Characters and Prologue

Azra's Family:

Azra Khan. 23 years old. Female Protagonist.

Afshan Khan. 20 years old. Azra's Younger Sister.

Ahsan Khan. 17 years old. Azra's Younger Brother.

Asma Khan. Azra's Mother.

Ashfaq Khan. Azra's Father.

Shaaz Khan. 21 years old. Azra's  Chachi's Son. Paternal Cousin  Brother.

Sadiya Khan. 19 years old. Azra's Chachi's Daughter. Paternal Cousin Sister.

Swaleha Khan. Azra's Chachi.

Shoaib Khan. Azra's Chachu.

Aariz's Family:

Aariz Malik. 25 years old. Male Protagonist.

Hamiz Malik. 25 years old. Aariz's Best Friend.


"Are you really going to talk to Abbu?" She asked being serious after some time and I nodded my head.

"Yep. I can try, right? I know there is 0.1% chance of him agreeing with this but still I will have satisfaction that I have tried. I haven't just ran away like a coward. And running away is very big step." I said smiling lightly at her and she nodded her head.

"But be ready to runaway cause that's the only option we'll be left with." She said nodding her head and I smiled.

"Okay. I'll be ready. But will you really adjust in my life? I'm not rich like this. Your one room is my whole house." I said smiling at her and she smiled.

"Richness is a prison. I don't want to live in prison. No one wants to go to another jail leaving one jail." She said smiling at me and I chuckled.

Azra Khan. 23 years old lives in a small village of Tamil Nadu. Daughter of the head of the village. Loves her mother and siblings a lot. She has a weird hate towards her Dad. Believes in the word 'Love' so much that she can sacrifice many things for it and can go to any extent for it.

Aariz Malik. 25 years old orphan boy who lives in small village of Tamil Nadu and makes money for his living. And it is not easy for a North Indian boy to survive in South without knowing the language. A hardworking man who has become successful after many hurdles. Works in a small company which gives him enough money for him to survive. Doesn't have any family other than his colleagues and a best friend. Loves to help people who are in need.

Let's see how they meet and what are the problems waiting for them. The people who share many things common but still are unknown of each other. Let's join their journey of love who may have not thought about love before. :) :)

Assalamualaikum and Hello cuties. How are you all?

How was the Prologue? And characters? Are you finding the book interesting after reading the prologue? Let me know your views in the comment section. I'll be waiting.

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Take care till next time.
Allah Hafiz and Bye. :) (:
