
  When Annie came back inside from her impromptu run, Calum was waiting on the couch, his phone out, probably scrolling through twitter. He put his phone away when she came in, scowling.

  "You should be more worried," She chided. "Luke's obviously sick, and it's not healthy. He needs to get help."

  Calum gritted his teeth. "I'm plenty worried, trust me."

  "Well, for someone who just found out today, you're certainly calm," Annie continued to scold, kicking her shoes off and making her way towards the kitchen. "He's your best friend. I would think you'd care more."

  She glanced over at Calum's face, which was slightly scrunched as he apparently tried to decided something. Finally, he sighed. "I didn't find out tonight. I already knew."

  Now, this was interesting. Annie walked back over, no longer preoccupied with getting a snack. "You already knew? How?"

  Calum shrugged. "You don't spend as much time with someone as we do and not get to know them pretty well. I think we figured it out before Luke did."

  Annie thought back to Luke's pale skin, stretched tightly over his bones, dry and yellowish. It couldn't have been healthy.

  "Why didn't you do anything about it?"

  "He's still going to therapy," Calum corrected, "And I put in a recommendation that his shrink talk to him. We're trying."

  We're just two ghosts swimming in a glass half empty.

  The bedsheets taste like lemon.

  It was a strange thing to think waking up first thing in the morning, but Luke noticed the difference. His sheets didn't taste or smell like anything, while Mikey's smelt distinctly of lemon.

  Luke scooted closer, spooning Mikey. The skin on skin contact felt different, cooler, softer. Luke seldom thought of Mikey as soft, but then again, he seldom thought of sheets as tasty, so he could chalk it down to it being a strange morning.

  The bleached blond's eyes remained closed, but he exhaled deeply, mumbling into the pillow, "I am not the little spoon. Roll over."

  Luke smiled lightly. "Morning sleepy head. Last I checked, you didn't bottom either, but I guess change is in the wind."

  "Shut up," Mikey growled, wiggling against Luke irritably. "Roll over already."

  "You sore?" Luke teased, staying still. "If you want, I could rub some lotion-"

  Mikey scooted away and rolled over, so he was face to face with Luke, eyelashes fluttering open. "Touch me with one greasy hand of yours and I'll show you who bottoms."

  Luke hummed, admiring Mikey's eyelashes more than listening to his words. "I'm not going to tell the witch about last night, by the way. So if this was your way of trying to get her to break up with you, I'm not going to help."

  Mikey grimaced. "The witch? You mean Emma?"

  "No, I mean the other evil vegan girl you're dating with creepy green hair," Luke mocked. "Of course I mean Emma. What are you going to tell her?"

  Michael blinked. "Nothing."

  "Nothing nothing, or.... nothing."


  Luke scowled. "You shouldn't cheat her."
  "Yeah, well, that's what she gets for being busy last night. She practically asked for it."

  The blond boy rolled his eyes, sitting up, the sheets just barely falling to cover his crotch. "I don't see why anyone would date you. You're an awful boyfriend."

  It didn't faze him. "You were complaining last night."

  "We weren't dating," Luke corrected automatically. "I have no problems with a quick fuck, but I figured you'd tell Emma. It's not cool of you to cheat her like that."

  Mikey just waved it off. "It's one time."

  "Says you." Pulling on his boxers, Luke ran a hand through his hair, trying to fix it. "My hair look okay?"

  Mikey glanced up at him, giving his hair a once over. "No."

  "Wow, where's all that honesty when it comes to Emma," Luke complained, standing up straighter and letting his hands fall to his side. He looked over at Mikey wearily, who was still in bed. "Let's not tell Ashton about this. I don't want to... I don't know."

  Mikey nodded, though he wasn't very focused. His eyes were trained on Luke's bare chest, the curve of his ribs through his skin. "K. See you later, Luke."

  One last worried glance. A hand through his hair. "Bye Mikey."
