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  To Annie Cresta
  From Karen Cresta
  The foster home didn't work out. They aren't letting me have another one because I'm 18 and technically an adult. I don't know what to do.


  "She can have my room. I never sleep in it anyways."

  Annie scrubbed absent-mindedly at the pot she was washing in the sink, thinking about her sister. They didn't talk much, not when Annie lived at home and not when she came to visit over Christmas. Karen wasn't one to ask for help- it must have been bad for her to come to Annie with it.

  Calum was sweeping the floor quietly, thinking too. He didn't know what to think. "Are you sure? I mean, she's 18. Wouldn't it be... weird?"

  The sponge dropped into the sink. "What do you mean?"

  "She's your little sister. I haven't even met her yet, and she's going to move into my house?"

  He said my house, not our house. "Temporarily," Annie reminded, picking up the sponge and trying to scrub while her mind was anywhere but focused. "Just a little while. I'll try to figure something out for her. Maybe a different foster care system, or... or..."

  "Or what? Come on Annie, you realize this is crazy, right? It's going to change everything."

  Annie dropped the sponge in the sink, turning and staring him down, her shoulders hunched to try and look more... innocent. "What do you mean? What would it even change?"

  He rolled his eyes, holding the broom still. "Don't play. You know that it wouldn't be the same if someone lived with us. There's a reason we moved out of the boys house."

  "Because Michael raped me!" Annie almost yelled, then lowered her voice. "He... he raped me and I couldn't live there anymore. And I just... I don't know what to do. I need to help my sister. Do I need to move out and get an apartment of my own with her?"

  Calum froze. That was one thing he definitely didn't want. "I don't like it."

  "Honestly? It feels weird to me too. But I don't know what else to do."

  They were a few steps away, but when Calum noticed the slight shaking of her hands, he set down the broom and stepped forwards, wrapping his arms around Annie and pulling her against his chest. "Calm down, I'm sorry. I.... I guess. She can live with us for a little while. What's her name again?"

  Annie wiped her eyes on his shirt, not about to let him see the slight tears that had begun forming. "Karen. And she's 18 and my little sister."

  "Okay. Okay, shh, don't cry, it'll be fine. It'll be fine."
