Rough Update

  For a long time, I updated this book at least once a day, if not more. I loved it, I spent hours daily on it, and it worked. And now, I haven't updated in over a week...

  I have multiple reasons/excuses for this. For one, the story flatlined. There's very little conflict at the moment, at least conflict that I would deem worth writing. I also am busier, and don't care to write as much. I honestly don't know. But I want to give some sort of explanation.

  I open my two active books maybe multiple times a day. As you can infer, I don't write much.

  So I've decided that I need to take a break. I'm going to be inactive on Wattpad for a little while, give myself a break. I devoted between one and two years of my life to this series, as a hobby. It's time I give myself a break.

  There are multiple things that may happen next:

1) I continue this book eventually. I have a new character, some new chapter ideas, maybe a new conflict involving Annie's back story more.

2) I cancel this book and backtrack to the last one, and from there I will start a new third book. I have had an idea for it for a long time but had planned on making it into a fourth book. I could change it so it could happen now.

3) I may end this series. It's hard, but it'll have to happen eventually, and I'd rather end it sharply and dramatically instead of letting it fizzle out of importance. If I'm writing this, then I want it to be worth reading.

There's more. Maybe I'll make a new book. Maybe I'll stop writing altogether. I don't know. But for now, I'm getting myself back together. I'm going to start seeing my councilor again in March, after a break that stretched from before Christmas to now. I'm going to focus on improving myself, mentally and physically, and working on myself. For someone so obsessed with character development, it's time I work on developing myself for once.

  In other announcements, I love and care for you, and hope that this series has made you happy. Please comment any sort of positivity, and/or feedback about this book and future options.

  A shoutout to Peice_Of_Trash, my best Wattpad friend and secret lover (kidding... maybe). She's been here for a long time, and I love that wonderful potato. Her birthday is the 22nd :).

  Also shoutout to Haileyyx0x who just started writing her (first?) book on Wattpad, if you want to check it out. She's also been an avid reader, and I've been keeping up with her book as well :).

  I'm going to stop updating for a while, but if you need me I'm here. Take care


