Chapter 826: The Scroll

As Han Li and his companions followed closely behind Elder Zhong and his group, the Ghost Sect's sect leader and Wei Wuyan had already crossed over a towering mountain range, appearing in a basin below.

This basin was dark and damp, scattered with puddles of various sizes, making the journey on foot quite depressing.

Although they could use minor spells to keep the mud and sewage at bay, it naturally slowed their progress.

However, when they had just crossed the peak of the giant mountain, they saw from a high vantage point in the distance that there was a massive structure that looked like an altar sitting in the center of the basin.

This immediately lifted the spirits of everyone following the Ghost Sect's leader to this place.

It was the first time since entering the valley that they had seen such a complete structure. It was needless to say that this was no ordinary place. Most likely, it had something to do with the Spirit Mist Garden mentioned by the Ghost Sect's leader.

Thus, the group slowed down their pace even more, but everyone remained calm and composed.

Attempts to use levitation techniques a few feet above the ground were also made, but the only result was a moment later when a blood-red lightning bolt struck from the sky, nearly shattering the protective magic treasure of one of the cultivators. It seemed that the closer they got to the center of this basin, the stricter the spatial restrictions became.

As a result, others no longer attempted to take any shortcuts, and they could only line up and move forward slowly.

A disciple of the Ghost Sect led the way, effortlessly clearing the way by launching a few fireballs to blast through any obstacles such as bushes.

After walking for most of the day, the group finally approached the altar and saw the colossal figure.

The altar was entirely constructed from white mountain stones, shaped like a massive trapezoid with staircases on all four sides. It towered into the clouds, hundreds of meters high, truly magnificent. However, the altar was somewhat distant and high, making it impossible to clearly see what was on top.

"We're almost there. It looks like in another hour or two, we'll be able to reach there. Sect Master Wang, I'm even more curious now about what you know regarding the Spirit Mist Garden," Wei Wuyan said calmly as he walked. Although he was walking on foot like everyone else, his entire body emitted a faint green light, allowing him to silently glide several meters with each step, looking effortless.

"Wei Xiong, rest assured, I will explain everything to you after we arrive," the Ghost Sect's sect master replied with a slight smile, seemingly indifferent.

Wei Wuyan nodded, about to ask something else, when suddenly the Ghost Sect disciple walking at the front flashed with a burst of light. His body staggered, and then from his shoulder to his waist, he was silently cut into two halves, the corpse falling soundlessly to the ground.

"Space fissure!" The Ghost Sect's sect master's face changed drastically upon seeing this.

Upon seeing this, both Wei Wuyan and the following Wang Tiangu also had their expressions darken.

Although they didn't know what the Ghost Sect's sect master was planning, according to the route he had pointed out upon entering the valley, they had never encountered any invisible spatial fissures before. They had relaxed their guard quite a bit after the initial tension. However, now a spatial fissure suddenly appeared. These two were unavoidably startled.

The remaining three Ghost Sect disciples also turned pale.

The entire group came to a halt and stopped advancing.

The Ghost Sect's sect master stared at the corpse that had been severed by the fissure, his face changing constantly. Wei Wuyan closed his eyes and seemed to be sensing something with his divine sense, but after a while, he opened his eyes again.

"No, this spatial fissure can't be sensed just by having strong divine sense. Not sensing the existence of the fissure," Wei Wuyan said expressionlessly, shaking his head.

Upon hearing this, Sect Master Wang raised his hand. With a flick of his fingers, five fireballs scattered ahead.

"Puff." "Puff." After a few sounds, three of these fireballs disappeared into thin air in a flash, but the other two flew several meters away from both sides and exploded on the ground, revealing two large pits.

"The fissure is small. As long as we deviate a little, we can avoid it," Wang Tiangu said slowly.

"Although this fissure is small, who knows how many more fissures will appear on the remaining part of this road. We don't have so many lives to add to it. And from what I know, there should be no spatial fissures blocking the route we took. Could it be that there is something hidden that he didn't mention?" The Ghost Sect's sect master didn't show a happy expression. Instead, a trace of gloom appeared on his face as he muttered a few words.

Upon hearing this, Wei Wuyan's expression changed slightly, but he didn't ask anything. Instead, Wang Tiangu looked at the distant altar and then at the corpse lying on the ground with some confusion.

"What does Sect Master mean?"

The Ghost Sect's sect master frowned, not immediately answering, looking up at the sky, sighing after a while.

"I originally planned to wait until we reached the altar before revealing something to you, but it seems that I can't hide it anymore. Let me reveal some information here," he said with a strange look on his face.

Wei Wuyan and the others were stunned to hear this, exchanging glances.

Without paying attention to anyone, the Ghost Sect's sect master waved his sleeve, and a flash of silver appeared. He suddenly produced a scroll in his hand.

The scroll was about a few feet long, shimmering with silver light, looking exceptionally ancient.

"What is this..." Wang Tiangu exclaimed in surprise when he saw the scroll.

"Hehe! It seems that you recognize this thing too. You personally handed it over to me. Everything about the Spirit Mist Garden comes from this scroll," the Ghost Sect's sect master said with a glance at Wang Tiangu.

Upon hearing this, Wang Tiangu was completely stunned.

This scroll was none other than the portrait scroll of Master Cangkun obtained from the treasure trove on the Muren Grassland that day.

The Ghost Sect's sect master casually threw the scroll into the air, enveloping it in a spirit, holding it up in the air. Then, with a solemn expression, he pinched a tactic, lightly touching the scroll with his fingers.

"Zi la," a sound rang out, and the scroll quickly opened, revealing the picture inside.

A Confucian scholar carrying a long sword, looking up at the sky, was vividly depicted on the scroll.

Wang Tiangu and the others widened their eyes, staring at the figure in the painting for a long time, trying to discover something, but they found nothing.

However, Wei Wuyan's expression changed slightly as he looked deeply at the scroll. When his divine sense swept across the entire scroll, his expression couldn't help but change, showing a hint of surprise.

"Wei Xiong is indeed a great cultivator in the later stage of Yuan Ying. You discovered the mystery so quickly. I was able to find this scroll's anomaly completely relying on a secret technique I practiced," the Ghost Sect's sect master said, praising Wei Wuyan.

"It's nothing. I haven't seen such a spatial artifact in many years. If it weren't for the reminder from Daoist Friend earlier, I wouldn't have found it so easily," Wei Wuyan said strangely.

The Ghost Sect's sect master smiled and stopped asking more questions. Instead, he raised his hand, sent out a black spell, and hit the open scroll directly. At the same time, he coldly said to the scroll:

"Come out, don't you let me use the magic fire to urge you out."

Upon hearing this, everyone was startled, feeling inexplicably bewildered. Wei Wuyan also raised his eyebrows in surprise, showing a trace of suspicion in his eyes.

As a result, an incredible scene unfolded.

"Didn't we agree long ago? Before arriving at the designated place, you won't call me. Now, in front of so many people, you woke me up. Don't you want to conclude the transaction?" A clear male voice came directly from the scroll.

Then the silver light on the scroll expanded, and the Confucian scholar, who had his back to them before, suddenly turned to face them, revealing a unique middle-aged man's face with three strands of long beard. However, his face was icy cold, full of displeasure.

This scene not only stunned the remaining disciples of the Ghost Sect but also Wang Tiangu, who had personally touched the scroll before, his mouth wide open in astonishment.

Only Wei Wuyan, after a moment of surprise, quickly calmed down. However, his eyes were fixed on the Confucian scholar's image in the scroll, showing a thoughtful expression.

"Humph! Are you still asking me? Didn't you repeatedly assure me that the route you gave me was absolutely safe? What's the matter with this spatial fissure? It cost my sect a disciple's life for nothing," the Ghost Sect's sect master stared at the image and asked bluntly.

"I selected a safe route back then. How could there be a problem?" The Confucian scholar in the scroll slightly frowned, directly refuting.

"Then take a look at what's going on over there." The Ghost Sect's sect master gave a cold glance towards the direction of the spatial fissure, his face darkening.

The Confucian scholar in the image was stunned for a moment. After a slight hesitation, he became oddly calm. He looked at the direction of the spatial fissure and gave a slight f rown.

"Ah, a spatial fissure. It seems there's been a miscalculation," the Confucian scholar's image said with a wry smile.

"A miscalculation? You call this a miscalculation? If it weren't for our vigilance, we would have lost more than just one disciple," the Ghost Sect's sect master retorted coldly.

The Confucian scholar sighed softly. "Apologies for the oversight. It appears my information was not entirely accurate."

"Your information?" Wei Wuyan interjected calmly, his voice carrying a hint of suspicion. "Just who are you, and why are you involved in this?"

The Confucian scholar's image turned slightly to face Wei Wuyan. "Ah, another cultivator of considerable insight. I am known as Cangkun. As for my involvement, let's just say I have an interest in ancient relics and places like this Spirit Mist Garden."

"Spirit Mist Garden?" Wang Tiangu spoke up, his curiosity piqued. "What exactly is this place, and why all the secrecy?"

Cangkun's image chuckled softly. "The Spirit Mist Garden is a place where the boundary between realms is thin, allowing access to ancient secrets and profound treasures. It appears your sect leader here has been seeking its entrance for quite some time."

The Ghost Sect's sect master narrowed his eyes. "Enough of the riddles. We've risked much to come here. If you have information, spit it out."

Cangkun's image nodded. "Very well. To enter the Spirit Mist Garden, you will need not only the correct spatial coordinates but also a key. This key," he said, pointing to the scroll, "contains the necessary incantations to activate the entrance."

"Why didn't you disclose this earlier?" Wei Wuyan asked, his tone sharp.

Cangkun's image sighed again. "I had my reasons, but now that we're here, there's no point in hiding it any longer."

The Ghost Sect's sect master's gaze was fixed on Cangkun's image. "If what you say is true, then show us how to activate this entrance."

Cangkun's image nodded, and with a wave of his hand, the scroll floated gently down to the ground. He began to chant in a low, rhythmic voice, tracing his fingers along the intricate patterns on the scroll.

As he did so, a faint mist began to rise from the ground around the altar. Slowly, a series of runes appeared in the air, glowing softly with ethereal light.

"There," Cangkun's image said, pointing to a specific rune. "That is the activation rune. When infused with spiritual energy, it will open the way to the Spirit Mist Garden."

The Ghost Sect's sect master stepped forward, his hand glowing with spiritual light. He channeled his energy into the rune, causing it to pulse brighter and brighter until finally, a shimmering portal materialized in front of them.

Beyond the portal, a lush garden bathed in a soft mist could be seen, with ancient trees and exotic flowers dotting the landscape.

"There it is," Cangkun's image said with satisfaction. "The Spirit Mist Garden awaits."

The Ghost Sect's sect master turned to Wei Wuyan and Wang Tiangu. "Shall we proceed?"

Wei Wuyan nodded, his eyes still fixed on Cangkun's image. "Lead the way."

With cautious steps, they crossed through the portal into the Spirit Mist Garden, leaving behind the basin and its hidden dangers.

As they entered, the portal shimmered and vanished, leaving no trace of its existence behind.

Inside the garden, the air was thick with spiritual energy, rejuvenating and refreshing to all who breathed it in. The journey had been perilous, but now, surrounded by the beauty of the Spirit Mist Garden, they knew their efforts had not been in vain.

And so, their exploration of the ancient mysteries hidden within the garden began, guided by the knowledge contained in the scroll and the enigmatic figure of Cangkun, whose motives and origins remained shrouded in mystery.


This continuation dives deeper into the unfolding of events after the discovery of the scroll and the activation of the entrance to the Spirit Mist Garden. It highlights the characters' motivations, the revelation of ancient mysteries, and sets the stage for further exploration and discovery within this mystical realm.
