Chapter:- 2

Aariz's POV:

I came out of the washroom and my lips smiled when I found the only thing which makes me smile. The thought of the girl whom I help. I don't know her name, how she looks, and what does she do. I just know she is the daughter of the head of this village, lives in a big castle and helps girls to get their rights. Though illegally but I'm proud that she has the courage to do that.

"What are you? Who actually are you? May be you are the first girl whom I have seen doing something this courageously. You have the audacity to go against your own father and give girls their right. I don't know about you but you are weirdly affecting me. The things which I haven't felt before. The things which I have seen in movies and stories, are being felt by me. I wish that I knew how you are feeling. I really want to dig hole till the depth of your heart to know how you feel. Do you feel the same as I'm feeling? Well, why would you? I don't have anything which you have. The big house, beautiful life and living like a princess. But you know what, I enjoy my life a lot the way it is. I struggle every end of month for money but its natural, right? If you don't struggle for something then how will you get to know the value of it. So, struggling is also important." Well, don't give me weird looks. I talk to her daily like this. Because I know I will never get that day where I'll sit beside her and talk to her non stop. Because her father will never marry her off to someone like me. And second, I don't want to ruin the bond by taking the marriage proposal. And may be her Dad never ask her before her marriage. And that's why I love my life a lot. Because I have the biggest thing which many people don't have around me. Do you know what it is? Freedom. I have Freedom to live the way I want. I have the freedom to do whatever I want to do. And I think that's why I'm here. I could have chosen any city from where my office is near but I chose this village because I love the greenery around. The big mountains covered with the blanket of green grasses makes me feel heaven. The fields around are covered with the beautiful big green grasses which invites me every morning to make me feel its softness under my feet. Its just amazing. I came out of my thoughts when my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.

"Anna, I think you have to come this time too. Akka isn't picking her calls. And she hasn't replied to any text yet." Before I can say anything Faheem started. But it made me confuse. Why isn't she coming? This happened last time too.

"Okay. I'll come. Send me the picture of our client. Let's see. May be she shows up." I said taking out my black coat, cap and black mask from the cupboard and walked towards the boot which I have bought for this. Well, I go on this mission becoming a black man you can say. I waited for the clock to hit 1 of the night. When the time came I got ready and I walked out of the house making sure no one sees me. I reached the destination and found the girl looking around with a boy.

"Only girl was coming I think." I said walking towards them and the boy turned.

"Well, I'm her brother and I have to make sure she is safe and sound at this time of the night." He said looking at me and I nodded my head.

"Okay. So, shall we?" I said and both of them nodded their head. We reached where Faheem usually stand with his car. The girl took her seat and I found a girl also inside. We make sure the girl who is running don't feel uncomfortable with Faheem so he usually bring some girl who has done this before.

"Akka didn't come?" Faheem asked and I shook my head.

"You guys leave before someone comes here. Text me after reaching there." I said to him and he nodded his head. He drove away and I turned to the boy who was looking at the way she left.

"You don't show your face to anyone?" He asked turning to me and I shook my head.

"Leave for your house before someone comes. Be careful." I said to him and he nodded his head. When he was out of sight I walked towards my house which is 30 minutes walk from here. But walking at this time and feeling the chilly wind is just amazing.

After two days.

"If you'll go there then I can't guarantee if you'll come back or not. And if, luckily, you make out then I wonder if you'll be in the same condition as you are right now." I looked at Hamiz hearing him.

"You should wish me luck. But here you are discouraging me." I said glaring at him and he rolled his eyes.

"We wish luck to them who know they'll be successful. But here you are risking your life then I'm not going to do that." He said opening a file and I rolled my eyes.

"Then you should help me." I said tying the laces of my boot and he looked at me.

"You are pro in jumping the walls and climbing up the pipe, bro. I'm not." He said shaking his head and I chuckled. I used to jump the wall of our orphanage. We had many restrictions so I used to go out secretly to eat Pani Puri. And I became pro in that as it became my daily routine. And right now I'm getting ready to go and check on that girl who hasn't been answering to any text or call of us. So, I'll be jumping the wall. I'm left with no other option though.

"You haven't seen her though. How will you recognize her?" I heard him and looked at him.

"By her eyes." I said smiling at him and he shook his head.

"Love is making you crazy." He said shaking his head and I chuckled.

"This is the love which is not going to be successful. And it can be one sided love too." I said looking at him and he sighed.

"Why your life is so messed up?" He said looking back at his file and I chuckled.

"I love my life though." I said smiling and he chuckled.

"I'll be going now. Go to bed on time." I said wearing my coat and he looked at me.

"I'll be anxious all night. I wonder if I'll be able to sleep." He said looking at me and I smiled nodding my head.

"I'll be back safe and sound, buddy. Relax." I said patting his shoulder and he nodded his head. Its 12 of the night and I hope the security is not too tight around her house. I got out of the house and started walking towards the road which takes me to her. If women who lives around my room sees me going out at this time then they'll definitely fire up some rumour some day. But they have been good people all these time. I'm glad for that. I would have love to bring my bike but it may catch attention when I'll reach near her house. So, left with no option I have to walk only. After an hour or something I finally saw her house. Alhamdulillah. It was feeling like this castle has disappeared from this world. I was about to go ahead when my eyes fell on the two bulky men who were standing at the gate. Ya Allah. Now how to go inside? I looked around to find the castle surrounded with bodyguards. I think in this house, family members are less if we compare to the bodyguards they have. As if the whole village is eating them. Weird people. I was looking around when my eyes fell on a wooden box and I sighed. Let's do this. I picked the box and threw it in the direction to take their attention there. I hid behind a tree and when I found four of them walked towards where I threw the box I ran towards the gate and climb the wall. Ya Allah. They even have bodyguards guarding inside too. But Thank God they were less in number. I jumped inside but one of them saw me I think and came towards me. I closed his mouth and hit him on the neck bone making him unconscious.

"Good night, Mr.Bodyguard." I said laying him down at the corner. After much difficulty I finally reached the pipe which I'm going to climb. I will go inside from terrace. I may find a way to get inside through terrace. I was climbing up and my eyes were going inside the room. May be I could find her in any of these room. When I reached the third floor which was the last one too I found someone sitting on the floor with a candle and a book. What the hell? Who use candle to read book in this century?

"You." My mind said making me roll my eyes.

"I'm weird. But I didn't know someone is like me too." I said inwardly and sighed. I was trying to figure out who is that person cause I'm finding it a girl though. Long hair and shalwar kameez with a dupatta on her head. I backed away a little when she suddenly turned looking like a ghost. I was about to lose my balance but I composed myself by holding the wall of the balcony. I climbed up slowly only to find her opening the window. And it was her only and her face was again covered with her dupatta. I think I found the correct room. She opened the window and came towards me.

"You okay?" She asked looking at me with worried look and I jumped in making her back away.

"Its me." I said putting down my mask and her eyes widened.

"What the hell?" She said looking at me all shocked. She held my hand and took me inside the room and closed the window hurriedly.

"Muttal manushiye. Ungaluku paithiyama? Ungala pathi kavala padama yepdi inga vandheenga? Ungaluku yendha bayamum illaya? Idhu unga veedu illa. Idhu oru sirai inga veli aatkal uyiroda velila poga matanga." She was saying while glaring at me but I was loving her eyes.

(Stupid human. Are you mad? How can you come here without worrying about yourself? Don't you have any fear? This is not your house. This is a prison where an outsider don't go out alive.)

"English please." I said to her and she rolled her eyes sighing deeply.

"Are you stupid? You shouldn't come here. This is not a house. This is a prison where human comes but they never go out alive." She said glaring at me and I looked at her weirdly. Why is she calling here house a prison?

"Life doesn't have any meaning for you?" She said and I again looked at her.

"Why are you here?" She again asked before I can answer her.

"Why are you silent now? Speak." She said and I rolled my eyes.

"If you keep your mouth shut then only I can speak." I said looking at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Now tell me why are you here?" She asked calmly this time and I sighed.

"Why aren't you answering Faheem's call? Not even any reply of text. What's happening? And why are you here? In this type of room where there's no light, no fan and not even a bed for you to sleep." I said looking at her with frowns and she sighed.

"I have been kept captive here." She said making me shock.


"Why are you so shocked? I'm locked up here." She said looking at me and I was looking at her weirdly.

"Anyone would be shocked if you'll say that you are being locked in this room at your own house." I said looking at her and she sighed.

"Its truth. That's why I couldn't come last time." She said sighing deeply and I was still hell confused.

"Who did this? Why are you captured here? And that too at your own home? This is all so confusing." I said glaring at her and she looked at me then chuckled.

"You look cute when you are frustrated." She said looking at me and I can say she is smiling.

"This is not the answers of my questions." I said glaring at her and she rolled her eyes.

"How many people we have helped from last two years?" She asked turning to me and I sighed.

"11. Happy? Now tell me the reason." I said and she looked down.

"I didn't agree on a marriage proposal. So my father locked me up here." She said looking down and I looked at her weirdly.

"Will he get what he wants by locking you up here?" I asked and she looked up. The only thing which was missing from her eyes was Kohl.

"Never. I will choose to die than marrying someone he will choose for me." She said gritting her teeth and I frowned.

"Can I know what's happening from the start?" I asked looking at her who looked at me then nodded her head.

"I don't have bed or anything other than this mat. So take your seat here." She said placing the book and candle aside. She also took her seat on the mat.

"It all started a month ago. A proposal came for me and my father wanted me to accept it cause he want a land and the family who came for my proposal will give him the land. So, in short, he is exchanging me with a land. I'm not a product to be sold so I rejected. And the result is in front of you." She said looking at me and I was just speechless. Can a parent be this cruel?

"Your siblings didn't do anything?" I asked and she chuckled.

"No one is allowed to go against Mr.Ashfaq. Or should I say no one has the audacity to go against him." She said shaking her head and I was shocked. Really shocked. I mean. I don't know what to say further.

"If you haven't opened your phone yet then how do you know that two people have left the village?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"Both of my brothers know what I do. It always become a ruckus the other morning. So, they were confused that if I'm here then who is doing this thing. So, I told them that there's someone who used to help me so he might be doing that." She said looking at me and I shook my head.

"By the way, why are you here?" She asked looking at me with raised brows and I looked at her.

"To meet you." I said and she frowned.

"Why suddenly?"

"Because I was worried for you." I said shrugging my shoulders and she shook her head.

"Why were you worried for me?" She again asked and I rolled my eyes.

"You didn't show up from last two times that's why." I said and she nodded her head.

"What's the relation between us that you got worried?" She asked making me more confused. Why is she acting like a questioning queen?

"Because we are partners." I said looking at her while she looked down sighing deeply as if I let her hopes down. But why?

"Just partners?" She asked looking back at me after some time.

"Do you want to be more than partners?" I asked narrowing my brows and she smiled.

"I won't mind being life partners." She said making me hell shocked.

"Come again?" I said looking at her with wide eyes and she chuckled.

"These things shouldn't be repeated." She said shaking her head and I looked at her. My Allah. She made my heart beat weirdly.

"Are you proposing me indirectly?" I asked looking at her and she looked up.

"Will you accept it or reject it?" She asked me back and I smiled.

"Do you like me?" I asked narrowing my eyes and she looked down.

"What if I say that I love you?" She said making my eyes wide and my heart. Well, it was out of control. Oh my Allah. This is not what I was expecting. This night meeting is going somewhere else.

"Huh?" I looked at her hearing her while she was waving her hands in front of me.

"What if I say that I love you?" She repeated and I smiled.

"I will be shocked." I said smiling at her and she narrowed her brows.

"Why? Can't a girl love a boy?" She asked and I chuckled.

"You don't know anything about me." I said and she shook her head.

"May be I will have the whole life to know about you." She said shrugging her shoulders and I chuckled looking down.

"I'm not rich like you." I said shaking my head and looked back at her while she was looking at me.

"I don't want be a part of rich family. You can say I rejected that stupid man's proposal because of his richness also." She said shaking her head and I smiled.

"Your Dad won't agree with us." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"We'll runaway." She said and I shook my head.

"I don't need that. Not at least for us." I said shaking my head and she rolled her eyes.

"What will you do then?" She asked and I smiled.

"First let's leave this thing away. For now let's think of a way to take you out from here." I said looking at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Is there a way?" She asked and I nodded my head.

"There should be. There's not a single problem without any solution." I said smiling at her and she nodded her head.

"I have an idea. We have to do this." I said to her after thinking for some time and she looked at me. But her eyes widened when I told her what to do.

Assalamualaikum and Hello cuties. How are you all?

How was the second chapter? Enjoyed it? Loved it? How was their talks? And proposal? And what has Aariz said to Azra that she is shocked? Any idea? Let me know your views in the comment section. I'll be waiting.

Do vote and comment please. It means a lot.
Take care till next time.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:
