Chapter 1: A Job?

- T R A C Y -

"Done! Finally!" I cheer, collapsing on top of my unmade bed. I scan the brown bookcase with satisfaction, then look at the six other boxes waiting to be unpacked and organized. Groaning, I lay back and shield my eyes from the unholy sight. "Bleh..." Hearing my door creak open, I peek between my tan fingers to see Will poke his head in. "And how are you doing today, Ms. Tracy?" he asks in a fake posh voice.

I giggle, tossing a powder blue pillow at his blonde head. "I'm doing magnificent, thank you for asking." I mimic. My eyes lock with his, and we enter one of our infamous staring contests. A minute goes by, and neither of us budged. Then I blinked, and wailed in defeat as Will fist-bumps the air. "I win!" he crows.

"Unfair!" I cry as Rob and David, my other two brothers, peek in to see what was going on. "I call cheat!" Will gasps in horror, pointing at me accusingly. "I refuse to accept that. I am a man of honor!" he jumps on my bed, sending me off. I stick my tongue out, blowing a raspberry. He gasps in horror again, now perched on the edge of the mattress. "Sir Robert!" he exclaims, finally noticing David and Rob. "You must help me defeat this witch! Her sorcery is too powerful for a man such as I!"

Rob considers it for a second, before David whispers something in his ear. He grins, brown eyes glinting. "I would, Sir William, but-" Rob comically fell to the floor, clutching his shirt. "I have been cursed!" he gasps. "The witch is too powerful for even I!" I cackle, jumping on top of Will as he screams, my fingers finding his ticklish spot easy. "Th-Then," Will chokes between laughs. "W-we must c-ca-all the m-most p-p-powerful m-man o-of all!"

"Did someone say powerful?!" David crows as he leaps into the fray. "For I, the Great David!-" he rolls the 'r' in 'great,' like Tony the Tiger. "Shall defeat this awful menace-" He throws a wink at an imaginary crowd. "With my amazing skills and dashing charm!" I burst out laughing, ceasing Will's torture. Rob gets up from his spot on the floor, pulling something out from his back pocket as he straightens his shirt. "Okay..." he chuckles, waving the newspaper in front of my pink face. "Onto a totally boring subject... Tracy, you need to get a job."

I stare at the black and white paper as Rob planted it on my lap, a red Sharpie landing on top. "I know you don't want to," Rob speaks before I open my mouth. "But with..." he falls silent, and my lips purse together as David and Will stay silent. "But with just the four of us living here-" Rob says carefully. "All four of us, as consequence, need to work to be able to pay bills and still be able to have some fun." he cracks a smile, and the three of us return it. I pick up the newspaper and Sharpie, pushing myself off of Will. "Καλά καλά..." I turn at the doorway, dramatically bowing. "Υψηλότατε." David and Will burst out laughing as Rob shouts indignantly and I hightail it out of there.

I stop in the kitchen, grabbing an apple as I sit down at the table, opening the newspaper to the Help Wanted section. I stare at the numerous ads, then sigh. No way am I just going to read them all. I twist in the chair, shouting upstairs. "Oi! Dear brothers of mine! Let's play a game!" As they tromp down the carpeted stairs, I push the table and chairs off to the side, as I can testify from previous 'games' that it takes a lot of space. When I'm done, I turn around and face Rob, who has his hand behind his back.

"I have a number between 1 and 30." he says, David and Will on either side of me. Usually it's the three of us playing, and Rob 'supervises.' "Pick a number... Will."

"21." Will smirks.


"16." He rolls his eyes at Will, who's snickering at his joke.

"Tracy?" I think for a second. "29." Rob grins out of habit, and reveals his hand. "The number was 20." he declares. I groan as Will smiles wickedly at me. David goes over beside Rob as Will says he's going to spin me as fast as he can. 'Oh boy.' I think as I spin on the tile floor. 'Oooooh, I'm going to puke on Will for this.' After he deems me dizzy enough, I stagger over to the table, pushing aside chairs and grab the sharpie, circling an ad as my vision swims. At least I think I circled one...

"That was the weirdest thing I've seen this week." David mutters as I blink the dizziness away. As the boys put the table and chairs back where they were before, I read the ad that was completely in the circle. The other one was an obituary. Not looking for a job like that! I stare at the picture on the ad for a bit, feeling my nervous tic start to act up.

"Tracy? Hey, Trace." I look up, David about to snap his fingers by my ear. "What's the ad?"

"Uhh..." Should I lay it down gently, or...?

Before I can decide, Rob's got the newspaper, and is reading the ad. His eyes widen as he reads the ad. "No." he says finally, tossing the newspaper to the counter. "Not there. We've had enough of that place."

"What place?" Will questions as I slowly slide over to the newspaper, picking it up and tucking it under my shirt, all the while still facing my 24-year-old brother. Said one looks at me, an eyebrow raised, and I shrug. Rob sighs, pulling a hand through his hair as he tells David and Will the ad.


Freddy Fazbear's Pizza

Family pizzeria looking for security guard to

work the nightshift, 12am to 6am.

Monitor cameras, ensure safety of

equipment and animatronic characters.

Not responsible for injury/dismemberment.

$120 a week.

To apply, call: 1-888-FAZ-FAZBEAR

As the three of them dive into conversation, I sneak back up to my room, feeling the same old chill as I walk by the largest bedroom in the house. As I read the ad again, I feel something like nausea swirl in my stomach. Not responsible for injury or dismemberment. Nightshift from 12 to 6. $120 a week. All of this makes my brain scream 'Don't go there! Don't apply for the job!' But as I pick up my phone, a different part of my brain brings memories of the place to the front of it. As the phone rings, I find myself smiling.

I don't care if Rob says no. We agreed I'd apply for the job I select. If I don't get it, boo hoo. If I do...

My smile shrinks a bit. What's going to happen if I'm hired by Freddy Fazbear?
