Chapter 917: Double Beads

Han Li's thoughts raced, his face showing a hint of contemplation.

"Friend, there's no need to be surprised! Let me be frank with you, while this bead is also a Heavenly Corpse Bead, it's not the one I cultivated. It's another bead I obtained along with the Heavenly Corpse Great Technique back in the day, completely unrelated to me. My Heavenly Corpse Bead is of paramount importance, so how could I carry it with me? It's still securely kept in my tomb." Seeing Han Li's reaction, Xuan Ye Wang hesitated for a moment before explaining proactively with a strange look on his face.

"I see! In that case, I'll gratefully accept it... It seems your people have arrived; I'll take my leave now." Han Li suddenly realized something as he was about to ask further questions. He lifted his head and looked into the distance towards the horizon, then bid farewell.

Before the old demon could say anything, Han Li's body was enveloped in a flash of green light, transforming into a Qinghong rainbow and speeding away.

Watching Han Li's departing figure, the old demon's expression fluctuated between gloom and brightness, feeling somewhat uncertain about Han Li's words.

However, moments later, echoing ghostly cries came from the direction of the ancient tomb, followed by boundless green clouds rolling in, carrying a thick corpse Qi.

Upon seeing this, Xuan Ye Wang was overjoyed. Even if the sandswept person and others returned, he was no longer afraid.

He turned into a gray light and flew straight towards them.


Meanwhile, Han Li didn't hesitate for a moment, utilizing the remaining unsealing time like lightning. He needed to distance himself from Xuan Ye Wang and the yellow-robed giant who had left earlier. Otherwise, if his magical powers were sealed again and he faced these people head-on, his troubles would be immense.

Given Han Li's current full magical power, his speed was naturally extraordinary. Before his magical power was sealed again, after changing directions several times in succession, he unexpectedly fled thousands of miles away, leaving the mountainous area.

Only then did Han Li breathe a sigh of relief. After carefully identifying the direction, he calmly steered his magical treasure away from the mountains.

Two days later, Han Li descended near a desolate mountain devoid of human presence.

He then released several magical treasures and opened a rudimentary cave mansion at the foot of the mountain. Immediately, he used a set of array tools to block the cave entrance.

Han Li himself walked directly into the secret chamber of the cave mansion and sat cross-legged.

"Are you planning to contemplate the King's Enlightenment Technique here?" The Great Yan Divine Lord, who had followed Han Li's actions all along without interrupting, finally couldn't help but ask.

"Why, is this place unsuitable?" Han Li responded noncommittally.

"Hmph! There's not even a spiritual vein here. If you were to practice at this speed, I would have already dissipated by the time you finished." The Great Yan Divine Lord said unkindly.

"Hehe! Senior, don't be angry. I was just joking. I've already contemplated the first layer of the King's Enlightenment Technique on the way here. The first layer of the technique is manageable; it doesn't require much spiritual energy, so I estimate it will take about a year to complete. However, starting from the second layer, the difficulty of cultivation doubles. Moreover, the cultivation method therein requires a large amount of spiritual power, which can only be obtained in a place with spiritual veins. Otherwise, the time spent will far exceed expectations. To eliminate the backlash of corpse Qi, one must cultivate the first two layers of the King's Enlightenment Technique to barely be able to turn the backlash into one's own use." Han Li chuckled lightly, seeming to be in a good mood.

"However, although the Great Jin Dynasty has many spiritual vein places, none of them are ownerless. Even the worst spiritual veins are definitely occupied. Since I intend to recover my magical power as soon as possible, I can't possibly practice in a spiritual vein that's too inferior. It would be better to infiltrate a major sect and quietly practice the technique."

"You seem to already have a plan in mind," the Great Yan Divine Lord became curious.

"You're right, I do have a goal in mind. And I don't even need to forge an identity." Han Li said confidently.

"Oh! That sounds promising. Please tell me more." The Great Yan Divine Lord was even more surprised.

"It's simple. Do you remember those land deeds I obtained from the Feng Family's secret cave? Among them was another document, detailing several secrets of the Feng Family. It happens that there's the head of the Feng Family who prepared an escape route many years ago for the descendants of the Feng Family, an unrelated identity with a wealthy merchant family in the southern region. This wealthy merchant indeed exists, managing more than a dozen well-known shops. However, this person is just a puppet deliberately pushed out by the Feng Family. The real power and the deeds to the shops are still in the hands of the Feng Family. Now that the Feng Family is completely wiped out, this wealthy man still lives. With this person's cover, it shouldn't be a problem to join a major sect in the southern region. As long as two to three years later, I can undo the backlash and restore most of my vitality, I can safely search for materials everywhere." Han Li had no intention of hiding anything and said one by one.

"Is there such a thing? That's a good idea. However, why are you lingering here now? Are you planning to practice the first layer of the mantra first?" The Great Yan Divine Lord thought for a while, thought there was no problem, but asked one more question.

"I do intend to master the first layer of the King's Enlightenment Technique first. After all, this technique needs to be practiced to truly determine its difficulty and see if there are any problems. In addition, with no one disturbing this place, I want to first refine the diamond hood and recognize its master, as well as the crystallized demon pill I obtained from the trading meeting, to prepare for future use. Of course, the most important thing is to deal with these two things first." Han Li sighed, turned his palm over, and two round beads appeared in his hand at the same time. It was the Heavenly Corpse Bead he had just obtained and the snow crystal bead he had obtained from the disciple of the Nine Immortals Palace.

"You don't need to mention the snow crystal bead. This is a rare ice attribute treasure, and it has never been recognized as its master. If it can be refined and nurtured for a period of time, it will definitely be of great benefit to the Purple Luo Heavenly Fire. As for this Heavenly Corpse Bead, since so many people want it, even the mid-Yuan Ying period cultivator is willing to kill for it. It seems to be equally extraordinary. Senior, do you know its use?" Han Li asked solemnly.

"This kind of thing involves the practice methods of demon and ghost dao. I don't know much about it. However, the reputation of this bead is not small; I know a little about it. This thing is generally formed only when the Corpse Kings intentionally cultivate it. For those who focus on refining the body, it can be seen as a kind of marrow-washing elixir. After swallowing it, it can gradually improve the practitioner's physique, allowing them to make rapid progress in body refinement. With this bead, it's highly probable to refine the body into something as tough as the Corpse Kings and demon beasts, and this bead called the Heavenly Corpse Bead should have even more extraordinary effects." The Great Yan Divine Lord pondered for a moment before saying so.

"Swallow it? Like refining a magic treasure, directly absorb it into the body?" Han Li looked down at the golden bead, feeling hesitant.

"Of course, it's impossible to directly refine it like that. The Corpse Bead itself carries extremely potent corpse poison, which must be first purified with a special spirit liquid. Although the materials needed for this spirit liquid are rare, I remember you have everything on you. There's no need to go out and buy more. Most of the cultivation methods in the King's Enlightenment Technique are also body refining techniques. Perhaps this bead will also greatly benefit the practice of the King's Enlightenment Technique. Let me copy this formula into a jade slip for you to take a look at!" The Great Yan Divine Lord this time took the initiative to help Han Li up, after all, Han Li's body had to be cleared of Corpse Poison one day, and he couldn't boldly go out to collect materials.

"So that's how it is. Then trouble senior!" Han Li exhaled and said with a smile.

After waiting for a while, a jade slip flew out of the bamboo tube. Han Li grabbed it in his hand and carefully examined it.

However, after a while, the Great Yan Divine Lord suddenly asked in a strange voice:

"Han kid, from escaping from the Mu Lan grassland until now, have you forgotten something very important?"

"What important matter? What are you referring to, Senior?" Han Li withdrew his thoughts and asked somewhat puzzled.

"Have you forgotten about what's sealed inside that Heavenvoid Cauldron of yours?" sighed the Great Yan Divine Lord.

"Senior means the incarnation of the Heavenly Abyssal Beast?" Han Li chuckled.

"Yes, that beast. Since you captured it, I've noticed you haven't dealt with it yet. Could it be you've actually forgotten?" The Great Yan Divine Lord smirked.

"Forgetfulness is out of the question. In fact, I've already handled it long ago. It's just that the cauldron can only expel it when my magical power has recovered. That's why you weren't aware of it," Han Li explained with a wry smile.

"How did you handle it?" The Great Yan Divine Lord asked with considerable interest.

"How else could I handle it? I don't have the ability to open the cauldron at will. The last time I managed to lift the lid and capture the beast on my own was already beyond my expectations. I could only communicate with it using my spiritual consciousness," Han Li said bitterly.

"What was the result?" The Great Yan Divine Lord pressed on.

"Hmph! The beast has only recently arrived in this world and hasn't even fully awakened its intelligence. There was no way to communicate with it at all," Han Li grunted in frustration.

"That's quite normal, nothing surprising about that. However, since this beast is a manifestation of the spiritual consciousness of an upper realm beast, its intelligence will likely fully awaken in not too many years. There's no rush; you can deal with it when the time comes," the Great Yan Divine Lord said calmly.

"That's the only option! It's a pity that the small cauldron resembling the Heavenly Abyssal Cauldron of the Heavenly Abyss Saintess cannot be retrieved either. Otherwise, given its ability to spray spiritual sand, it would be an extremely powerful treasure. It seems that this cauldron is likely a replica of the Heavenly Abyss Cauldron," Han Li lamented.

"That small cauldron doesn't look like the kind of spiritual treasure specifically used for enemy extermination; it's probably more of an auxiliary type. Whereas the Seven Flames Fan is definitely designed for direct attack. If you can gather enough materials and refine a replica of this treasure according to my method, its power in combat will surely surpass even that of the Heavenly Abyss Saintess's small cauldron. There's nothing to envy!" retorted the Great Yan Divine Lord with a cold laugh.
