Chapter 31: Never

Tracy sat, back against the wall, as her thoughts reeled. She stared at the screen of her phone, the white 'December 29th' making her different coloured eyes hurt. The brunette took shaking breaths, dropping her hand and letting her phone slide to the floor. The other rose to cover her eyes as they started to water. 'Why did Bon have brown hair? Am I dead?' But her most important thought question was: 'What is happening/ what happened?'

Another one was: What do I do?

After her breathing was steadied a little, she pushed herself up and left the hospital room, her phone left on the floor. She walked past patients, visitors, nurses, and doctors; who all ignored the 16-year-old. She stopped outside, pausing for a moment to breath the cold night air. Then she turned and started running, her feet taking the well-known path to the pizzeria. She stops as her foot kicks up small rubble.

"Oh no." Tracy whispers. "No, no, no, no-!" She runs to the pile of rubble that used to be her second home, not caring when clothing or skin tore. Cardboard scraped against her leg, causing her to stop and turn, ripping open the box and grabbing what was inside. The 16-year-old doesn't hear the clicking of dress shoes until the stranger speaks. "'Scuse me, who are you?" Tracy's head snaps up, her whole body tense.

"I could ask you the same," Tracy's voice is devoid of anything that could give something away. "What are you doing here?" The man rolls his eyes at this stupid girl. "That is none of your business, this site is off-limits to the public." Tracy remains in her spot. "I'm not the public." The man pulls out his phone, ready to dial 911. "Who are you then? The Tooth Fairy?" He smiles smugly, but Tracy doesn't budge, the familiar white mask clutched in one hand.

"I..." she giggles. "I'm the one who knows what they've been through. I'm one you don't hold it against. I have experienced NIGHTMARE situations. I-" Before the man could bark out a disbelieving laugh, Tracy whipped her head around; her torso had twisted almost painfully, but Tracy's face was split with insanity, her pupils tiny as a dark liquid ran from a cut next to her hairline. "Am the DeAD SoUl wHO'll bE yoUR paInFUL EnD!" The man opened his mouth to scream, but Tracy was already in front of him, grabbing his phone and crushing it with her bare hand, the other grabbing the snow white dress shirt and pushing him back. As he lands with a painful thud, Tracy picks up the largest piece of the cell phone remains. "SO let'S ceLEbrAtE..." she mutters as she walks forward, not flinching when her feet stung with cuts.

The man tries to push himself away, his breathing fast and short. "Y-You don't know who I am!" he cries, his mind searching in vain for a way out. "Y-You w-wouldn't dare at-ttack me!" Tracy just smiles as his back met cement, and he was forced to stop. "Well... sEe, I DOn'T caRE." Tracy puts it bluntly as she leans over him, her free hand pressed against the rough, broken end of the wall. The piece of metal stabs into the man's wide eye and he screams, hands flying up to try pulling the metal out.

A bloody hand grabs a wrist, staining the dress shirt an ugly shade. "Ah, AH, AH... i THink yOu NEEd A maKEoveR~"


By the time people had woken up to screaming, Tracy had backed away, leaving the man to slowly die as she smeared his blood on the ground a few feet away. Her hand brushed against a paper the man had dropped at the beginning, the words catching her eyes. "Oh?" she read through the note quickly, smiling to herself when she finished. "I know that location." She stands up, her bare feet scraping across the ground as she walks back to the box. Her dry hands plunge into the dark blue fabric, pulling it out as the sky begins to lighten.

"I'm going to find everyone." Tracy declares to the world around her as she pulls the coat on, the bottom brushing against her calves. She bends down and picks up the mask, one red finger running down a purple stripe. "Nothing will stop me from trying." She places the mask over her face, smiling when it fits against her features perfectly. Reaching for a long piece of clothing, she winds it around her waist to close the coat, tying the end off and ripping away unwanted material. Tracy looks at the sliver of sun, the golden light starting to bathe the city. "Never mess with me. Everyone regrets it-

"Shadows are no exception."

~9:30 AM~

The dark underground was starting to smell like someone who hadn't taken a shower in months. Water dripped from a leaky faucet somewhere. Other than that it was silent. Well-

"She's WHAT?" Shadow sighs, watching his partner tear the room apart. For the fifth time this week. "I just said, 'the girl is still alive.' Why do you always yell after I tell you something you don't like?" The man lowers the broken chair to the ground, his eyes glowing red with rage. Literally. "I just..." he clenches his fist, biting his tongue. "I was positive- she would die when I stabbed her. She had deep cuts all over her body from running from us, the broken ankle, the internal bleeding from running into that table at her speed..."

I look at the papers scattered across the floor; words, sketches, and pictures. One particular picture catches my eye. I scoop it up, an idea taking seed in my brain. "Nightmare..." he looks at me as I hold the picture for him to see. "What if we took this to our advantage?" He studies it, and soon his face is split with a joyful grin. "Perfect."


Oh no. oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooooooooooooooooo. What are those shadows planning?!


And youuuuuuuuuuuuuu will neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeever knooooooooooooooooooooooow, mwAH-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Notch, I hate October. All of my less-sane sides come out. 
