Identify yourself: Powerful New Rivals

Gaara turns to y/n.
"Do I know you?"

She looked at him with a incredulous expression.
"Ouch that hurt ,Panda."

Gaara's face then turned into one of recognition.

Temari and Kankuro look at each other in shock.
"Yep it's me."

"That was very easy. It seems you don't have to find the jinchuriki and his team anymore they're all here."

'Yeah no kidding. Gaara's chakra signature kinda gave it away like always.'

Kankuro starts rambling about the situation ,but was cut silent by Gaara.
"Shut up or I'll kill you."
Silence overtook everyone.

"I'm sorry for any trouble he's caused."

Gaara uses his sand to disappear and reappear on the ground.
"Let's go we didn't come here to play games."

"R-right sorry." Kankuro stutters.

They start walking away but are stopped by Sakura.

"What is it?" Temari asks.

"I can tell from your headband that you are not from this village. Even if our village are allies no shinobi from another village can come here without permission. So you better have a good reason why your here." Sakura said.

"Really have you guys been living under a rock? Y/n is this your team?" Temari asks.

"Nope never met them in my life." She lies.

"You liar!" Naruto and Sakura shout.

"Well to answer your question pinky we do have permission. You must not know what's going on. You are correct we are sand genin our home is the land of the wind and we're here for the chunin exams get the picture."

"What are the chunin exams? I haven't heard of any chunin exams believe it." Naruto asks.

"Oh I believe alright.. that your totally clueless." Temari states.

"Naruto the chunin exams are tests all genins have to take to become a chunin. Read a book you goof." She informed. Sakura and a few others hid their giggles.

Gaara and the others start leaving then are stopped once again by Sasuke.
"Hey you identify yourself."

'Dang it sasuke let them get on with their business.'

Temari turns around blushing slightly.
"You mean me?"

'No not you too!'

"No. The one with a gourd on his back." Sasuke points to Gaara.
Gaara turns around.

"My name is Gaara of the desert. I'm curious about you too... who are you?"

"I am Sasuke Uchiha." There was silence between the two that was then interrupted by Naruto.

"Hey what about me you wanna know my name too?"

Gaara turns away before replying.
"No, I couldn't care less."

"Y/n you should really tell them your their guide before they leave."

'Oh your right.'

"Hey you three don't leave without your guide?" Y/n  then whistled for p/n who came to her side instantly.

"Your our guide?" Temari and Kankuro ask.
She nods her head.

"Okay let's go. I'll see you losers later." Y/n said to team 7 jokingly.

"That Uchiha brat has been rubbing off on you hasn't he?"

'Maybe a little.'
Y/n and the Sand siblings leave.

"Boss she's really pretty. Is she your girl friend?"
Before Naruto could reply the glares of his teammates silenced him.

"Uhh no.."

What team 7 didn't know was that a few ninjas from afar were watching them.
"What do you think Dosu?" One of the nin asks.

"The usual weaklings nothing special. But that Uchiha brat and dessert rat and let's not forget the Shadow Demon are the ones we should keep an eye on.... carefully."

Hokage Building
"Alright it's time to choose the candidates for the chunin examinations. Will those in charge of the rookie genin step forward."
Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai step up.

"What do you say are there any who you think are ready to take the exams despite their inexperience? As you know any genin that has carried out eight or more missions is technically eligible for the examination beyond that only you can decide when they are ready. Of course most genins require a much longer training period at least twice that many missions."

'There's no need to say all this it's too soon for their squads.' Iruka thought.

"Kakashi you begin." The hokage said.

"I lead squad 7 which include Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, and Y/n L/n. I Kakashi Hatake recommend these four genin for the Chunin exams." Iruka gasps after he said that. Soon after Kurenai and Asuma follow doing the same.

"Hold on!"

"Yes? What is it Iruka?" The hokage asked.

"Lord Hokage with all due respect those 10 names that were called were all my students at the academy. I know their skills and ability except y/n's. Every one of them has great promise ,but it's too soon. They need more experience before they're tested. If they try now they're sure to fail."

Kakashi turns to Iruka
"When I became a chunin I was 6 years younger than Naruto."

"Naruto is nothing like you!" Iruka shouts.
"Are you trying to destroy him!?"

"Well they're always complaining about not being challenged enough. Maybe wiping out on these exams will teach them a lesson."

"Are you saying that you know their going to fail!?" Iruka shouts once more.

"Of course not. I'm confident in their abilities and if they do fail they always have next year. Relax Iruka. I understand how you feel it's very personal for you and upsets you but-." Kakashi gets cut off by Kurenai.

"Alright Kakashi you've said enough."

"Hold it Kurenai, Iruka needs to hear this. He needs to realize they're not his students anymore they're mine."

'Ugh enough already.' Asuma thought.

"But these exams could destroy them you know that!" Iruka shouts.

"Iruka you have made your point and I understand. Accordingly the best thing to do is to hold a special preliminary test." The hokage said.

"Preliminary test?"

"Yes all 9 genin will be tested and perhaps y/n." The hokage said.

"Perhaps?" Iruka asks.

"In case you've forgotten y/n is a very powerful shinobi. She can handle herself quite well ,so that's why I've decided that she will be taking the Chunin exams by herself." The hokage explains. The jonins around the room look at each other in shock.

"She's taking them alone." One Jonin whispers.
"Is that even possible." Another murmurs.

"I am confident in her abilities. To add on when the chunin exams are over I'm not planning to make her a chunin. I've decided to make the last round of the Chunin exams different for her, but this is only for y/n, if she passes I'll make her a full fledge Jonin."

The next day
Y/n yawned as she made her way to team 7's meeting spot. She could hear the not so distance  shouts of Naruto and Sakura. P/n was asleep on her head.
'Ugh I'm so tired maybe I shouldn't had stayed up last night with Gaara ,but then he would have been lonely.'

She was then pulled out of her thoughts by Naruto's shout.
"I didn't even have time to brush my teeth or change my underwear!"

"That's gross Naruto." Both Sakura and Naruto turn to y/n who gave a small wave at them.

Naruto blushed in embarrassed by what he said.
"Y-y/n! Ignore what I just said!"

"Ok." Y/n yawns and sets her self down next to Naruto and Sakura. P/n adjust her position on y/n's head once again.

"You usually aren't this tired y/n ,did you get any sleep?" Sakura asks.

"Not really... I stayed up with one Sand genin last night." Y/n replys. This grabs Sasuke's attention.

"What were you doing there?" Sasuke asks.

Y/n smiles slightly.
"Just catching up with some old friends."

Y/n led the Sand siblings to a hotel room.
"There are three separate rooms for each of you." The sand siblings nod. It was kinda awkward for the Sand siblings especially after the little stunt Kankuro pulled.

"You guys have been so quiet. Why is that? We've finally seen each other after many years and this is how greet each other again. Do you guys not like me anymore?" She faces them. Temari and Kankuro shake their head no. Gaara turns his head away.

"No! We still like you y/n! It's just kinda awkward... we feel a little embarrassed about how we encountered each other again!" Temari said as she nudges Kankuro.

"Yeah sorry how I acted back there y/n!" Kankuro apologizes.

"It's okay. You guys should get rest you must be tired from traveling here. Let's hang out one of these days." Temari and Kankuro nod and head into their rooms.

Y/n looks around for the third sand sibling.
She spots him outside sitting on the roof.
'He must not be able to sleep.'

"Hey." Y/n sits besides him.
Gaara said nothing.

"You still can't sleep?"
He nods.

"Would it help if I stayed here with you?" Y/n asks.

"You don't have too." Gaara said.

"I want to I missed you." Gaara cheeks tint pink before vanishing. Y/n reaches over and grabs his hand. His hand flinches at the sudden contact.

"Just like old times Panda-kun." She leans on his shoulder as they watch the stars in silence.
Gaara's grip on her hand tightened slightly.
Flashback end

Sasuke eyes y/n before turning his head.
'I don't like the way she reacted to that...'

Kakashi appears a few minutes later.
"Hey guys sorry I'm late I'm afraid I got lost on the path of life."

"You liar!" Both Naruto and Sakura shout.
Y/n's eye twitches.
'They can't just be quiet for a second.'

"I know this is a bit sudden but I recommend you guys for the Chunin exams. These are the application forms." Kakashi hands each of them a form.

Y/n looks it over interested.
'Our next challenge to ranking up?'

"This is totally voluntary so it's up to you guys if you want to participate in the exams. If you feel your not ready you can wait until next year."

Naruto jumps up and hugs Kakashi.
"Alright thank you Kakashi sensei!"

"Hey don't slobber on my vest! Whoever wants to take the exams sign the application and come to 301 at the academy it's at 3 p.m five days from now that's it."

'The Chunin exams... I'm definitely doing it.'

Team 7 were now walking to who knows where.
Naruto was grinning at his paper.
'He seems in good spirits. Well all the boy wants is to be hokage taking the chunin exams is the next step to achieving that goal. I wish him luck on that.'

"I'll see you guys later I'm going to go train." Y/n waves at her team then teleports away with p/n.

Y/n teleports at the same pond from before.
"Alright time to work on that Kekkei Genkai." She takes out a scroll.

"What the?! It's empty!" She looked around it for any writing. She found barely noticeable words on the corner of the scroll.
Only those with the eyes shall know.
'The eyes... should I activate them... I guess I have too ,but first I think I'm going to give the eyes a new name ,the code name is too long. I'm gonna call it Seiryokugan. Now back to the scroll.'
Y/n concentrates her Chakra and activates her eyes.

She opens her eyes and looks back at the scroll.
"Hmm... that wasn't there before..." Instead of the scroll being blank it had, pictures and descriptions of the Seiryokugan written in white glowing ink.

Whoever is using this scroll should know only those from the l/n clan can access the following information. Never leak any of the information within the scroll to outsiders.
Be aware that those who have just awakened their eyes are at a higher risk of getting fatally injured if attempts to do high class techniques are made. Proceed if your ready.

The eyes of a thousand years come from a long line generations that goes all the way before the Uchiha and Senju clan existed. The powers of the eyes are a blessing and curse. This power is a gift ,but can cause much destruction. There is a theory that the power originated from within the stars that later came to earth and granted a certain human (the founder) the power to wield the eyes ,but that is only a theory. If you the new user of the eyes seek guidance to train your new eyes there will be a few things you need to know.

1. Always be in an isolated area when training the eyes.
2. Never attempt difficult Jutsu's as a beginner.
3. Find your guardian.

The last one is a little tricky. You must wonder what is a guardian? A guardian is an animal of spirit that is materialized to look like an animal. These spirits can come in many forms. Their unusual color palette and moon marking on their paws/legs/tails/ can give it away.

One the scroll was an old faded picture of a pink dog that looked like p/n.

"P/n has that mark..." She murmurs. P/n tilts her head in confusion.
"P/n did you know about this?" P/n sat up and nods her head. She then barks and scratches her ear.

'I hope she knows what she's doing.'

Your guardian will stick to your side till the end. They help you along with the process of training your eyes. They are the only ones beside those from the l/n clan that can unlock and reveal hidden jutsu's. The guardian can fight ,but only when necessary. You should know this but.... Keep your guardian safe.

Y/n glances at p/n fell asleep.
"P/n are you going to help me train my eyes." P/n yips then turns and lays on her back as if she was asking for a belly rub.

'She's so cute...'
Y/n scratches p/n's belly. P/n hops up and grabs a scroll that lays on the floor. She then raises a paw and slams it on the scroll. The scroll unrolls revealing  hidden information.

Guide to training the eyes of a l/n step 1 out of 50.
'Oh hell no.'

Y/n had fallen to the ground out of exhausted.
'My eyes are sore and so is the rest of my body.. but atleast I'm getting use to them now.'
Y/n struggles to stay awake.
'I'll just close my eyes for a bit...'

P/n wakes up her eyes fall to her owner who is asleep. She huffs but gently drags her owner home.

Time skip again
Y/n waked up to a loud knock.

'.......? Who knows where I live? Oh right Naruto... wait how did I get home?'

More knocking followed.

'Should I go answer that? Nah.'

"Y/n!" A heavy weight falls on her.

She opens her eyes only to stare into blue ones.
"What...?" She turns to her side facing away from Naruto.
'How did he get in here?'

"Today's the Chunin exams! Get up!" Naruto shouts.
Y/n hid her head under a pillow.

"Your going to drag me there cause I'm not getting out of bed." Y/n said muffled.

'He's really dragging me.'
Naruto rushed over to the academy where the rest of the team were waiting while p/n trailed behind.

"Your late Naruto! Good morning y/n." Sakura said.

"Morning." Y/n murmurs.
'She's seems off...'

Another smol time skip
The academy was packed with many shinobi from different villages.
'So many memories although I was only here for like three or two days.'
Walking down a short memory lane she was broken out of her thoughts when she bumped into Sasuke's back.

I almost typed butt!😅

"Why did you stop?" She asked.

"Hn take a look loser." Sasuke answers.

Y/n pinches Sasuke's cheek and leans close to his face.
"Don't be rude." Y/n whispers. Sasuke grunts and turns away feeling his cheeks turn warm.


She ignored his remark and turned to see what was all the commotion.
A boy with a bowl cut layed on the floor after being punched by two Konoha nin while a brunette girl with buns on both side of her head pleads to be let through.
'I recognize that chakra. This must be some sort of test. Nice try but that level of genjutsu won't work on me.'
Just before the nin could punch the girl with buns y/n appears before them in a split second and catches his fist.

"That was a nice trick you tried to pull ,but it won't work. If you don't mind could you release the genjutsu. My team can clearly tell this is the second floor." Confusion filled the air.

"This is the third floor." A guy with long hair muttered.

"So you noticed the genjutsu well aren't you a smart one."
One of the nin said.

"Right... go ahead Sakura tell them I'm sure you saw it before anyone else did. You have the sharpest eyes and best analytical skills in our group. You must have seen this a mile away." Y/n said trying to lift Sakura's spirits up.

"Yeah of course! This is only the second floor." Naruto and Sasuke nod in agreement.
The classroom number turns from 301 to 201.

"Alright so you noticed the illusion but can you see through this!" The nin aims his leg down on y/n. Sasuke takes action to protect y/n. Both his and the other nins leg get caught by the boy with the bowl cut.

'Well he's fast.'

"Hey what happened to the plan I thought it was your idea to keep a low profile." The guy with long hair said.

'Judging from his eyes he must be a hyuga like hinata.'

"I know but...." The bowl cut boy trails off as he stares at y/n and Sakura.

"Your name is Sakura right?" He then asks.

"Uh yeah."

"My name is Rock lee please be my girlfriend! I'll protect you with my life!" He gives off a smile that emits a shine while holding a thumbs up.

"Definitely not." Rock lee then gets depressed.
"What about you miss- where did she go?" Rock lee asks realizing y/n no longer there.

Her team look around for their teammate.
'Where did y/n go?'

With y/n
"Izumo, Kotetsu shouldn't you guys be guarding the gates?" Y/n asks startling the jonins.

"Your right we should but the Hokage appointed us as sentinels to watch over the genin during the written test. We never expected the Shadow demon to take part of the exams we thought you were too good for this." Kotetsu said.

"I have my reasons why I'm here. I should get going I don't want to hold my team up." She teleports back to her team.

Y/n found her team conversating with another team.
'I'll just wait here till their done.' As she waited she could feel the familiar stares that she would get when she visited villages. P/n growls out of discomfort.

"Hey you the one with the dog what's your name!" The Hyuga asked well more like demanded to Y/n.

"It's common courtesy to say your name first ,but I guess you don't have manners. The names y/n." The Hyūga nods ignoring her insult.

Rock lee then jumps into her line of vision.
"There you are Y/n my sweet! My name is Rock lee! Will you please be my girlfriend! I'll protect you with my life!" Y/n sighs but before she could reply Naruto and Sasuke beat her to it.

"She's not Interested." Lee got depressed again.

"Guys let's go." Y/n said as they all walk away.
'Let's just get this exam over with.'

Sorry it took so long to update I had a lot of schoolwork to do. Luckily I have Monday off next week so I'll have more time to update. Thanks for reading guys I really appreciate it! Stay safe!❤️
