Chapter 910: Plotting

Han Li carefully lifted the brick, examining it once more. With another hand, he extended a finger, which shimmered with a faint blue light as he gently tapped the surface of the brick.

Instantly, a layer of hazy white spiritual light rippled out like waves.

A smile spread across Han Li's face as he nodded.

According to Feng Zhen's description, this blue brick was no ordinary object but a type of magical tool similar to a storage pouch. However, this item required a specific method to unlock; otherwise, any attempt to forcefully open it would instantly turn its contents to ashes.

Han Li had naturally obtained the incantation from Feng Zhen before his death. Immediately, a low chanting emanated from his mouth, and with a breath, a bundle of runes flashing with blue light erupted, precisely hitting the surface of the brick and covering it.

Then, with a single hand gesture, he swiftly pinched the corners of the brick and tapped each corner with his fingers. With a light "bang," a circular hole appeared on the surface, pitch-black.

Rather than reaching in directly, Han Li slapped the bottom of the brick. Radiant light flickered, and two items flew out from the hole on their own: a few inches long jade slip and a neatly bound stack of documents resembling account books.

With a single scoop, Han Li effortlessly grabbed both items.

After storing away the blue brick, Han Li didn't even glance at the stack of documents. Instead, he immediately immersed his spiritual sense into the jade slip.

Not long after, Han Li's expression turned strange, his face darkening.

"What's wrong? Isn't there the Feng Family's secret hideout address inside?" Seeing Han Li's expression, Grand Emperor Dayan couldn't help but ask.

"No, there is indeed the hideout address inside, and it's marked very clearly," Han Li breathed a sigh of relief, withdrawing his spiritual sense from the jade slip, but his brow furrowed.

"Then why the troubled expression? Could there still be some danger at the hideout?" This person, with nearly ten thousand years of experience, quickly guessed a few truths after a moment's thought.

"Perhaps we might encounter some difficulties? It turns out the Feng Family's hideout is actually built deep within the Snow Ridge Mountains," Han Li sighed softly, showing a hint of helplessness.

"Why would the Feng Family choose to build their hideout there? Don't they know that area is peculiar, with cultivators often disappearing?" Grand Emperor Dayan also expressed surprise.

"Who knows? Maybe the Feng Family ancestor who chose the location believed that the more dangerous the place, the safer it would be," Han Li shrugged, speculating resignedly.

"Since the Feng Family has been using this hideout for so long, it should not be dangerous. There's no need to worry too much," Grand Emperor Dayan reassured calmly.

"Let's hope so! We've already obtained the map. We can't just give up because of some unknown risks. If everything goes smoothly, we should find the hideout within a day," Han Li chuckled bitterly, saying so.

He then put away the jade slip and casually picked up the stack of documents, flipping through them briefly. He exclaimed in surprise, "Huh! These are proof of the Feng Family's worldly assets and land deeds! There are quite a few. It's enough to dominate a region."

"What's so surprising about that? Unlike the major families in the Southern Heaven Realm who view involvement in worldly affairs as shameful, the great families of the Great Jin Dynasty consider it ordinary. They often actively seek to integrate with the ruling class and the wealthy. Although the Great Jin Dynasty is vast, the mundane world is more densely populated than the Southern Heaven, occupying most of the Great Jin's territory. Therefore, many spiritual medicine and spiritual stone resources are not located in uninhabited areas but are directly controlled by the court. Unlike the Southern Heaven, where the territories occupied by ordinary people are not many, and the majority is still wilderness. Naturally, cultivators from the Southern Heaven do not need to interact with ordinary people." Grand Emperor Dayan seemed to know something about it, pointing to Han Li.

"So you mean that the Great Jin Dynasty's control of so many cultivational resources does not allow the remaining sects?" Han Li was somewhat incredulous.

"Hehe, what can they do if they don't allow it? The Great Jin Dynasty is not like the Southern Heaven with numerous countries but has always been a powerful dynasty ruling over the mundane world from ancient times to the present. Even if cultivators are powerful, they cannot openly commit acts that harm ordinary people. Otherwise, regardless of the mundane world's reaction, other sects and powers will take advantage of the situation. In fact, the current Great Jin court is the result of a compromise among several major forces in the cultivation world. If I remember correctly, these major forces seem to have an agreement that no sect can openly pressure the secular court and force it to do anything. To ensure the secular court's authority, they even allow the government to directly recruit some wandering cultivators, and the Great Jin royal family can cultivate a certain number of court cultivators. Of course, under the watchful eyes of those major sects, the grade and quantity of these cultivators will not allow them to expand too much."

"In secret, various major forces display their skills to occupy more cultivation resources and manpower in the mundane world, actively befriending some royal and court dignitaries. Especially those local officials like county magistrates, almost all have the shadows of major sects behind them. And to avoid being caught by other forces, these things are mostly handled by the family members. So, gradually, the cultivating families have acquired many assets in the mundane world, which is already a common thing in the Great Jin. But these things are so carefully placed here, they should be related to the land contract documents about cultivation resources. This is the key to whether a family can continue to exist." The Grand Emperor Dayan explained everything he knew.

Listening to these words, Han Li was greatly surprised and touched his chin.

"Since these documents are so important, why were they placed here? Could it be that the Feng Family's patriarch sensed something before the incident and intentionally left a backup?" Han Li could only speculate like this.

"Maybe. However, these things have nothing to do with us, and there is no need to consider their peculiarities. Let's quickly find the Feng Family's hideout and see if there are any Buddhist techniques inside that can dispel the evil aura on you!" Grand Emperor Dayan dismissed it casually.

"What the senior said makes sense!" Han Li smiled and put the stack of documents into a jade box, storing it away.

After confirming the direction, he soared into the sky on his magic tool, heading straight towards the Snow Ridge Mountains.


In an underground tomb chamber deep within the Snow Ridge Mountains, two figures shrouded in green aura knelt motionless before three stone coffins.

Suddenly, from the middle coffin, two green beams shot forth, piercing swiftly into the heads of the two figures.

"Go! Kill that person and retrieve the treasure," commanded a stern male voice from within the coffin.

Without hesitation, the two figures transformed into streaks of green light, spiraled around the tomb chamber, and shot out of sight.

"It's done. I've imprinted the appearance of the one who took the Diamond Armor, integrated it into the avatar. With the lingering aura of the prince still in the armor, if he doesn't immediately escape Guan Ning Mansion, he'll find it impossible to flee," another voice said.

"T-thank you... Father King!" joyous stammering voices emanated from one of the coffins.

"Hmph! This incident is forgiven. Next time, do not act on your own!" the man in the middle coffin huffed.

"Yes! N-next time... it won't happen again!" the hesitant voice replied, tinged with fear.

There were no more words from the middle coffin after that. However, after a while of silence, a loud bang echoed through the chamber as the lid of the middle coffin flew several yards away. A slender figure wearing a crown abruptly sat up from within.

"Great King, what is this?" exclaimed a sweet female voice from another coffin in surprise.

"The time is near. Today is the day of the Yin Qi eruption. Temporarily leaving the tomb won't greatly affect my cultivation. It's opportune to assist General Ge in dealing with the troublesome figures from the other two families. After I depart, open all the prohibitions in the tomb. Don't let outsiders intrude," the man with red eyes and an impassive expression said.

"Yes, Great King! Please be cautious," the woman hesitated, offering her caution.

"Fear not, beloved. In just two days and one night, I'll return to the tomb. By then, I won't easily leave again," the man nodded. Suddenly lifting his leg, his figure vanished eerily from the coffin's vicinity.

After a few flickers, his form blurred and then dissipated into a mass of gray gas, vanishing from the chamber without a trace of his departure.

Soon after, in the silent tomb chamber, a deep sigh from the woman broke the stillness.


When Han Li next beheld the Snow Ridge Mountains, the sky was beginning to lighten. Without hesitation, he plunged into the mountains, his flying vessel skimming low through the air.

Fearing to attract any trouble, Han Li concealed his aura completely, extending his spiritual sense several miles away, vigilant of any abnormalities nearby.

The location of the Feng Family's secret lair was not at the heart of the mountains but hidden in a secluded spot near the periphery.

A day later, after Han Li had searched around the mountains, he finally discovered beneath an inconspicuous peak a massive waterfall hundreds of yards tall.

Seeing the waterfall and the surroundings, which closely matched half of what was recorded in the jade slip, Han Li finally released the tension he had been carrying.

Gazing at the Milky Way cascading down from the sky, Han Li's flying vessel floated in mid-air. With a gesture invoking the Water Avoidance Technique, two streaks of green light flashed and disappeared into the waterfall.

A muffled sound echoed as a hole about ten feet in diameter appeared on the waterfall.

Without hesitation, Han Li urged his magic tool, and his figure flew directly into it. The hole promptly closed, and the waterfall returned to its original state.

Unaware of this, at the moment he entered the hole, thousands of miles away from the waterfall, two greenish figures suddenly lost track of their target, hovering and spinning in place out of fury. They occasionally bared their black fangs and emitted low growls, resembling ferocious beasts.

However, what the two figures did not anticipate was that several miles behind them, two other concealed figures, their forms hidden, were coldly staring at their backs, engaged in a whispered conversation.
