
Y/n was thrown back into her cage landing harshly against the wall.
"Haha that's what you get bitch!" Hidan cackled through the chewed tape placed on his mouth.

"Hidan enough." The leader ordered.

Grumbling to himself Hidan glared at the child.

"Now that your awake it's officially time to meet your fellow members."

"I never said I was going to join." Said y/n.

"And I never said you had a choice."

Scowling to herself she looked away from the mans smug face.

"Now then Akatsuki stand forward." He ordered.

The present members stood forward into the light taking in the appearance of their captive.

"Konan." A woman with blue hair stood forward.



"Sasori." A hunched man with a metallic tail stood forward next.

"Deidara." A blonde female? Kinda looked like Ino in a way.

"Kakuzu." Kakuzu stood forward as he counted his money.

"Hidan." Hidan was not attached to his body so Kakuzu had to hold him by his hair.

"Zetsu." Lastly some sort of half man and half plant being stood forward.

"Each of you have been gathered here to officially meet our new member. There will be no objections to her services."

'Yes there will ..'

"Wait a second! Why are you letting a bitch like her join!?" Asked Hidan. He was very pissed off by the events that occurred earlier.

A few of the other members nodded in agreement to his statement.
"The idiot is right for once.."


"You may have your doubts but the girl standing before you has a great immense of power. After all she merely kicked your head off Hidan and that was out of pure strength. Not to mention she managed to land a nearly fatal blow on Kisame."

The akatsuki were flabbergasted who knew a mere child could do so much damage to a powerful rogue ninja one from their organization especially.

"I-I don't believe it! Hidan I understand but Kisame?" Said Deidara.

"Hey!" Hidan once again shouted feeling offended.

"No it's true." Said Kisame. Itachi nodded in agreement.

Deidara turned to y/n who was huddled in the corner of her cage sending them harsh stares.

"How? She's just a kid.."

"She's not that much younger than you Deidara." Said Sasori.

"Yeah maybe you should ask her out on a date if your so interested haha!" Teased Kisame.

"Aye cut the crap!" He shouted as he turned red.

"Your right you can't date the captive ,Deidara. Because her and Itachi seem to have some connection going on." Pointed Kisame at the two.

Deidara's gaze wandered over to Itachi who's eyes bore into y/n's glaring one's.
"I don't see a connection."

"You'll see what I mean later."

Bringing back the attention himself the leader stepped forward to Y/n's cage.
"Now that you know your fellow members allow me to introduce myself. My name is Pein ,leader of the Akatsuki however, you will address me as Leader. You will do assignments for the organization and failure of cooperation will lead you to your most certain death. During these assignments you'll be assigned a partner depending on the category. You may do as you please in your spare time ,but you must not do anything that betrays the organization. We will go into more detail later ,but for now though you will be given your cloak." Konan handed Pein their signature cloak. Pein then tossed the cloak inside the cage at y/n's feet.

"You're really forcing me to do this.." Y/n sighed.

Pein nodded and dismissed the rest of the members.

"It seems you haven't realized anything yet." Pulling out a yellow folder from under his cloak he walked closer to y/n's cage.
"Before you passed out we had you meet someone. He's not here at the moment but that's a good thing. I'm not sure how you would handle seeing him again."

"Who?" Y/n asked.

"That's not important right at the moment. Now then get comfortable you may want to hear this."

Somewhere else
An old man sat in the chair of the previous hokage looking out at the overview of the village. He was quite relieved Sarutobi was gone however not so much in the way he had wished him to go out.

'At long last your gone Sarutobi. Now my plans can finally begin.'

The man sitting in his chair was none other than Danzo Shimura a previous elder of the leaf. Danzo envied Sarutobi when he became hokage. It was a  status of power he always hoped to achieve but was never given. No matter the attempt he used to try to get him out of office such as assassination the old geezer would not budge. Eventually he came up with another method to getting what he wanted. Danzo created the Anbu root unit ,an organization that would hopefully rule Konoha from the shadows.

Slowly the pieces were coming together to form the puzzle of his plan.

Now that Hiruzen was out of the way he would hopefully seize power as the new hokage of Konoha. That is if the Toad sage never brings in Tsunade like he promised. In the meantime while that happened he had to take care of things behind the scenes.

Danzo turned around to face the front of the desk that still held many of the Sarutobi's possessions. One distinct object was a photograph of girl with a soft smile smeared on her face.

'She looks familiar..'

A few seconds of staring at the photo Danzo tears his gaze away by the sudden appearance of two of his root Anbu.

The room was silent before Danzo broke it.
" you have it?"

"Yes Lord Danzo.." The root Anbu pulls out a scroll.

Danzo snatches the scroll and hastily opens it. His eye twitches as he turns to face the two root Anbu.
"What is this?" He held the opened scroll in front of the two Anbu revealing it's contents. However, there were no contents ,at least not to them.

"I-I don't know my lord. It is the scroll you wanted it even has the initials on it." Said the root Anbu.

"Tch damn that Sarutobi he must of knew someone would try to get their hands on the scroll. Well no matter I have all the things I need. You two are dismissed." Danzo turns away from them and walks back over to the overview of the village.

Soon things would change.

Akatsuki base
Pein pulled out several documents from within the yellow folder. He stood closer to y/n who was curious yet somewhat frightened.
"These documents are decades old ,but they should prove my point."

Pein turned over the document so it would face y/n.
Y/n read it slowly and carefully. Her face morphed into one of pure sock.

Project: extinction of the l/n's

Eliminate them at any cost.

Y/n's hands slowly reached out and grasped the papers.
"W-what is this?" She asked Pein.

"Just read." He said as he left the room he had no time to listen to l/n's sobs once she found out the truth.

Y/n turned back to the documents and took a breath.

Project: extinction of the l/n's

Our vision is to have a safe future for the next generations that will succeed us. We want a peaceful nation and world without worries for our love ones well being. As one of the most powerful nations we have many enemies from different territories however, there is a current threat to our nation and our allies. This threat must be eliminated.
Before we can conquer the being that poses a threat to our world there are catalysts that must be dealt with to aide our survival.

Number one on the objectives:
Eliminate all l/n's

The L/n family is a clan that holds great power. Not much is known about the customs of the secluded family however, they are dangerous.
For many generations we have lived among them in peace however as the times change so do facades. What we didn't know is that they would throw a revolt against us. That explains it all why they were so kind to us all this time. All this time spent was built up on a fake peace and fake friendship.. if we don't make a move they will destroy us.

Konoha Council signing out.

Y/n took a deep breath as reviewed what she read. She pinched the bridge of her nose and leaned her head against the wall.

"This isn't real.. this has to be fake. They're trying to manipulate me."

Y/n eyed the document again noticing a picture peeking out. Reluctantly she pulled it out under the pile of documents however as soon as she did she realized she would never be the same again.
