Chapter 5: Night 3

*Tracy's POV*

I walk in just as the clock turned to 11:58. I ignore the janitor, and make a bee-line to the office. I sit down just as the phone rang. I answer it, and then just leave it on speaker. I stare at the cupcake sitting at the top of some boxes - or TV's? - It's just... sitting there...

"Hello-hello? Hey, you're doing great!"

"Really?" My voice is numb.

"Most people don't last this long. I mean, you know, they usually move on to other things by now. I'm not implying that they died. Th-th-that's not what I meant."

"Of course not." I go through the cameras. Chica's already gone, okep. I listen to the banging in the kitchen. 'Must be in the kitchen.' Freddy is facing the camera, his eyes black with white pupils.

'Uhh, anyway, I better not take up too much of your time. Things start to get real tonight."

"No crap!" I stare at the screen. "Foxy's already peeking."

"Uh... Hey, listen, I had an idea: if you happen to get caught and want to avoid getting... stuffed... into a Freddy suit, uhh... try playing dead! You know, go limp. Then there's a chance that, uh... maybe they'll think that you're an empty costume instead."

"You mad, bro?"

"Then again... if they think you're an empty costume, they might try to... stuff... a metal skeleton into you. I wonder how that would work. Y-Yeah, never mind, scratch that. It's best just not to get caught."

I stare at the phone. Is this guy kidding me?!

"Um... Okay, I'll leave you to it. See you on the flip side." The message stopped.

I groan, leaning back in the chair.

-Time Skip to 5:50AM-

The animatronics really aren't trying that hard.

Foxy's only come once, Bonnie's only come to the door two or three times, never staying for long. Chica just stays in the kitchen, and Freddy's stuck on the stage, just staring at the camera for the entire time.

I stare at the bright screen, fighting the sleepiness in my eyes. But soon, I lay the tablet down, and fall asleep in the chair.


I'm with Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and Foxy, and they're all outside the building, panting. After a minute, Freddy stands up. "We need to find the policeman here. Gold-" Freddy's voice cracked. "He told me to find him."

Foxy and Bonnie nod. Chica stands up as well, shivering a little.

"Why?" I ask as I follow them. "Why am I seeing this? This is actual Hell."

"Hey!" Bonnie yelled, waving to a tall dark figure. The figure turned, and I saw that it was a man in police uniform. "Help! That man's back!"

"What?" The policeman gripped his gun. "Where?"

Bonnie pointed to the building. The man ran inside, not realizing that the four kids were following him.

As soon as the policeman was inside, he heard a gunshot, and a cry. The policeman blanches, and reaches for his radio. Before he could however, Gold stumbled into the room. He was pale, and his short was stained with red at his shoulder. They locked eyes, and Gold smiled. "It's not blood." He wiped a bit off with his finger, then licked it. "Tomato sauce. Knocked over a jar in the kitchen."

"Where's the man?" The policeman demanded. Gold's smile vanished. "H-He's knocked out in the kitchen, sir." The policeman goes down the hall, and Freddy runs over to Gold. "Gold!"

Gold's face lights up, and he scoops Freddy up in a hug. "What did I tell ya?" Gold chuckled warmly. "I'm never going to leave you." He crouched down, and the other three ran over. "Any of you." All five were hugging now, and I just watched all of it. I glanced towards the kitchen, then back at the group.

'I can check the policeman.' I think, and run down the hall. Well, more like float down, since I'm in a dream.

When I peek inside the room, horror explodes in my gut.

The policeman was on the ground, a pool of blood under him. The man was on his feet, rubbing a spot on his head. Tomato sauce is all over his clothing, and a gun is gripped in his hand.

How did I not hear the gunshot?!

I turn back to the room, terror fueling me. “Σκατά, σκατά, σκατά, σκατά, σκατά!” I bump my hip against the corner of a table, and I stop. "Great, that's going to bruise."

Gold's head is up, and he's listening for something. The man stumbled into the room, and Gold's dark eyes widen. He pushes Freddy, Foxy, Chica and Bonnie behind him, towards the stage. "Go." He whispers. "Now. No arguing."

They keep silent, scurrying to backstage. Gold stands up, catching the man's attention. "There you are." He growls. Gold clenches his fists, and suddenly he's in front of that man, punching him in the face.

"Oh!" I wince. "That's got to make a nosebleed." Sure enough, when the man got up, his nose was bleeding a thin line of blood. "Yer going to pay for that, kid." The man growled.

Gold's face was blank. "If I do, then I do." I can't see Freddy or anyone else, just Gold and the man.

Wait... Rob told me that one boy had his neck broken, and was stuffed into a suit, not an animatronics.

And he told me that the boy was a teenager.

The only teenager is Gold.

The suit was a golden version of Freddy.

Gold... Freddy...

Golden Freddy.

I start to shake, not noticing the man pouncing on Gold. Gold is Golden Freddy. The kid's are all named after the animatronics. Or...

The animatronics are named after the kids.

"Oh my gosh." I say, then hear a sharp 'SNAP'. My eyes widen as my stomach lurches. "No..."

I turn around, and see Gold crumble to the ground, his eyes blank and his neck at an odd angle. "No!"

I hear a cry. "Gold!" I turn around, and see Freddy on the stage, hiding behind the red curtain. Bonnie and Chica are with him, and they all have wide, horrified eyes.

The man chuckled darkly. "There's three. But where's the fourth?"

The curtains in front of Pirate Cove shifted just the tiniest bit, and the man noticed it. "There." He picks the gun up from where he dropped it, stepping over Gold. And, to my amazement, I see a little life in Gold's eyes. He's still alive!


But not for long.

I wince, hearing Foxy scream. I close my eyes, sitting right there on the floor. I sit through all the screaming, tuning out any gory sounds. For some reason, I can't black the screaming.

When the screams stop, I listen to the man huff and grunt, then leave, the doors banging shut behind him. I just sit there, and listen to the silence. I stare at the darkness of my eyelids, begging myself to wake up.

-End of Dream-

And I do, right as the power goes out as 5:55.

'Don't move, don't move, don't move.' I think, frozen in fear. My head is still on the counter, resting on my arms. I stare at the darkness, listening to the metal footsteps coming closer to me.

5:57. Come on...

Notes start to play in my ears, and I almost snap my head up. I'm that surprised. It's the same song Gold had been singing to Freddy, all those years ago.

My Grandfather's Clock.

I keep still, the music soothing me. But at the same time, I felt so sad. I was close to crying. To my own shock, my mouth opens. My voice is hoarse, and very shaky, as I whisper-sing.

"In watching its pendulum swing to and fro, many hours had he spent while a boy; And in childhood and manhood the clock seemed to know, and share both his grief and his joy." A moan comes, and it sounds sad, full of pain. I keep singing, tears pooling on the dark tablet screen.

"For it struck twenty-four when he entered at the door, with a blooming and beautiful bride; But it stopped-" I glimpse brown, and the music grows louder. "-short-" I slowly, carefully sit up. "-never to go again- when the old man-" My voice cracks. "-died."

The clock starts chiming. Six o'clock.

I just sit there, tears streaming down my face. What I had seen and heard in the dream was really pushing my limits.

I get up, and run out of the room. I run out of the building, and down the street.
