Chapter 25: Well...


*Tracy's POV*

"JJ?" I study her, Silvy looking at her with wide, red eyes. I've never seen her before, but her clothing is like BB's, but pink and a lighter shade of blue. She said Balloon Girl...

"Okay." Gold raises a hand, the cut on his head now bandaged. "One, JJ, I never knew you were back there," JJ smirks. "Two, Tracy why are you here?"

I'm taken aback. "I-I woke up in the hospital, with my three brothers there, and they told me about the restaurants being destroyed, and-" my eyes widen when I remember. "Oh no. Ohh no."

"What?" Silvy asks.

"Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap on a cracker!" Bon snorts. I glare at him, and he shuts up. I look straight at Dad when I speak again. "Before I passed out a few days ago, I saw someone standing behind Bon." Everyone stiffens, Bon looking behind him with a pale face. "A-And everything about him seemed to be dark. Hair, clothes, eyes... anything and nearly everything. He was also super pale."

"He." Dad says bluntly, his eyes showing he was thinking.

"Yeah! A-And when he saw I was looking at him, he smirked, and waved at me, like he was enjoying the fact that you guys were freaking out about me, and I was swaying on the spot." I swallow, the saliva starting to flood my mouth. "And then I passed out, and woke up in the hospital, with Rob, David, and Will next to me, waiting for me to wake up."

Dad raises an eyebrow, smirking a little. "You just left them there, staring after you, didn't you?" I smile slightly, my cheeks heating up. "Maybe..."

Then his expression turns serious again. "So, you're saying that the man...?"

I nod slightly. "Shadow."

"Woah, woah, woah!" Gold bursts out. "You're saying a stupid shadow took my brother?!"

"Mine too!" Bon points out. JJ raises her hand slightly, conveying her brother was taken too. I sigh, running a hand through Silvy's hair again. "Yeah. That's what I'm saying. Only, they aren't stupid."


"They got in the house. They threatened to hurt me. They hurt some of us," I wince. "And now half of us are gone. If anything else happens-" I feel something in my chest, and the small spot of fear that I had, vanished. "Those two Shadows are going to pay."

Silvy slips out of my grasp and goes to Jr, who hugs him. I don't pay attention to anything else, my mind and emotions reeling.

"Dang it, not right now, S-!" My attention snaps to Gold, and he stares right back at me, his eyes wide slightly.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask, wary.

"..." Gold is silent, just staring at me while the blood slowly drains from his face.



I frown. "That's a lie, and you know it."

Gold finally looks away, looking like he was having an animated conversation with someone. I growl under my breath, standing up. Gold pays no attention, but everyone else is watching every move. I stop in front of Gold, and he glances up. I raise an eyebrow when I see a flash of silver instead of dark blue in his eyes.

"Lance Robbins," I snap, and his shoulders tense. Yeah, I just said your full name. Deal with it. "Who. Are. You. Talking to?"

Gold looks away again, his expression a little pained. "A... An old friend."

"Old friend... as in, old-old friend, or old friend as in he's dead and an animatronic too?" Gold stiffens.

"Dang, Tracy," Mike mutters. "Way to be straight-forward and blunt." I give him a look, then turn back to Gold. "Gold..." he looks up, his eyes flashing silver again. "Do you know the suit's name?"

He shrugs. "I know what it used to be called, and what it's called now. I know... because I... my suit was next to his on the stage."


Gold breathes deeply, his brow furrowed slightly. "F-Fredbear's..." I hear a slight noise of surprise, and turn to see Dad staring at Gold with new shock. Gold looks back with pain and sadness in his expression, then he bends forward, his eyes screwing shut.

"Gold?" Vincent grabs his shoulder. We all look toward them. Dad runs forward, grabbing Gold's other shoulder. "Vincent, let go." He does, and Dad crouches so he's looking at Gold's face. "..." Gold winces, noises of pain slipping from his mouth.

"Who are you?" Dad says, his face as pale as his mask as he keeps his hands on Gold's shoulders. "Why are you doing this?"

"Uh... M-Mari..." Jr tries to interrupt. "Th-That's Gol-ld." Wow, he's got a stutter.


Not important right now, me!

Gold moans, but Dad doesn't move. He just tightens his grip, the air around his hands shimmering.

Omigosh, his hands are on fire!


I'll leave.

"Who are you?" Dad repeats, his eyes flashing.

Finally, Gold straightens, smirking. "Why - should I tell - you?" Immediately, I reel back, hissing. Gold- whoever it is, just laughs as we all step back, Dad letting go. "Woooow, real quick to learn." his metallic hair glints as the possessed Gold jumps off the desk, moving near me. I keep backing up. "But not..." I feel my back hit the wall, the edge of a cabinet in my side. "quick..." Possessed Gold is very close to my face now. "Enough."


Morning breath.

Oh wait, I'm supposed to be terrified. Psh.

"U-Uh..." I stammer, not looking away. I blindly reach for something, anything, really, but he catches my wrist. I try to tug my hand out, but a short burst of pain stops me. He has his thumb and pointer finger curled around my wrist, the rest in the air.

Great. He knows the little-kid-restraint.

I'm ready to kick upwards, but Mike beats me, whacking Possessed Gold in the head with a crowbar. He collapses, and I rub my wrist. "Sheesh," I mutter. "Didn't know he knew that trick."

"So..." Mike pokes Gold with his foot. "Should we tie him up?"

~Time Skip~

When Gold wakes up, the first thing he does is yelp someone's name, but he says it too fast to pin who it was. Then, "ALRIGHT, WHO HIT ME IN THE HEAD?"

Everyone points to Mike, who hides the crowbar behind his back. (Yes, he had it the whole time Gold was knocked out.) Gold glares at him, but then he curls in a ball on the floor, whispering something. I crouch down behind him, glancing up at everyone before bending my head down to listen.

"No.. No, I can't bring them with me! ... Seriously? Damn, I forgot how stubborn you are. ... *sigh* There's no reasoning with you once you're set on something... Fine, I'll persuade them. ...Yeah persuade. I meant to tell them, but... yeah. I'm thinking it wasn't pretty. ... ... Of course I will, Spring! Just... keep an eye on everyone, okay? Kidnap and hide them until we get there if you have too, alright? Uh-huh... mm-hm.. see ya soon..."

Gold sighs, his eyes closed. He flips to his back, I scrambling so he doesn't hit me.

"Who's Spring?" Gold's eyes snap open, and I barely dodge a punch to the face, bending back until my shoulder blades brush against the floor.

Yeah, I'm flexible.

Gold stares at me, all blood drained from his face. He slowly turns, everyone staring at him with the same questioning look as me.

"S-Spring..." Gold mumbles. "H-He is..." he swallows, his breath quickening. "H-He's the only friend I had when I had to look after Freddy and the other three. He helped us so we weren't starving, and often was by my side. But then one day... I never saw him. Not even a glimpse on the street."


"Yeah, well-" Gold sits up, immediately. "Now he's wherever Freddy and the others are." he winces, rubbing a spot on his head. "Ow... I hope."


I feel my eyes widen slightly as a memory surfaces.

"I can't do it!" Thirteen-year-old me whines, throwing the pencil across the bench I'm sitting on. "I don't understand it!"

"Tracy," A voice says behind me. "You just have to...-"

"HOPE!" Twelve-year-old Ash squeals, hugging me. Alexis laughs. "Yeah. What Ash said."

"But how?" I ask, staring at the paper in front of me. "I-I-"

"Look." Alexis tugs the beanie off her head and pulls off her jacket, laying them on the bench. "Get up."


"Get up! I'm going to show you!" Reluctantly, I do what she says. She holds her fists up as Ash sits down where I was seconds ago. "You need to hold them like this, see?" Hesitantly, I copy her. "Yeah! And then," a fist flies towards my face, and I duck. "Come on, Tracy!"

"I can't." I huff. "I can't do it. I can't box!"

"Sure you can!" I glare at Alexis. "There! Perfect! Use that when you're facing an opponent!" I crack a grin, and get up from where I sat down.

"We should go." Everyone stares at me.

"What?" Dad says.

"We should go. But not just us." I stand up. "Gold, remember Alexis?" he nods, then his eyes widen. "No. Tracy, no!"

"No what?" Jr asks.

I smile a little, the memory sharp as day. "I'm going to call a few friends. And Dad...?"

He looks at me, and I take a deep breath.


Boom. Cliffhanga. :3

So, yay, new chapter here. I'm hopefully getting another one up for my Minecraft one sometime SUPER soon, as in a day or two from now.



I'm so tired. x/
