Chapter 876 Far Away

Four years later, inside the main cave of the Sub-Mother Peak, the enchanting beauty transformed from Silver Moon awaited outside an unopened secret chamber.

Yesterday, as she was using green liquid to ripen spirit medicines, she suddenly heard Han Li's spiritual message. Hence, today she waited here for Han Li to emerge from seclusion.

The closed door of the secluded chamber, which had not been opened for several years, did not keep Silver Moon waiting long. Finally, with a creaking sound, it slowly began to rise.

Silver Moon's bright eyes turned, and she looked up. But instead of Han Li's figure appearing inside the door, a gust of black mist suddenly blew out, followed by a deep, low laughter. Then, a cloud about ten feet in size shot out from inside, heading straight towards Silver Moon in a flash.

Silver Moon was startled and hastily retreated several steps, her floral countenance paling as she stared at the approaching object.

However, the black cloud suddenly stopped, its surface dark and glossy like black silk.

"What is this..." Silver Moon's thoughts turned slightly, vaguely guessing something.

"How is it? The second Nascent Infant has cultivated to this extent. It should be considered a success, right?" The black cloud suddenly condensed and transformed, instantly forming into a small black-green baby about one foot tall, speaking with a human voice.

"Congratulations, Master, on achieving mastery in your divine abilities!" Silver Moon smiled gracefully and bowed respectfully to the Nascent Infant.

This Nascent Infant looked slightly smaller than Han Li's primary Nascent Infant, but otherwise had a similar appearance and demeanor.

"To fully refine the second Nascent Infant so quickly is somewhat beyond my expectations. However, after completion, it does indeed feel a bit strange." Familiar words echoed from the secret chamber, and finally Han Li's figure appeared at the door and walked out.

At this moment, the black-green Nascent Infant grinned and shot towards Han Li, circled once, and landed on Han Li's topknot.

"Having two independent Nascent Infants naturally feels different from before. However, Master, as long as you get used to it, there will be no issues." Silver Moon raised her head to size up Han Li and lightly smiled.

"Oh! From your tone, it seems like you know something about the second Nascent Infant. Could it be that you remember something related?" Han Li's eyes flickered with interest and asked.

"This humble maid is not very clear. I don't know why I just said it casually. Maybe I really knew some similar divine abilities in the past." Silver Moon was taken aback and honestly replied.

Upon hearing Silver Moon's explanation, Han Li nodded without saying anything. However, the Nascent Infant on his head suddenly flipped its little hand, producing a small pennant, which he began to examine.

This item was glossy black and exactly the banner that absorbed plenty of demonic aura, the Yin Luo Banner!

"Master, with the second Nascent Infant looking like this, could it be that you have cultivated demonic path techniques?" Silver Moon saw this scene and glanced at the Nascent Infant again, unable to help asking.

"To refine the second Nascent Infant, it's natural to grant it some divine abilities. However, since it lacks its own physical body, it cannot cultivate techniques independently. I used my own body and the pure demonic aura from the Yin Luo Banner to help it cultivate some profound transformations from the Profound Yin Great Law. As for whether to truly give it a physical body, I am still hesitating. If the second Nascent Infant has a body, it is very easy to provoke a backlash. I have to be cautious." Han Li frowned upon hearing Silver Moon's question, then patted his head with one hand, and the Nascent Infant disappeared without a trace.

However, Han Li's spiritual sense clearly saw that where his primary Nascent Infant was meditating in the lower abdomen, the second Nascent Infant was sitting cross-legged opposite, also sitting quietly.

"Master should be cautious, it is only natural. I have never heard of this Profound Masculine Nascent Infant Technique before. Most other cultivators' avatar techniques involve dividing their divine sense or soul. More advanced ones, like Senior Zhen's Divinity Scholar, forcefully split the divine soul with powerful techniques." Silver Moon tilted her head, agreeing.

"Hehe! Although these avatar techniques do not fundamentally enhance anything, they are equally useful in dealing with multiple opponents or for self-preservation. They are indeed powerful techniques! Well, enough of that. During this period, has anything happened in the cave?" Han Li said a few words, waved his hand, and then asked casually while walking towards the main hall.

"After Master closed up for a year, Miss Mu successfully formed her Dan. Following your instructions, I delivered the Dianfeng Peiyuan Technique and some other useful Dan medicines to her. Miss Nangong also remained unharmed in the prohibition, and the Soul Sealing Curse is gradually weakening under the influence of the Fire Toad Dan. It is estimated that even without a cure, it should be possible to remove the poison in a hundred years. Of course, this is just this maid's speculation, and Master should personally check on it." Silver Moon followed Han Li with light steps, answering one by one.

Just as Han Li heard two good news right after emerging from seclusion, he was pleased. Just as he was about to ask some other questions, Silver Moon spoke again.

"There is one more thing that Master should know. After years of continuously consuming the Nirvana Grass, those Frost Centipede larvae with six wings should have grown rapidly and split for evolution. However, for some reason, these larvae have grown extremely slowly over these years, only molting once and not splitting again."

"Molting?" Upon hearing this, Han Li paused in his steps, a hint of doubt appearing on his face.

"Yes, after molting, these centipedes seem much more formidable. Moreover, these past few days, they have become restless again, seeming to want to molt again." Silver Moon lightly bit her red lips and said with a slower pace.

"Let's go to the insect chamber first and then discuss." Han Li furrowed his brows and then continued expressionlessly.

With a change in direction, he took the lead towards another passage, which led to the insect chamber.

After a short while, Han Li arrived at the entrance of the insect chamber. He walked a few steps to a hole in the side wall of one of the chambers and looked inside.

Before seeing clearly what was inside, he felt a rush of cold air hitting him. Wherever Han Li's gaze reached, everything was crystal clear.

In the not-so-large insect chamber, whether on the ceiling or the walls, everything was gleaming with thick ice. On the ground, there were several icebergs of varying sizes standing tall. There were several deep holes the size of bowls on the ice, and several half-foot-long snow-white centipedes were coming in and out, wandering aimlessly.

As spiritual creatures that had recognized their master through blood, as soon as Han Li appeared, these centipedes immediately sensed something. After a commotion, several of them flew towards Han Li from outside, while those inside the cave crawled out quickly, floating up and flying towards him.

Han Li waved his hand, removed the prohibition on the hole, and then moved his spiritual sense. These centipedes turned into inch-sized figures in the white light, dancing up and down in front of him.

With a raise of his hand, a palm lightly caught one of them.

From the color perspective, these larvae still appeared snow-white, just as they did originally, but there were now two slightly raised small bumps on their backs, with no other visible changes.

Han Li finished examining the spiritual creature in his hand and couldn't help but stand still, lost in thought.

Behind Han Li, Silver Moon obediently stood to the side, saying nothing.

At this moment, Han Li extended a finger, bringing it close to the mouth of the centipede in his hand. With a "puff" sound, a blue flame appeared on his finger.

The centipede opened its mouth, and a thin stream of cold air sprayed out, striking the blue flame.

Instantly, the blue flame on his finger surged several times, engulfing all the cold air within it.

Han Li slowly closed his eyes, seemingly sensing something.

"After molting, these centipedes have become much more formidable than before. It seems that there is no difference between splitting and devouring continuously."

Han Li opened his eyes, shook his finger, and the blue flame disappeared.

"As for why they no longer split and devour each other, there's nothing curious about it. These ancient spirit creatures are all peculiar. Perhaps they can only split a few times, or maybe their bodies underwent some mutation due to the Nirvana Grass, losing this ability. Anyway, as long as I can continue to advance them with the green liquid, it doesn't matter." Han Li said indifferently.

"Master's words set my mind at ease," Silver Moon breathed a sigh of relief, revealing an extremely charming and sweet smile.

Han Li ignored her reaction and instead turned back towards the main hall, speaking in a deep voice.

"After coming out of seclusion this time and resting briefly, we will need to make a trip to Da Jin. Whether it's to resolve the malevolent aura on my body or to find rare materials, this trip is imperative. Moreover, even though Wan'er's Fire Toad Dan is effective, I am still worried about unexpected incidents. It would be best to find the antidote from the Yin Luo Sect to be completely safe. That's also why I painstakingly cultivated the second Nascent Infant. Who knows what dangers we might encounter in Da Jin."

"I see. But with Master's divine abilities, there are few in Da Jin who can pose a threat to Master," Silver Moon's lips curled into a smile, speaking cheerfully.

"Hehe, the cultivation world is full of treasures and strange abilities. That's not necessarily true. Besides, I've already offended a demonic cultivator from the Yin Luo Sect. If they find out, it will definitely cause some trouble. It's better to be cautious. Now, I'll go check on Wan'er's condition and see Senior Cheng and others to determine how much material is still needed for crafting the puppets and the Seven Flames Fan. If everything goes smoothly, we'll set off in about ten days to half a month." Han Li said.

"Yes, Master! This servant also wishes to see what the so-called cultivation sanctuary of Da Jin looks like?" Silver Moon replied.

As Han Li and Silver Moon's voices gradually faded away, the insect chamber soon returned to quiet.


Half a month later, a cyan rainbow shot out from the Cloud Dream Mountain and flew southward.

Shortly after, some well-informed cultivators received a message at the same time: Elder Han from the Cloud Dream Sect, who was renowned, had suddenly left Cloud Dream Mountain for a distant journey.

No one knew exactly where he was going. Perhaps he was wandering around the southern regions, or maybe he had left the southern territories altogether.

After a brief commotion, the cultivation world in the south quickly calmed down again. Han Li's departure did not cause any waves.

The Ancient Sword Sect and Bai Qiao Academy of Cloud Dream Mountain remained obedient, showing no signs of unrest. The Cloud Dream Sect's position as the top sect in Xiguo seemed as solid as ever.

Years passed, and some senior cultivators nearing the end of their lifespans passed away peacefully or continued their seclusion. Meanwhile, new faces emerged one after another in the southern cultivation world.

However, once Han Li departed, he disappeared without a trace. For over a hundred years, there was no news of him at all...
