
  It was nearly eleven at night, and as was custom, Calum had already discarded all of his clothes besides his dark gray, tight fitting boxers. 

  By this time of night, Annie was usually at least out if her jeans, sometimes already having changed into one of Calum's shirts for the night, but tonight she didn't, still wearing her normal clothes. It didn't bother Calum though, and before too long he was tugging down the collar of her shirt, mouthing her neck and leaving wet, red marks. 

  "Caluuum," Annie groaned quietly, closing her eyes. 

  "Mmm, I knew you were just playing hard to get." 

  "No, you need to stop. My sister's just down the hallway."

  Calum stopped, looking up and realizing that wasn't a moan of pleasure, but rather of agitation. "She's asleep," he said, as if it was obvious. "She's been in that room for hours without making any noise. And if she hears us, she'll stay in that room if she knows what's good for her."

  He continued mouthing her neck, and Annie didn't exactly object, letting her eyes half close and not pushing him away. "Weird. It sounds as though you're threatening my baby sister."

  "She's eighteen, not a baby," he grunted, pushing her down lightly onto the couch and continuing his gentle gnawing assault on her neck, pulling her shirt down to reveal her collarbones and leaving a trail of wet kisses. "And it was supposed to sound like that."

  Annie rolled her eyes, laying limp under him. "Honestly, you threatening her isn't really a turn on. Don't know why, usually threatening my family makes me super horny. Must be a weird day."

  Calum bit down especially hard at the comment, making Annie wince before melting back into the couch and into his touch. 

  "Cal, I'm not up for it tonight," she warned as his hands began traveling dangerously low, fiddling with her belt buckle. 

  He took no notice of her words besides moving his hands A away from her pants, instead rubbing the sides of her torso lustfually. "You sure?" He grumbled, his eyes half clouded over. "I need this. Right now, I need this."

  Trying to be as gentle as possible, Annie detached his hands from her side, sitting herself back up. "Not tonight," she muttered. "I'm- I don't think I'm going to be up for sex for a while. Something... it's nothing, I just don't want to."

  He saw through her lie instantly, sitting up attentively. "What happened?" A look of realization crossed his features, and Annie found herself scooting away, trying to distance herself. "You went to the boys house yesterday. Was Mikey there? Did he try something, that's why you didn't go to bed last night, isn't it! I swear to God, if he-" 

  "He didn't... do anything," Annie cut him off, trying to calm him down. That was a lie. He did that model, with the green hair. "I don't want to talk about it. I just don't think I'll be ready for a little while."

  Calum looked like he wanted to object, but he didn't, instead just giving a small but understanding nod. "Okay. Let's just go to bed then."

  Annie nodded in agreement, settling on the couch. "I'll meet you there."

 He stopped in his tracks, already halfway stood up. "Why aren't you going to bed? Annie, you didn't sleep last night, you need to go to bed."

  "I'm fine," she tried to convinced him, making it clear that she wasn't getting up anytime soon. "I'll be there in a few."

  "Wish you'd stop lying," he muttered, leaving without turning back.

  As soon as his bedroom door was closed, Annie's mile dropped, and she crossed her legs tightly, pressing her body against the couch and trying not to panic. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine repeated like a mantra in her head, an anxious and panic ridden reminder in her mind not to panic. 

  She hated the way she felt, the way she wanted to push away hands that weren't there. Calum would never hurt her, but Mikey would, and in what might be the worst thing about this whole situstion, they were best friends. They were different people, yes, but they'd been around each other for years. Even when Annie's having a good day she can't help noticing the similarities in their behaviors, all unconscious things like how they walk the same way, or how they experienced emotions similarly. She hated seeing her rapist in Calum, but it was just part of his personality, like it or not. 

  Seven, maybe eight hours until the sun rose. Annie just had to make it til then. She couldn't fall asleep now.
