Chapter 12: Dreams Can Be Memories

Gold: Hey, everyone! Sorry, Tori isn't available at the moment, she's taking a shower. And she tends to accidentally take long ones, so I'll be nice and post this chapter for her! :D

Hope you like!

*Tracy's POV*

As soon as I fall asleep in my bed, I only have a dream of pitch blackness. It's nice, to not have a crazy dream for once.


I spoke too soon.


I'm standing in a sunny backyard, and I see my mom doing some yard work, like she always did, her hair pulled back with a zebra-printed bandanna. A man with dark hair is holding a four-year-old David. I can tell it's him by his already curly blonde hair. It's weird, because he's the only one with curly hair. Even Mom or Dad didn't have curly hair. Slightly wavy hair for Mom, yes, but curly? Hell to the no.

"Alright, buddy, ready to fly?" the man asks David. David only giggles, and the man lightly tosses him into the air, just an inch above his own outstretched hands. The man caught David easily, and tossed him into the air again. David squealed with delight, and I watched in awe at everything. Rob must be in school, but who's the man? I'm sure I've never seen him before...

"Martin?" Mom called, standing up and wiping the dirt from her faded pants. "I have to go get Rob from school, do you mind being alone with David?"

"Ah, of course I am!" Martin laughed, catching David again. "He's my buddy, right David?" He held out his hand in front of David, and David clumsily hit Martin's palm. Mom laughed and - to my utter shock - gave Martin a kiss. "I'll be back before you know it!" Mom says cheerfully.

"I know it!" Martin - Dad - calls after her, and I hear Mom's warm laugh. Then Dad reached into his pocket when a phone started ringing. He held the black phone to his ear, shifting David to his hip. "Hello? Oh, hi Pop." Dad paused. "Tired of him already?" Dad chuckled, and my mind faintly remembers hearing that laugh. "Alright, Torie's already gone to pick up Rob from school, so I'll just call her and tell her to go and get Will while she's at it. Thank you for watching him." Dad hung up, and I thought: Rob, David and Will? And if David's four, that means Will is two. My eyes widen. I'm coming along in a year.

And this dark-haired man is my father.

I watch him carry David inside, then follow him. David gets put in a barricaded section of the living room (the couch, love seat and giant brown chair, along with the wall) with plush toys and toy cars, and my dad suddenly runs to the bathroom.

Oh, okay, he has to pee.

But I'm suddenly in the bathroom with him, and I shriek, covering my eyes. "WHY, DREAM, WHY?!"

But I hear my dad take a sharp breath, and the sound of the cabinet door that also serves as a mirror being opened. I take a tiny peek between my fingers, and see Dad standing in front of the sink, (fully clothed, don't worry) one hand on the edge of the cabinet door as the other is reaching for something. For the first time, I notice his skin is really pale. Like, white really pale!

Dad closes the cabinet and I get a good look at his face in the mirror. His eyes are a really dark brown, so they look black. His pale pink moth was in a tight line as his pale hands unscrewed something.

"Dang it." Somehow, he cuts himself, and I see the bright spot of red on his finger. Wait... what's that dark line in the bead of blood? It kind of looks like oil. I look back to Dad's face, and notice his cheeks are very flushed, like he was sick. Then he popped something in his mouth and took a long drink of water, and the flush disappeared a little.

Dad remained slightly bent over the sink for a little, breathing slowly. Then David started crying in the living room, and I see Dad smile. He walks out of the bathroom, and my dream changes.

-Dream Change-

It seems to be two years later, because I'm in the house. I'm just barely crawling, and Dad sits halfway across the living room, holding a blue stuffed animal bunny with a red bowtie out in front of him. "Come on, Tracy." he says, his dark eyes glittering. "Get the bunny!"

Little my gurgles and crawls quickly over to him, easily grabbing the blue bunny. I tug on the left ear, my blue eyes sparkling with happiness. Dad tickles my bare foot, a happy smile on his face. Then the front door slams open. "Dad! Dad!" A nine-year-old Rob shouts, dumping his backpack next to the door. He jumps on Dad, and Dad comically falls. "Ohh, you got me, Robbie!" Dad grins. "How was school?"

"It was awesome!" Rob exclaimed. "We learned a lot of new stuff, and we've started learning cursive!"

"Cursive, huh?" Dad sat up, putting Rob on his lap. "Well, that's awesome, champ!" I crawl over, and Rob grins. "Hi, Tracy!" I wave clumsily, the blue bunny forgotten. Mom came through the front door, with six-year-old David holding her hand. Mom kicked the door shut, her other hand clutching a box, her fingers curled around the strap of David's backpack. "Daddy!" David shouted, and ran up to hug Dad. Mom hung David's pack on a hook on the wall, set the box under it, and walked over to give Dad a quick peck on the cheek. "Is Will asleep upstairs?" Dad nodded, and Mom climbed up the stairs to check on him.

I see Dad turn to the box, his face looking pale again, then back to the three of us. Rob has the blue bunny, and David has found a light brown bear with a black bowtie from somewhere in the toy box. They had given me a bright yellow chicken with a white shirt and pink shorts on, and I was hugging it.

"Uh, Torie?" Dad calls up the stairs. "Who's the box for?"

"You!" Mom calls from Will's room. "No return address!"

Dad sighs, and gets up from the floor, walking over and picking up the box. "Torie, can I talk to you when the kids are in bed?" he calls, shaking the box a little. Rob looks up from playing with me and David, his brown eyes slightly narrowed. Four-year-old Will comes tromping down the stairs, his blonde hair still messy. Rob's face lights up, and he runs over to the toy box. After shuffling a few toys aside, Rob pulls out a white fox, its tail tipped with pink. There's also a pink bow around the fox's neck. Will takes the fox happily, and the four of us started playing some sort of game, where Will had the fox hanging upside down, like it was crawling on the ceiling.

"Actually, now would be a good time." Dad says as Mom comes down, and beckons for her to follow him back upstairs. I want to follow them, but my dream forced me to stay in the living room. Rob is saying stuff in different voices, obviously being the different stuffed animals. I watch him move the four stuffed animals around, David, Will and I watching with interest.

-Dream Change-

Great! Without warning, my dream changes. As I blink the whiteness from my eyes, I see Dad sitting at a desk in the basement. I've sat at that desk before. But Dad has a couple of small bottles of paint around him, and I see basic white, purple, and red. He mutters to himself as he paints something, hunched over it. I slowly walk in a wide arc, trying to see what my dad was painting. It looks like some kind of mask. Half of it was painted white, while the unpainted part looked like thin wood.

*Gold's POV*

I stare at my hands, zoned out. Human... we're human again.

"Lance?" Freddy sits on the stage next to me. "You okay?" I glance at him, then smile a little. "Yeah, I'm fine, Fred. I'm just a little... awed, still."

Freddy smiled, laughing a little. "Hm. Me too." He looks down at his feet, sticking them out a little. "Been a long time since I've seen my feet without a bear nose in the way." I laugh, and Freddy's smile widens. "Well, it is!"

I bump my foot against his, smiling. "Well, though I have no idea how this happened, I'm glad it did. Cuz now I can see my little brother's actual face again, instead of a mask." Freddy leans his head on my shoulder and I wrap an arm around him, hugging him.

Chica: Awww.....

Bonnie: That's a cute ending. AM I RIGHT?

Tori: You're right, Bonnie. That's why I did it. :D

ANYWAYS, COMMENT IF YOU LIKED, SLAP THAT VOTE BUTTON WITH YO HEADPHONES, AAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNDDDDDD *salutes* I'll teleport with all you endermen later! *mutters to self* At least Gold was nice enough to type most of this on Wattpad for me.


Gold, why are you smiling at me weirdly?



Gold: *innocently* B/c I feel like dragging you into your unfinished basement and tickling you to death.

Freddy: He's never reached the tickling part.

Foxy: The lass is doomed.

