Chapter 908: Crystalized Demon Core and Flying Needle

"So, are these Molten Crystals problematic?" The old man asked with a smile, a picture of geniality.

"No, it's precisely these crystals," Han Li nodded, his expression unchanged as he spoke, then collected the crystals, clasped his fists in farewell, and left.

Watching Han Li's departing figure, the old man frowned slightly, a hint of puzzlement flickering in his eyes as he looked at the empty jade box.

At this moment, Han Li returned to his seat at the auction, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes as he held a Molten Crystal in his hand.

"Spending eight hundred Spirit Stones on three Molten Crystals, friend Daoist is indeed generous!" The nearby woman in green couldn't help but comment on Han Li's expression.

"Yes, I've been wanting to buy these crystals for a long time. Spending eight hundred Spirit Stones to obtain them makes this trip worthwhile," Han Li said calmly after glancing at the woman. With a flip of his hand, the crystal disappeared without a trace.

The woman in green felt a chill run down her spine as she saw the gleam in Han Li's eyes, finding herself unable to utter the words she had intended to say.

The woman in yellow, seeing this scene, frowned slightly, sensing something amiss. However, after a moment's thought, she remained silent.

Having unexpectedly obtained what he sought, Han Li began to look forward to the rest of the auction. However, at this moment, Da Yan God Sovereign finally spoke up:

"Young Han, what exactly is the connection between these Molten Crystals and the Demon Cores? You should explain it to me."

"In fact, Senior should have guessed some of it. One of these Molten Crystals is actually a Level 7 Demon Beast Core that has completely crystallized over who knows how many years. It looks no different from an ordinary Molten Crystal. Even someone with powerful spiritual sense would be unable to detect any difference," Han Li calmly transmitted his voice.

"A Level 7 Demon Core? Since spiritual sense and appearance can't judge it, how did you figure it out?" Da Yan God Sovereign indeed wasn't too surprised, but still had some doubt.

"Hehe! Speaking of which, this also has to do with the aura on my body. In the past, I personally killed thousands of high-level demon beasts, resulting in such a dense aura on my body. Therefore, I am most sensitive to Demon Cores. As soon as this Level 7 Demon Core was taken out, my aura automatically resonated with it. Moreover, due to the many Demon Cores I have handled in the past, I naturally have some special methods of identification," Han Li said leisurely.

"I see. If you've really killed so many demon beasts, the heaviness of your aura could indeed make me understand. But how could you kill so many demon beasts, yet you make me curious. It seems you have many stories that you have never disclosed to me!" Da Yan God Sovereign chuckled, his tone ambiguous.

"It's nothing, just some opportunities back then. But Senior, I'm afraid you don't know the wonders of these crystallized Demon Cores," Han Li changed the subject, mentioning something that piqued the other's interest.

"Oh! I've never heard of crystallized Demon Cores before. What are they used for?" Han Li's words immediately aroused the curiosity of Da Yan God Sovereign, diverting him from the topic of demon beasts.

"In fact, crystallized Demon Cores can no longer be considered true Demon Cores. If used in refining pills, they contain extraordinary poisons. Even though these toxins are not as deadly as the Ten Great Poisons, ordinary cultivators would die immediately upon ingestion. In reality, this kind of material is the best for refining flying needles. It's said that using this material to polish and refine flying needles not only makes them incredibly fast, capable of injuring enemies upon release, but more terrifyingly, these needles have a unique material quality. When flying, they seem invisible and elusive, making them the perfect weapon for sneak attacks. However, these crystallized Demon Cores are extremely difficult to form, and very few cultivators have the means to identify them once they do. If it weren't for the aura, I wouldn't have been able to immediately recognize this treasure," Han Li explained, stroking his chin. His expression seemed normal, but he recalled the jade slip that recorded the use of crystallized Demon Cores to refine flying needles.

He couldn't remember where he had obtained the slip from the unfortunate soul he had killed in the Chaotic Star Sea. At that time, he had treated it as an interesting tidbit, never expecting to encounter the real thing. He couldn't easily pass up such a rare refining material.

"This thing, I've never heard of it before. It seems there's no end to the wonders of the world. I'm afraid no cultivator can explore every corner of the human realm. As far as I know, in places like our Tian Nan Immortal Realm, there are at least five or six such places. Some places can be reached directly, while others require taking certain risks to enter. Back then, besides Da Jin, I only visited two of these places. Later, due to my lifespan, I had to return to Tian Nan to study Soul Transfer Technique," Da Yan God Sovereign's voice dimmed, filled with regret.

"Why be so pessimistic, Senior? Life and death are inevitable for everyone. Even if you ascend to the Spirit Realm, you can't escape this bondage. Truly wanting to live as long as heaven and earth, perhaps only the immortals in the immortal realm can do that. For us ordinary people to ascend to the Spirit Realm is extremely difficult. Ascending to the Immortal Realm, from ancient times to the present, has seen very few people!" Han Li seemed touched by something, remaining silent for a while before speaking like this.

"Hehe! I'm still unwilling. I'm sure I'm the best in terms of aptitude and intelligence among the world's cultivators, but in the end, I ended up in the body of a Soul Possession Puppet. If I had been given another chance, I'm sure entering the Nascent Soul Stage wouldn't have been too difficult for me," Da Yan God Sovereign muttered, filled with regret. His words gradually grew softer until they faded away.

Hearing these words, Han Li felt a sense of desolation in his heart for some reason.

The sect master of a generation in the extreme west, once laughing arrogantly without rivals in the Tian Nan, was definitely more glorious than himself at the time. But once he was unable to enter the Nascent Soul Stage, he fell into such a miserable end. This made his mood suddenly heavy.

The current situation of Da Yan God Sovereign was likely a cruel foreshadowing of his own future!

With this thought in mind, Han Li's face darkened slightly, and he had no inclination to say anything more.

The auction continued as usual, and the items auctioned off later were much more valuable than before. However, Han Li didn't want to stay any longer. He immediately stood up and left the auction venue, leaving behind the bewildered gazes of the two women beside him.

After leaving the main hall, he didn't look at anything else in the venue. After leaving the square, he slowly walked between the loft courtyards, seeming absent-minded.

Occasionally encountering other foreign cultivators and disciples of the three families attending the trading event, no one paid attention to him.

However, Han Li gradually headed towards some remote and sparsely populated places, walking slowly.

After a while of strolling, he suddenly paused and stopped.

Turning his gaze, he suddenly noticed a white-robed cultivator in the shadows in front of a loft, looking around as if waiting for someone.

Han Li's expression remained unchanged, but his spiritual sense swept rapidly in all directions within tens of meters, finding no traces of other cultivators or any powerful restrictions. The nearest cultivators were also more than a hundred meters away, completely unaware of this place.

Without hesitation, Han Li changed direction and walked towards the cultivator.

"Do you have something, fellow Daoist?" This was a burly man with a face full of flesh. Seeing Han Li rushing towards him, he was stunned for a moment, his voice deep.

"Are you a disciple of the Kong Family?" Han Li smiled faintly as he approached.

"Yes, I am the steward of the outer hall of the Kong Family! Fellow Daoist wants to..." The big man carefully assessed Han Li with a few glances. Seeing that Han Li had all the items such as clothes, storage bags, and spirit beast bags, unlike ordinary casual cultivators, he replied courteously.

"I have something to discuss with your family master. Can you inform him?" Han Li asked with a friendly smile.

"See the family master? I'm afraid that won't do. Our family master is currently busy with important matters and won't see outsiders casually. If Fellow Daoist has something important to discuss, you might as well tell me!" The big man frowned, feeling awkward.

"It's like this. I just came out of the auction and found that something seemed to be wrong with one of the items auctioned. I want to talk to your family master about it," Han Li intentionally showed a hint of hesitation and said so.

"The auction house? Is there something wrong with the items? If so, Fellow Daoist should directly find the several Daoist friends in charge of the auction," hearing Han Li say this, the big man's expression changed, and he said with a puzzled look.

"This is not something the auction house can solve. If you don't believe me, take a look at what I bought, and you'll understand," Han Li sighed and reached for his waist pocket, taking out a small, intricately carved wooden box. He opened it slowly, revealing three Molten Crystals resting inside.

The steward of the Kong Family glanced at the Molten Crystals, his expression slightly shifting. Although he maintained his composure, a trace of surprise flashed through his eyes. "Molten Crystals? What seems to be the problem with them?"

"These Molten Crystals were auctioned off as ordinary refining materials. However, one of them is actually a crystallized Level 7 Demon Beast Core," Han Li explained calmly, his eyes locking onto the steward's face to gauge his reaction.

The steward's brows furrowed slightly, evidently contemplating the implications of Han Li's revelation. "A crystallized Level 7 Demon Beast Core? Are you certain of this?"

Han Li nodded firmly. "Absolutely. I have the ability to discern these cores due to my extensive experience with demon beasts. The aura emanating from this particular crystal resonated with me, confirming its true nature."

The steward of the Kong Family remained silent for a moment, deep in thought. Finally, he spoke in a measured tone, "If what you say is true, this is indeed a matter of great significance. Please wait here for a moment. I will inform our family master immediately."

With that, the steward turned and swiftly entered the loft, disappearing from view. Han Li stood calmly outside, waiting patiently. After a brief period, the steward returned, accompanied by a middle-aged man in luxurious robes—the family master of the Kong Family.

The family master's eyes flickered with curiosity as he approached Han Li. "You are the cultivator who claims there is a problem with the Molten Crystals auctioned today?"

Han Li respectfully clasped his fists. "Yes, I am Han Li. These Molten Crystals were purchased by me at today's auction. One of them is not what it seems—it is actually a crystallized Level 7 Demon Beast Core."

The family master's expression shifted, his eyes narrowing slightly as he examined the crystals within the wooden box. After a moment, he nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, this is a crystallized Level 7 Demon Beast Core. The auction house has made a grave error in identifying and auctioning this item as mere Molten Crystals."

Han Li nodded in agreement. "I believe this was not an intentional mistake but rather a lack of proper identification. However, the consequences of such a mistake could be significant."

The family master of the Kong Family sighed softly. "You are correct, Han Li. Such crystallized Demon Cores are rare and possess unique properties. If used in refining, they can produce items of extraordinary quality. This mistake must be rectified immediately."

Han Li remained composed, his gaze steady. "I trust that the Kong Family will handle this matter appropriately. I merely wished to bring this to your attention."

The family master nodded once more, his expression serious. "Thank you, Han Li, for bringing this to our notice. Rest assured, we will investigate the matter thoroughly and take appropriate action."

With that, Han Li respectfully bid farewell to the family master and the steward before taking his leave. As he walked away, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction. By rectifying the mistake, he had not only ensured fairness in the auction but also gained recognition from one of the influential families in the region.

Little did he know, this incident would mark the beginning of unforeseen opportunities and challenges that would shape his path in the cultivation world.

