Chapter 981: Corpse Wolf

The group searched each cave along the eastern passage one by one.

To prevent any accidents, usually three people would enter a cave to explore, while the others guarded the passage to prevent the Yin Zhi Horse from escaping.

Before long, they arrived at the spot where the man surnamed Yuan had discovered the Yin Zhi Horse. It was a small cave.

This time, the black-clothed beauty and Bai Yaoyi stayed outside, while Han Li and the others went inside to take a look.

As soon as they entered, they noticed something unusual about the cave. Not only was the yin wind inside very weak, but there was also a warm feeling.

As a result, besides finding some soft sandy soil, they also discovered several rare warm jade ores piled in a corner of the cave. The air was filled with a faint fragrance, a mix of medicinal and sandalwood scents.

A glance at the ground revealed some messy hoof-like prints, but they were several times smaller in size.

"Indeed, it is the Yin Zhi Horse!" said the old man surnamed Fu, rubbing his hands in excitement after circling the hoof prints twice and sniffing the air.

"Since Brother Fu says so, it must be true. Let's pursue it immediately. This passage isn't very wide, likely a branch passage. If we follow it closely, we should be able to corner it," the man surnamed Yuan said with a flush of excitement on his face.

"Yes, you're right. Let's..." The old man surnamed Fu nodded, but before he could finish his sentence, a rumbling sound interrupted him. The ground shook beneath their feet, and the entire cave began to tremble.

Then, waves of roaring sounds came from outside the cave, as if they were very close.

Startled, the three of them activated their protective spells simultaneously, transforming into three streaks of light and flying out of the cave.

In a flash, they appeared in the passage, where the two women were staring ahead in shock.

Footsteps echoed continuously from the distance, causing the entire passage to tremble with each step. The terrifying roars seemed to come from the same direction.

They exchanged glances and, without needing any reminder, each summoned their respective magical treasures, looking ahead with serious expressions.

While the others were obstructed by the black yin wind and couldn't see far, Han Li's pupils flashed with blue light, allowing him to see a ghostly creature more than a hundred feet away.

He couldn't help but gasp.

It was a giant wolf covered in green fur.

This wolf stood over three meters tall on all fours, its head as large as a small house, with blood-red eyes and razor-sharp black claws like blades.

What shocked Han Li the most was that as the giant wolf roared, it occasionally spewed out green corpse fire from its mouth. Whenever the green flames touched the icy walls on either side, they melted, leaving deep grooves that glowed with a green light.

"Corpse Wolf!"

The name of this ghostly creature flashed in Han Li's mind. However, ordinary corpse wolves were not this large. This wolf's size far exceeded any records in the ancient texts. Additionally, the aura it emitted was far stronger than that of a common ghost.

Han Li was about to warn the others, but he suddenly noticed something half-hidden on the wolf's head and couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"That's... the Yin Zhi Horse!"

"What? What did you say, Brother Han?" the old man surnamed Fu asked in confusion, turning his head slightly.

"A powerful ghost creature is coming, and the Yin Zhi Horse seems to be with it," Han Li replied briefly.

"The Yin Zhi Horse?"

Upon hearing this, the others were both delighted and anxious.

By now, the massive form of the giant wolf was faintly visible through the yin wind. Although its exact appearance wasn't clear, the sight of such a large silhouette made the old man surnamed Fu and the others uneasy, quickly wiping the smiles off their faces.

The black-clothed beauty's face darkened. She suddenly flicked her fingers, sending more than a dozen white light balls shooting upward. Instead of aiming at the giant wolf, the light balls exploded in mid-air, illuminating the area ahead brightly.

The terrifying appearance of the giant wolf was fully revealed to the others, causing their faces to change color.

These were experienced individuals, and they could immediately tell how dangerous the wolf was.

But in that moment, they also saw a white figure clinging to the wolf's head.

Though its lower body was buried in the green fur, the exposed part was clearly a white, tender horse head, with two green eyes staring at them.

Their shock was mingled with joy.

"Everyone, be careful. Don't let the Yin Zhi Horse escape. This corpse wolf seems to be a mutated ghost, and although it's troublesome, the five of us Nascent Soul cultivators should be able to kill it easily. Daoist Bai, you only need to focus on capturing the Yin Zhi Horse," the old man surnamed Fu reminded, then patted his waist. A chain-like treasure emitting a black light flew out, darting towards the giant wolf like a venomous snake.

The others also took action.

The black-clothed beauty flicked her sleeve, sending out three crimson flying swords. The man surnamed Yuan pointed at a jade tablet in front of him, releasing several winged scorpions that flew towards the wolf. Han Li lightly blew, causing several flying swords to glow brightly, turning into golden lights that swept forward.

Meanwhile, Bai Yaoyi flipped her hand, revealing a semi-transparent silk net. With a light shake, the net transformed into a white mist, enveloping the giant wolf and the Yin Zhi Horse on its head.

Although it was their first time cooperating, the combined might of their treasures was formidable.

The Yin Zhi Horse seemed quite intelligent, shrinking further into the wolf's fur and refusing to come out as it saw the attacks.

The corpse wolf's eyes flashed with ferocity. It stopped roaring, opened its mouth wide, and spewed a continuous stream of green corpse fire, forming a massive wave that met the incoming treasures.

For a moment, green flames and the light of the treasures intertwined and clashed.

Han Li's flying swords and the others' treasures were all blocked by the corpse fire, unable to get close to the giant wolf. The winged scorpions summoned by the jade tablet were instantly turned to ash by the green flames. The corpse fire's power was clearly significant.

Even the white silk net aiming for the Yin Zhi Horse was held up by the green flames, unable to descend. Seeing this, Bai Yaoyi couldn't help but snort coldly.

Coming from the Northern Extreme Palace, which was located in an icy region, her treasures and techniques were all cold-attributed, making her disdainful of the corpse fire.

Before Han Li and the others could react, she chanted a spell, and her body glowed with a white light. A layer of white mist emerged, making her look like an ice fairy.

The temperature around them plummeted. While Han Li and the old man surnamed Fu were fine, the black-clothed beauty and the man surnamed Yuan shivered involuntarily.

The giant wolf seemed to sense the danger. It inhaled deeply, then spewed out more corpse fire.

At the same time, Bai Yaoyi spat out her ice fan, which hovered in the air before landing in her jade hand.

Radiating cold light, she gently fanned towards the corpse wolf.

This time, the wind that came from the fan was not the yellow wind Han Li had seen before, but a biting cold wind filled with ice crystals.

The green and white lights clashed, drowning out the other treasures' glow, with explosions ringing out continuously.

The corpse wolf's corpse fire was indeed formidable. Even facing an ice attribute technique that restrained it, the corpse fire held its ground. Bai Yaoyi's face flushed slightly with anger. With a shake of her fan, it doubled in size, increasing the power of the icy wind.

Seeing this, the old man and the others knew they couldn't let Bai Yaoyi fight the ghost alone.

The old man pointed at the chain he had previously summoned. With a light pop, black flames ignited on the chain, which then multiplied into dozens of fiery chains, forming a huge net that descended on the giant wolf.

The black-clothed beauty chanted a spell, causing the three crimson flying swords to merge into one giant sword that slashed down.

The man surnamed Yuan quietly put away his jade tablet and brought out a blue gourd, from which he released a thick purple mist that floated towards the wolf.

Seeing the others unleashing their full power, Han Li's eyebrow twitched. He subtly flicked his sleeve, and a red line vanished instantly.

With so many attacks coming at once, the giant wolf, despite its strength, was overwhelmed. When the fiery net and the giant sword joined the assault, the corpse fire was pushed back. The purple mist was also approaching.

Although the corpse wolf lacked high intelligence, its natural instincts sensed the danger. Its body shrank, and the hair on its back stood on end. With a low growl, it shot out a dense barrage of green light, covering the five of them.

Caught off guard, they had to defend against the green light, momentarily halting their attacks. Seizing the opportunity, the mutated corpse wolf turned and fled down the passage.
