He's back

Y/n dug through her closet.
"I can't find it!" Her room was a mess.
"Where is it?!"

*knock knock knock*
"Who is it?!" She shouts.
'Wait who knows where I live? And why are they knocking on the door to my room?!'

"It's me... Sasuke."

Y/n sighs. 'What could he want?"

Y/n opens her door.
"What is it?"

Sasuke coughs and turns his head away blushing slightly .
"Before I answer your question can you at least put a shirt on."

Y/n looked down to find herself in shorts and a bra.
"Oh whoops." She slammed the door and reopened it fully clothe.

"Ok so what do you want I'm kinda busy."

"I can see that." Sasuke said peering into her room.
"What happened here?"

"I lost something very special to me and it's driving me nuts."

"What is it?"

"It's... a picture. A picture of my family to be exact. Ever since they died that's the only photo I had left of them..." Y/n looked sadly at ground.

Sasuke puts a hand on her shoulder.
"Hey it'll be alright if it makes you feel better I'll help you look for it ,but for now we have to go meet up with Kakashi."

She sighs but nods.
"Alright let's go. P/n I'll be back later hold down the fort till I get back." *woof*
They walked out the house.

"Let's get going duckbutt." She said playfully.

"I told you to stop calling me that."

"And I told you never so..."

"Tch your lucky your the least annoying loser on the team..." He whispered.

"Really who's first loser, you?" Sasuke rolled his eyes at her comment.

"Oh your moving up there."

With kakashi"
"Asuma, Kurenai you two seem to be getting along well." Kakashi teases.

Kurenai blushes.
"Shut up I was just I getting rice dumplings for Anko that's all."

"By the looks of it you don't seem to be doing anything other than catching up with your reading." Asuma said.

"Actually I'm getting something for a grave and waiting for Sasuke and y/n."

A man's finger twitched at the mention of the two. He and another wore black cloaks with red clouds.

"You mean the Uchiha and the Shadow demon?" Asuma asked.

"Yes that's them."

"Shouldn't it be the other way around? Your students should be the ones waiting on you." Kurenai said.

Sasuke and Y/n walked up.
"Kakashi it's not you to be so early what gives." Sasuke said.

"Yeah usually your 3 hours late." Y/n said.

"Hey I can be on time."

Sasuke looked toward the restaurant.
"Let's eat somewhere else I don't have much of a sweet tooth."

"Is that so."

"You don't like sweet things duck butt?"

"No wonder you don't like Sakura."

The three walked off in another direction.
'That chakra I may have sensed it for a moment but there's no doubt he's here.'

'Why is he here?'

"Hey guys I'm sorry to do this but I remembered I had to do something. I'm apologize for wasting your time so next time we eat it's on me how about that?" Kakashi said.

"It wasn't this time?" Kakashi smiles and poofs away.

"Well that was a waste." Sasuke said as he walked off.
"I'll keep an eye out for your photo."


'Kakashi left in such a hurry so did Asuma and Kurenai... what are they up too? Well there's only one way to find out' Y/n teleported to her sensei's chakra.

She hid in a nearby tree. Kakashi's clone was at Kurenai's side while he standed with asuma. There were two figures with black cloaks with red clouds.
'Those cloaks... those symbols! Wait could it be?!'

"Itachi Uchiha what's a rogue ninja like you doing in this village the same goes for you Kisame Hoshigaki?" Kakashi asked.

'K-kisame as in one of the seven mist swordsman? Zabuza sensei told me about this man. He's part of the akatsuki ,a terrorist group. His sword samehada is truly frightening as they say. I guess the rumor of him looking like a shark is true as well hehe. I wonder if he likes sushi?'

"Kakashi Hatake..." Itachi glances at him with his sharingan.

'His eyes are still the same... he hasn't changed a bit.'

Y/n was on a bounty job.
"Where are you target number 42... I'm gonna find you..." A twig snapped as she said that. Y/n threw a kunai in that direction she heard a thud followed by groaning.

Her target layed on the ground with a kunai pierced in his arm.
"Found you~"

"N-no please don't kill me I'll give you whatever you want! Just don't kill me!"  Shouted the target as tears brimmed his eyes.

"That's to bad what I want is too kill you. Goodnight.." Y/n whispered then slashed his throat killing him instantly.

"Great now how do I get his body to the collection office! He's way to heavy to carry! Ugh!" Y/n grabs the mans arm and dragged him to a random direction. While she did that she was unaware of the eyes that followed her every movement.

Y/n wiped her brow. "It took all day but I made it." By now the mans body was deathly pale.

'That same chakra has been following me all day.'

Y/n dodged kunai's that were flunged toward her.
"You know... there's an easier way of getting my attention. You can come out I knew you were tailing me the whole time."

A person stepped out of the shadows.
He was a tall male dressed in a black cloak with red clouds. He looked pretty young despite the stress lines on his face. His eyes captivated y/n the most they were a pretty shade of red with 3 black tomoes.

'So he's a sharingan user eh..'

"What do you want? I'm busy as you can see!"
The man stayed silent but perplexed.

"Oi you gonna answer me?!"

"What's a mere child like you collecting bounties for?" He asked.

"That's none of your business now if you excuse me I have money to collect." Y/n started dragging the body inside but is stopped by another kunai.

"Ok clearly you want something so spit it out!"

"You have something I want."

"Oh and that is?"

"The man I need his bounty."

Y/n's eye twitches.
"Well that's a shame cause his bounty is mine! I killed him fair and square! So if that's all good day!" Y/n teleported inside leaving Itachi shocked.

'She vanished before I could even blink. Who is this girl?'

An hour later y/n walked out whistling a tune happily counting her money.
'Who knew this guy had such a head.'

Out of nowhere her money is snatched out of her hand as a figure dashed deep into the woods.
"Hey! Give me that back!"

Y/n chased after the figure gradually getting closer to the him or her. Once she was at a fair distance she launched at the person tackling them to the ground. The bag of money flew out of the person's hand landing on the top of a tree.

"Aha! I got you- you again!?" Y/n stumbled back.

"This would be a lot easier if you just handed me the bounty ,but you have to do it the hard way." He said.

"Excuse you! If you wanna fight for it bring it on! I'll kick your ass any day!" Y/n said.

"What could you do your just a child."

"Well your just a teenager."

Hehe get it?

The two stare each other down.
Y/n launches forward ready to tear apart his throat.

"Lightning style: Lightning rain!" Y/n summons two dark clouds above the teens head.

Thunder strikes everywhere around him making it hard for him to escape but he managed. The clouds soon die off.

"You managed to not get harmed by my Jutsu, Uchiha lucky you.."

"How did you know I was an Uchiha?" He asked.

Y/n facepalmed.
'Maybe he's not so bright as I thought he'd be.'

"Your eyes are a dead give away plus I heard recently the Uchiha have been wiped out by one of their own. That wouldn't have been you would it?"

"And if I said I was what would you do?" He asked.

"Nothing your not the person I'm after." Y/n replied.

Dark grey clouds formed above them.
"It looks like there's going to be a storm a bad one too.."

Y/n reached for her money sack but realized she didn't have it with her.
"W-where is it!? I thought I grabbed it!"

The Uchiha pointed upwards towards a tree. The sack of money layed on a pretty high branch.

The two looked at each other then launched up at the branch.
"That money is mine!"

Y/n stepped on a branch that then broke off causing her to fall backwards.

Y/n closed her eyes waiting for the pain of hitting the ground but it never came.
She opened her eyes only to have her face meet up with someone's chest. Specifically the Uchiha's who also had the sack of money in his hand.

They landed safely on the ground. Y/n pushed herself off him.
"Get your hands off me!"

"Tch your welcome..."

By now the rain could no longer let them see clearly so they found a nearby empty cave to wait out the storm.

Y/n gathered sticks to make a fire.
The Uchiha then used one of his fireballs to start it.

"So Uchiha why is it that you came for my bounty? I know that man was nothing special."


"Well?" She lifts a brow.

The Uchiha sighs.
"I was sent here to gather information on you. Pretending to go after the same target as you just made it easier to track you."

"Tch so your another one of them... great." Y/n sighed.

"Another one?"

"Yes, there always seems to be a person that comes to collect information on me. Im not surprised though this happens so often that I'm growing tired of it. A seven year old shouldn't have to constantly worry about this. But life works differently for others." Taking a peek out the cave y/n jumped at the sound lightning striking nearby.

"I don't think we're going to be going anywhere anytime soon. So..Goodnight." Grabbing a huge leaf she layed on the ground covering herself.

The Uchiha was perplexed at the sight. It was a unusual sight to see which twinged his heart with pity.

His mind drove him to pick up the small child which he did. He wrapped her in his cloak and set her aside near the fire for warmth.

"Thank you Uchiha." Y/n mumbled.



"My name is Itachi."

"Itachi... your name means weasel."

Itachi cracked an unnoticeable smile.
'She reminds me of him.'

"Itachi what is it you want you to know?"

Itachi frowned.
"You know by telling me this you'll become targeted much more especially from my organization."

"Eh I don't care either way it won't make a difference and it's not like I'd tell you something critical. Say what organization do you work for?"

Itachi stayed silent for a moment before answering.
"I work for a criminal organization named akatsuki."

"Akatsuki..? I've never heard of it before."

"That's because we keep our information secret."

"I can see that.. say Itachi how did you land yourself in such a group?" Y/n asked intrigued.

"Aren't I the one supposed to be asking questions? Let's get back to you."

Y/n rolled her eyes. "Fine."

"Why do you wander so much? A child like you should have somewhere to live wouldn't they?" Itachi asked.

"...... I- well let's just say I have no home to return to."

"Why is that?..." He asked.

"Because my home was destroyed along with everyone in it. One day I was a happy three year old next thing I know I'm running for my life. I know that it wasn't an accident.. because I saw who was behind the slaughter. He wore a mask that covered his face with only one eye hole so I didn't know what he looked like ,but his chakra is what made him very different from other people. It felt dark and powerful. I can't really explain it very well but that's what I felt. All I know now is that if I come across him again I will destroy him."

Itachi stared at y/n in deep thought.
'Mask man? Could it be Madara the way she described him made it sound like him but anyone can wear a mask like that.'

"Yo you still alive?" Y/n said snapping her fingers in front of his face.

"Yes... final question why did you decide to tell me this we are mere acquaintances enemies not to long ago."

"Well... I guess it's because you remind me of my brother he had a similar personality like yours. I didn't get to spend much time with him either but those three years I lived with him were the best. He had recently turned six before he perished and..
I know this seems odd but for some reason I feel like deep down your not a bad person and that I can trust you. That's why I decided to tell you this. And even if you do tell your organization about me it wouldn't make a difference I already have countless people after me for whatever reason. They would just be part of the crowd. So don't get your hopes up it's not like you know my weaknesses." Y/n stands up and exits the cave.

'It's not raining anymore.'

"It stopped raining... I gotta get going. Itachi Uchiha I really hope we meet again soon your an interesting character." With that y/n disappears.

"She took my cloak."
Flashback end

'But he has gotten stronger and taller.'

Y/n watched as her sensei collapsed on his knees panting like a dog.

"What happened can we look now!?" Kurenai asked.

'Of course not if you look now you'll only get trapped in his tsukuyomi. Oh wait she can't hear me.'

"This thing you've come for is it Sasuke?' Kakashi asked.


"No we've come after the 4th hokages legacy."

"The nine tails spirit inside of Naruto that's what your after isn't it. There are seven more of you searching... hunting I know all about you. You guys call yourselves the akatsuki."

'They're after Naruto!?'

"Kisame we're taking Kakashi with us but we don't need the others get rid of them."

Kisame dashes toward the three ready to finish Kurenai and Asuma off when suddenly he is stopped by Guy.

"Severe leaf Hurricane!" Guy shouts.
Kisame skids back.

"Well who have we here?" Kisame grins.

"The leafs fiercest beast of battle. I am Might Guy." He grins emitting a sparkle.

"Might Guy more like mighty stupid looking guy." Kisame said.

'Dang that was a real zinger.'

"Kisame don't underestimate him." Itachi said.

Kakashi starts sinking into the water but is pulled up by Guy.
"You guys open your eyes as long as you look at his feet you can avoid getting into his genjutsu. Trust me on this after training with Kakashi for so long I know all about sharingan."

Kurenai and Asuma open their eyes.
"That's easier said then done."

"We haven't had all your training we're not you Guy."

"True it does take skill to anticipate an opponents moves by their feet but I have no time to teach you now. You'll just have to do your best."

"So what do we do?" Asuma asked.

"Kurenai take Kakashi to the medical core. Asuma you'll be my back up."

"Got it." He nods.

"Alright I sent word to the Anbu black ops but until they get here we'll hold them off."

'This is my que to leave. I must find Naruto and fast.' Y/n disappears not noticing Itachi's gaze.

'So she was here the whole time clever girl.'

Thank you guys for waiting! I hope you all have a good Thanksgiving! Stay safe~❤️
