I'm sorry

⚠️Little warning here! This chapter will be a little gory. Sorry if it makes you uncomfortable.

Itachi sighed as he placed a cool damp rag on y/n's forehead hoping to lower her growing fever. She has been out for sometime now and he was beginning to worry. The others left her in his care seeming as they had other important matters to attend to. 'Those bastards.' He thought as he observed the state she was in.

'Y/n.. I'm sorry.'

Back to the past
It had been a month since the incident with Orochimaru occurred and .. well things changed.

Y/n sighed as she gazed longingly out her window. Oh how she wished to be outside playing but she knew her parents would be very reluctant of letting her go. She noticed things were off in the household for instance her parents seemed more tired than usual and...depressed. Her brother didn't seem to be affected as much as them but even he slipped up. It was all to weird for little y/n to handle so she decided go outside to secretly pick flowers.

"I wonder why they seem so sad? Maybe some flowers will cheer them up they always love it when I bring them flowers."

Y/n ran off to a meadow.

In another point of view
The young l/n child was off picking flowers for her family.

'Such innocence I have to destroy.. I'm sorry little one but this pain will only be filled with pain and suffering.'

The child left after gathering a bouquet of what looked to be mostly weeds.

*sigh* 'It's almost time to make my move..'

Back to y/n
Y/n hurriedly rushed home.
'I hope they like them.'

Finally reaching the door she made her way inside. The house was dead silent.
"Where is everyone?"

She heard whispering coming from her parents room.

"Someone's coming I'm sure of it."
Walking slowly toward the door she heard voices but they came out muffled.

'I shouldn't be eavesdropping.' Y/n shook her head.

"What do you mean we have to send her away!?" Hollered her distressed mother.


"M/n they're going to come for her sooner or later.. we have to act now. Look I already asked an old friend of mine and she said would be willing to take her in." F/n said calmly but his tone of voice had the same hint of distress as her mother.

"But she's so young.. what will we tell her and what about b/n?"

"B/n... will stay with us. It's not him they're specifically after. Y/n will be better off away from here and she'll be able to start somewhere new and live a life she deserves."


"... I don't understand why can't we just stick together?" Asked m/n.

F/n sighed. "It's too dangerous to have two l/n's in the same location.. you know that. Having both our children in the same location would only make it harder than it already is. They give off a powerful energy when together that's why separating them is our only safe option at this point. We also have to put into account that the village is also important. There are lives we are putting at risk. Villagers that are afraid of her. So maybe it's for the best.."

"How is this for the best!? B/n you agree with me right?!" Her mother pleaded to her five year old.

"I-I just want my little sister to be safe. I don't know what other option there is.. so I guess i have to agree with father on this one."

"So then I guess it's settled.." Her mother weeped.

"My baby.. how long do we have with her?"

"At least tonight, I know it will be harsh at first but she'll learn to live with it.. to live without us and maybe one day we'll meet again."

Y/n couldn't control her tears anymore. She stumbled back and knocked a vase over alerting her family.

The door opening revealed her father with an expression of shock mixed with regret and sorrow.
"Y-y/n." He reached for her daughter but she just pulled away from him.

Her mother peeked out the room and gasped.

"Y-y/n it's not what you think." Her mother stuttered.

"W-why, what's going on? M-mommy do I really have to go?!" Y/n whimpered.

Her mother didn't know how to reply.

"It's for your own good y/n." Her father said.
"We're sorry."

Y/n hiccuped as endless tears pooled down her cheeks.

"I don't wanna go! You can't make me!" Y/n threw her flowers she gathered onto the floor and ran out the house.

"Y/n!" Her mother screamed but her daughter had already ran out.

"We have to go after her!" Her mother shouted as she stood up rushing to the door only for the door to slam shut in front of her.

"Leaving so soon?" A new voice spoke. Turning around the l/n's watched as a man appeared out of thin air. His glowing red eye hole being the last thing they see.

With y/n
Crying under a tree in the same meadow she used to pick flowers layed y/n who was mentally exhausted. It's not easy to suddenly find out your going to be sent away from and by your family. Eventually she cried herself to sleep only to wake up an hour later.
Oh and was she in for a huge surprise.

Y/n sniffled as she rubbed tears away.
'I shouldn't have ran out like that.. I hope they're not mad.'

Suddenly a foul stench reached the child's nostrils.
"What's that smell?"
She saw smoke rising up from the village.
"The village!" She sprinted to her community.

The foul stench became stronger as she got closer to her destination. After a few minutes she reached where the villagers resided but it wasn't a sight worth seeing.

Y/n's eyes widen and her mouth was gaped as she saw what was now her village. Fire coated the buildings and even a few bodies. The rotten stench of burning flesh made her almost want to vomit and it only got worse from there. Those who were still alive barely clung to life as they stared at her with cold dull eyes while coming to accept their fate.

Y/n covered her mouth to muffle her screams as it would only make the situation worse.
'What's happening?! Are mother, father, and b/n okay?!' In panic the young child rushed down further into the village towards her house. She tried her best to ignore all the lifeless bodies pooled around her ,but that was until one grabbed her leg. In result making her crash onto the floor.

"H-help me!" A desperate weak voice called out to be her. A man with a mostly burned away face held onto her tightly.
Y/n stared in horror as his disfigured face burned away.
"Ahhh!" Y/n screamed and kicked his hand away running as fast as her short legs could carry her.

Tears pricked the young girl's eyes making her vision blurry. That image will forever haunt her.

Finally reaching her home she found it intact unlike the other houses.
Her heart pounded as the door to her home creaked open. It was dark and deathly silent.

"I'm back." Her small voice echoed throughout the halls.

"Mom, Dad, brother I'm home!" She said a little louder. The door to her parents room creaked open.

Y/n walked slowly to her parents her heart pounding every step she took.
Peeking inside the room she found that no one was there.

"Is anyone home?" She turned her head slightly. A wet substance then made contact with her bare foot. It was blood.

Screeching the young girl hastily wiped her foot now even more scared then ever. The blood she then noticed trailed down towards another room.. her room.

Running to her bedroom she opened the door that changed everything.

Lying on the floor of her room was the cold corpses of her family.

A blood curling scream left that house that night.

"Mommy! Daddy!" She shook her parents bodies harshly.

Their bodies were sliced up and whoever did this were very smooth.

"I'm sorry! I won't be a bother anymore! I'll leave just come back!" She sobbed.

"Come back!" Her voice by now very sore.
"Come back!-hic Come back! Come back! I-I need you!"

Bawling her eyes out she felt a tug on her shirt.
Her mother who barely clung to life whispered to her.
"Run." Before her hand collapsed again.

"You should listen to her.. if you want to live." From the shadows a masked man towered over y/n's form.

Y/n stared at his blood splattered clothes. The masked man took notice of this.
Clutching her chin the man whispered.
"I killed them now you should run. Now." Tossing the girl to the floor y/n landed harshly on the floor.
"I'll give you a five second head start."

Y/n rushed out her room tears blurring her vision.
"5" She ran almost slipping from the blood on the floor.
"3" She snatched a family picture from the living room.
"1" Feeling something sharp pierce her from behind boosted determination to make it out alive.

At this point she was crawling outside no longer feeling the strength she once had. If she had taken any longer though she would have met the same fate as the rest of her village.

"0" An explosion set off blowing away her home.

One thing for sure is that after this Y/n was never the same again.

I'm super pissed. I had written so much stuff only for it to be deleted. It was written so much better than half this chapter. So mad 😤
Anyways ngl I almost cried while writing this chapter.
Well thank you for reading stay safe~❤️
