can ask anything the line got cut. He sighed and walked towards his Sir who stopped seeing him.

"Everything okay, sir?" He asked looking at him. 

"Find where is Azra right now. I want to know if she is fine or not. That stupid son of Sohail has kidnapped her." He said gritting his teeth and his eyes widened. Has he done something to her? This was bothering him. He shook his head and looked at his Sir who has been through much.

"Let's go, Sir. I know where she is." He said and his head jerked up to him.

"How's she?"

"I'm unaware of that. Let's go." He walked downstairs saying that and smiled lightly when he found him following him. They drove towards where he was told to. He went to open the door for him after stopping the car. His brows frowned when he found himself in front of a hospital.

"What are we doing here, Shlok?" He asked turning to him.

"Let's go inside, sir. You'll know." He said gesturing by his hand to walk ahead.

"Did something happened to her?" He asked looking at him and he sighed.

"Sir, let's go inside first." He said nodding his head. They walked inside and as they were walking upwards his heart was beating in fear. Fear of losing his another daughter.

Azra's POV:

After some hours.

I opened my eyes slightly to find a white ceiling making me frown. But my eyes widened when I realized the last moment I lost my senses. Where's my baby? I looked around and my brows frowned finding Abbu sitting beside my bed on a chair keeping his head on the head rest.

"Abbu?" It was barely a whisper. I put my body weight on my elbow and moved closer to him. I want to know if he is here for real or not, right? I touched his face lightly with my left hand and he opened his eyes making me shock. Oh Allah. He is for real.

"You okay?" He asked making me sit properly on the bed and I nodded my head.

"Let me call the Doctor." He said and was about to go when I asked.


"The baby is perfectly fine, Azra. Let me call the Doctor." He said cupping my face and I shook my head.

"Where is the baby?" I asked and he sighed.

"There. She is sleeping. You weren't in your senses when she was born." He said pointing at the crib near couch and tears formed in my eyes. Its a girl. The princess of our Kingdom. But wait. Where is the King? What about him?

"Where is Aariz, Abbu?" I asked turning to him and he looked at me. I was waiting for him to answer but he was silent. What's happening? Isn't he okay? Before he can say the door opened and I found Akka coming inside. She smiled looking at me. She came to me and started checking me when I asked her.

"Akka, Aariz?" Her hands stopped hearing me. Why are they reacting like that? They are scaring me. 

"Truth please. I don't want to live in false beliefs." I said when she was about to say something with a smile. She sighed. But what she said next made me shock.

"His condition is very critical. Its hard for him to make it out." Why now? When everything was going to be okay then why now? Why is he the one who couldn't see his baby first? He was so excited for this. I was so much excited. But if I knew these happy moments are going to be taken away from me. At one side I have a biggest happiness lying beside me and on the other side my another happiness is fighting for his life. Life is cruel to some people. And I'm included in that few people.

Assalamualaikum and Hello beauties. How are you all?

How was the chapter? What do you guys think? Will Aariz be able to make out? Or its a sad ending? What's going to happen next? Any idea? Let me know your views in the comment section. I'll be waiting.

Do vote and comment please. It means a lot.
Take care till next time.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:
