
  Calum kept his word. Not once at the bar did he ever let go of her- not when they were dancing, not when they got more drinks, and not when they piled in the car to go home.

  The taxi dropped them off in the driveway, and before they could even get to the front door their lips were connected, kissing aggressively and try to move at the same time.

  Calum slammed Annie against the door, not breaking the kiss as he fumbled for his keys. After a few moments, Annie pushed his hand away and stuck her hand in his pocket, grabbing the keys in one try. "You really suck at this, huh?"

  "I hate you," he growled, pushing his lips against hers before she could respond.

  Annie shoved him back, breathing heavily from the kisses. "Let's at least get inside first."

  As she unlocked the door, she could feel his hands around her waist, his nose nuzzling past her hair, breathing deeply against her neck.

  The door opened and they pushed inside, their bodies pressed agaisnt each other again before they could even get to the hallway. Calum fumbled with his shirt, but Annie stopped him.

  "Karen," she reminded, glancing nervously down the hallway.

  Calum rolled his eyes. "Don't care."

  "She could hear us."

  "Poor her." Calum began unbuttoning his shirt, hurrying. "Dammit, we should really keep some condoms in here."

  Annie crossed her arms uncomfortably glancing around. "That wouldn't be weird. 'Ignore that Luke, that's just our secret condom stash. You know, for when you fuck on the couch you're sitting on.'"

  "Exactly," Calum teased, his shirt completely open. He reached around to unzip her dress, but Annie backed up, her arms still crossed.

  "I wasn't joking," she said, her tone serious.

  Calum licked his lips. "It's way too late for her to be awake. Don't worry," he reached for her again and Annie pushed his hand away.

  She wasn't budging, but at the same time... well, Annie wasn't necessarily against doing something with him- she just didn't want to do something like that in someplace as open as the living room, not with Karen in the house.

  As she looked at Calum's serious expression, a plan began to form. "Let me take my heels off."

  He smiled excitedly, holding her waist with one hand as she leant on his shoulder. But when she got her heels off, instead of reaching to undo her dress, she winked at Calum and turned on her heel, sprinting away.

  "Wait!" Calum called, running after her and almost skidding into the wall.
  Annie scampered into his room and closed and locked the door before he could get to it, resulting in him jiggling the knob hurriedly. "Annie, let me in!"

  She pressed against the door with a small smile on her face, taking her time. "What's the password?"


  Annie hummed, "What's the password?"

  "I swear to god when you open that door I'm going to fu-"

  "Calum! There are children in the house!"

  It sounded similar to a conversation they'd had before. "Like who?"

  "Me. I'm the child in question."

  "You're older than me!"

  "Then we're both children, and really shouldn't be taking our clothes off."

  Calum's voice was gruff through the door. "Oh, I'm not just going to take off your clothes."

  His voice made Annie shiver, trying to contain herself from just opening the door and giving in. "You didn't guess the password!"

  "It's my room!"

  "Too bad you don't have a key then."

  It was quiet, and Annie wondered for a minute if he had given up. Then he responded with, "Let me in!"

  Annie stuck out her tongue, despite knowing he couldn't see her. "You're not my real dad!"

  "Oh, we're doing that, huh? Are you going to let me in baby girl?"

  Annie tried to ignore the butterflies forming in her stomach. "I guess we'd play that game. That is, if only there wasn't that door in between us."

  "Then open it."

  "You're no fun. Say please."


  "Pretty please."

  "Pretty please."

  "Say... pretty please with a cherry on top."


  "Pretty please with a cherry on top!" Annie insisted childishly.

  Calum sighed audibly through the door. "Pretty please with a cherry on top."

  Annie unzipped her dress, and started digging through her drawers. "Sorry, I didn't hear you."

  "I'm coming in."

  "Break down the door, I dare you." Slipping off her dress, Annie found what she was looking for and quickly changed into it, unhooking her bra.

  Calum was getting fed up. "You're acting like a baby."

  "I know."

  "You're supposed to be insulted."

  "I can handle jokes. After all, I'm dating one," Annie teased.

  Calum's laughed through the door. "Wow, that was a low blow. I'm coming in."

  "I dare you to try."

  Then, to Annie's horror, the knob turned slowly, and Calum stepped in, backing up against the door to close it.

  Annie was sitting with her legs crossed childishly, wearing a new set of lingerie that she'd been hiding, waiting for the right time.

  Calum stayed in place, starring at her. "Lace?" he almost whispered, still taking her in. Annie nodded wordlessly.

  He walked slowly to the bed, and leaning down, caught her lips in a kiss. His hands found her shoulders, thumbs rubbing the lacey material of her bra expirementally as he pushed her down onto the bed, not breaking the kiss.

  Annie moaned into his mouth. "Cal, don't tease me," she whined.

  He pulled away slowly, still pinning Annie to the bed with his body. "I'm teasing you? Who was just locked out of his own room?"

  Annie groaned, wiggling underneath him, searching for some sort of friction. "How'd you get in anyways?"

  He laughed lightly, and Annie could feel the vibrations through her torso. "You were right. I had a key."

  "Well what took you so long?" She grumbled, rocking her hips against his discreetly.

  "I was enjoying our talk. I'm glad I took my time, you look...." he didn't finish his sentence.

  Annie rolled her eyes playfually. "I know. Now are you going to kiss me, or..?"

  "Oh no, I'm not giving in that easily," he retorted to Annie's dismay. "Come on baby girl, I think you need to repay me for all that teasing." He got off Annie, and pulled her up so she was on her knees on the bed, their faces inches apart. For a second, Calum's controlling composure dropped, and he looked at Annie seriously. "Is this okay?"

  Annie nodded, but that wasn't enough for him. "No, use your words."

  "It's good Cal," Annie reassured. "Keep going."
