Chapter 28: Dark and Darker...

*Tracy's POV*

"Don't make a sound. Or else you won't ever make one again."



"CC, get over here now!"

"Wh-What happened?"

"Sh-Shadows... j-ju-"


I jolt up in the car seat, my neck complaining with pain. Wait... the car. I look behind me and see everyone asleep in the uncomfortable car position. I face forward again, breathing heavily. "The crap..." I mutter, folding my arms, but unfolding them once remembering the dream.

"Bad dream?" My head snaps to the side, Dad looking at me from the corner of his eye, his hands on the wheel. I sigh, sinking down a little in the chair. "More like nightmare..." I squirm, images of bloody hands flashing in my mind's eye. We're silent for a few miles, the deep breathing of everyone else in the background. "So~" Dad starts slowly, sounding a little unsure. "I forgot to ask... how're your brothers?"

I sink lower, blood pooling in my cheeks. Dad nods slowly. "Okay... not so good, I'm guessing."

"Last I saw them," I mumble, staring at my knees. "I had ran out of the hospital, freaking out about you guys." I see Dad smile slightly, scoffing. "And then this field trip happened." I nod. "Yup." We're silent again, and I hear Silvy wince in his sleep, mumbling something. I look down at my hands, clean and blood-free. How long will that last?

"Do any of them have a phone?" Dad says softly, my head snapping to him. "Don't tell me you want to call them." He shakes his head. "No. Just... curious." I look at him a good long bit, then look away. "Yes. Rob and Will have phones."

"Any girlfriends?" I almost shriek with laughter. "Dad!" He smiles, spreading his fingers out. "What? I'm just asking!" I cover my face, holding back loud laughter. "Well.." I catch my breath. "I... I don't know. If there's something we don't talk about... it's our love lives."

"Oh... so do you have a boyfriend?" This time, I do shriek, some people jumping. "Dad! No! I don't!" He smirks as I hide my burning face, mumbling nonsense. "Alright, I understand you don't want to tell me." I nearly shriek again and Dad laughs. I hear somebody groan, shifting in their seat. "You two are being loud..." Gold groans. "Whyyy?"

"Sorry, Gold." Dad says, looking at him through the rearview mirror. "Just playing my part as a dad." I see Gold smile, sitting back in his seat. "Okay... uh, where are we?" I look outside the window to see the sky a blend of pale orange, yellow, and pink; the sun a pale golden circle hiding behind the mountains. "We're in the outskirts of Tooele County." Dad answers, yawning a little. "We're maybe fifteen miles away from where we need to go. But first, I say breakfast." Gold and I agree immediately, some people waking up as we pull into a parking lot.

I hop out, my legs feeling like Jell-O as I walk to the sidewalk outside the restaurant. Half-asleep people climb out of the van as Mike's car pulls up, Mike rolling his window down. "We'll see you inside!" I nod, waving as they drive away to find an open spot in the actually-quite-packed parking lot. We all walk inside, Dad and Gold already waiting inside. "Welcome to IHop." Gold grins, and I laugh. "Come on, let's eat."

When Mike, Vincent, Jeremy and Fritz join us, the first thing we all order is hot chocolate. We all burst out laughing when the waiter leaves. "D-did we all just order the same drink?!" Fritz gasps. "Wow...!" After we calm down, people giving us weird looks, we order food, eat, and climb back into the van and car. Nothing special. Stop giving me that look.

Stop it. It's not nice. ... STOP. xC

Fifteen minutes later, we're all standing at the back of a very old-looking building. "Is this it?" Mike asks, the crowbar in his hand loosely. Man, that thing is becoming his trademark weapon. "It looks like it's going to collapse at any moment."

"This is it." Gold confirms, shoving open the door. We go in cautiously and I notice a doorway off to the right, a box inside. I step in, pulling the flaps open. Familiar masks are piled inside, surprisingly clean and brightly coloured compared to the what I can now see is a security office. I pull one out, holding it to my face. "Hey, Jr." he turns, then bursts out laughing.

I make a face behind the mask, tilting it slightly left and right. "I'm Toy Freddy." I say in a deep voice. "I'm a chubbier version of the original Freddy Fazbear, and a total copycat!" Everyone's laughing as I continue to mock Jr, he laughing the hardest of all. "I'm afraid to go into the bathrooms, and I don't do a thing while the night guard watches us! I'm just a big, scared, lazy copycat!" I lower the mask, grinning like a fool. "How'd I do, Jr?"

"Y-You.." he gasps, leaning against the wall as he tries to stop laughing. "Wh-Where did... you... f-find that?" I point to the box, the flaps still open. "In here. It looks like a security office." Jr steps in, reaching into the box and pulling out a blue mask. He holds it to his face, facing Bon. "Heeeey, Bon." Bon looks like he's going to cry of laughter. "Wh-What am I seeing here?" he gasps dramatically. "A double of me? How is that possible!"

Jr points behind him, towards the desk. "I came from the small figurine that sits on the desk behind me, Bon. Your presence here has awakened me!" They crack up as I turn to the desk, Fritz already in the old chair behind it, studying a flat box. "Omigod, I didn't notice those before." I pick up the little Chica, my mouth opening. "Does Chica have little fangs? My God, that just made her look cute." I look at the other two figurines on the desk, noting that the bunny is blue. A beep makes me jump and I spin on my heel.

"Sorry!" Fritz exclaims, the tablet screen now lit. "I turned it on... somehow." He looks jumpy from the sudden noise, but with a shake of the head he's back to normal. I shakily turn back around, some people standing outside the glass window stretching across the length of the wall, staring at me in question. I wave them off, mouthing that we're fine. Fritz remains in the chair while I open drawers, shuffling through the old papers and hand-drawn pictures inside. Nothing strikes my interest until something actually strikes the top of my head.

I rub the spot, glaring at the metal fan sitting quietly on the desk. Then I notice a small part of the base of the fan is higher than the rest, looking like it's been painted over to look like one solid base. I raise the fan off the desk, turning it upside-down. The paint was several layers thick, providing no opening to slide a fingernail in. "Damn it."

"Find anything?" Fritz asks absently, tapping his fingers against the tablet screen. I sigh. "Not really. Just a little bump on the base of this fan, but it's been painted over too many times." I set it back down on the desk, reaching to push little Chica back to her place next to little Bon. As I pull my hand back, it brushes against something plastic. Questioning, I reach in the area I brushed against the plastic and wrap my fingers around two slender sticks, pulling the object toward me.

I shriek once the stark white eyes enter the dim light, dropping the purplish-black figurine. Fritz' head snaps up, but once he sees I'm fine he looks back down at the screen, smiling. I sneak a peek over his shoulder, then get confused. "Why are you watching Mike and Jeremy? And what are they doing?"

"They're just talking." Fritz answers, tapping away from the two men. "They've been good friends for a few years." he doesn't say anything else, and I don't question any further. I crouch next to the open square at the bottom of the wall, looking inside. The metal walls stretch for several feet, then turns to the left sharply. I glance back at Fritz, who still is playing with the tablet. Turning back to the vent, I tilt forward to my hands and knees, crawling until my feet are in the vent. Glancing back for a second, Fritz hasn't heard me, so I continue crawling down the vent.

At the corner, I see a small camera facing the way I would have to go down. I bend my head to look behind me and something bites into my neck. Reaching back, I pull the Toy Freddy mask out. It must've caught onto my hair. Wonderful.

I put it on top of my head, continuing down the vent. I pass openings of other vents, ignoring them. My gut was telling me to go straight, so that's what I'm going to do. Crawl until I reach the end. The mask rubs uncomfortably between my head and the top of the vent, making my eye twitch with the sound.

Then my knees land on air, legs swinging down as my chest is pressed against the edge of the hole, my hands clawing to find a place to grab. Before they can find friction, gravity's pull on my legs tugs me over the edge and into air for two seconds. Then my back hits wood, my sudden weight making the table collapse. I end up lying in the remains of the poor table, air refusing to rush into my lungs. Dust settles on and around me as I gape like a fish out of water.

Did you think she'd find the missing animatronics? Lol, tricked ya! :3

As footsteps run towards me, air finally whooshes into my lungs, I sucking up the carbon dioxide gratefully. As I breath deeply, someone grabs my arms and pulls me to my feet. "Are you okay?" I open my eyes to see someone who looks like-

"Freddy?" he hesitates, then nods. I grip his arms, exclaiming. "Where were you? Is everyone else safe? Wait- are you okay? Are you hurt? Cut? Any-" a cold finger presses to my lips and I shiver. "I'm fine. I don't know where anyone is."

"Woah, woah." I pull my arm away from his grip. "First off, ew. Your breath reeks." I wave a hand in front of my face, ignoring the blood smeared in streaks on it. "Second, there is no way in hell that you are actually Freddy." I smack his cheek, the pale powder falling off to reveal paler skin. His eye tics as he growls. "Well then," a wicked smile stretches across his face, his pupils shrinking. "I guess I need to finish off what the table started~!" I shriek, barely dodging the knife that comes out of hiding.

He laughs maniacally as I run into the hall, pain shooting up my leg as my ankle bangs against a prop. "Aww, come back Tracy. We aren't done!" I scream as he suddenly appears in front of me, teeth white as the knife glints in the dull light. I try to stop, but I run straight into him. He doesn't make a sound of pain, his hand tightening around my arm as the knife digs into my other arm. Luckily, it doesn't hit the arteries. But blood does spurt out, spattering onto my face and his. I yank myself away, pressing my hand to the cut as blood runs down my arm. "Why!" I scream. "Why do you hate me?"

He chuckles softly, wiping the knife on his dress shirt. "That's simple. You're alive. Your "family", however," his eyes turned pitch black. "Is not. Besides those four men you dragged along." he makes a face. "We're going to have to kill them too..." the insane smile returns, looking creepy with the pitch black eyes. "Fantastic!" I scream again as he lunges for me, but duck under his attack, running down the hall. I hear him yell for help, but don't hear him run after me as I plunge deeper into the building. I react too late turning a corner, and pain slashes horizontally across my cheekbone.

I run down the dull hall, my arms wrapped tightly as humanly possible around me as warmness runs down my cheek. I look left and right with my blurry vision, trying to find a way to escape the long hallway, flickering lights making my eyes see things that aren't there. My foot catches on a small pile of rubble and I stumble, my mouth opening in surprise. My hands reach out in front of me for balance, and I see they're dark red, tiny bits of darker stuff sticking up. I feel someone behind me right before they grab my neck, and my vocal cords finally let out a high note that's cut off almost right after as the hand tightens.

"Don't make a sound." His voice snarls in my ear. "Or else you won't ever make one again." My hands fly to the man behind me, slapping against his face. He shrieks, letting go of my throat. I take off running again, screaming. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP!" The man roars, almost inhumanly, behind me in hot pursuit. I feel hot tears running down the cleaner side of my face, and my voice cracks as I scream again. "DAD! DAD, HELP ME!"

Light catches my attention as I run, and I immediately swerve in it's direction. My arms pump as the light grows closer and I hear panicked voices and materials being swept aside. My foot catches on another pile of rubble, pain stabbing in my ankle. My lips part to scream, but my voice doesn't work. I hear a roar of anger as I run through the doorway, but I can't help feeling relief as my side rams into a table, my hands slapping down on the metal surface.

"Tracy!" JJ screams, and more people shriek in horror at the sight. I keep my head down as footsteps run over to me, cold hands grabbing my shoulders. "Tracy, where have you been!" Dad asks, complete panic and relief in his voice. "We heard you screaming, a-and then-" he cuts himself off as I open my mouth, coughing. I taste metallic liquid as I continue to cough, and warm wetness splats against my pants.

"CC, get over here now!" Dad yells, his hands tightening on my shoulders. CC? Lighter footsteps run over as my hands slide off the table, falling to the floor. "Trace- Trace, you need to lift your head." I manage to stop coughing to nod once, and then I retch, warm liquid finally decreasing in dripping from my mouth. I lift up my head, Dad and CC's eyes widening as I do. "T-Tracy...?" CC squeaks as Dad raises a hand to my face, cupping it. "Wh-What happened?"

"Sh-Shadows..." I choke. "J-ju-" I retch again, blood turning my blue jeans dark red, darker in the places where blood already was. "Tracy...?" Dad's voice sounds weak and his eyes are shiny. I can't speak because of the blood, but I raise a shaking, bloody hand. 'Dad?' his eyebrows raise at the signing, but he dismisses it. "I-I'm so sorry..."

I smile weakly, signing with my shaking hands. 'Not sorry. I found you.' Dad's chin quivers as he pulls me into a tight hug, his tears feeling hot as they fall onto my head. Then
