Settling in! Part 2

"This food should last us a week p/n ,so don't go night time snacking like last time." *bark* ' That was not me or was it.'

"I've bought a bunch of clothes no more wearing this dirty old thing."

I changed the outfits they looked so bland.

"you're going to look so adorable in these pajamas p/n. I'm a cat & your a mouse. pokemonimeanwut!"

"You better not ruin this bed like the last one p/n I swear you like to tear up everything. The only thing you can tear off is an enemies limb."

Y/n stared at the cursed sword admiring its sharp edges.
'Who could have crafted this? A cursed sword they say..seems like the perfect sword for me. It's starting to get late I should put this up.... under my bed. Mother ,Father, b/n.... I hope you know I'm staying alive because of you I swear by our bloody cursed name that I will get my- No our vengeance!' Y/n then drifts off to sleep her family the last thing on her mind.

Sorry if you can't see the pictures just imagine your own if you can't.
