
  The next morning, Annie found herself in the boys house. Ashton was gone for a long weekend, and he'd asked Calum to go and check up on Luke from time to time to make sure Michael was taking care of him. But Calum had things to do that day, so instead, Annie was there.

  Ashton had said that the antidepressants were under Luke's sink, but no such luck. Apparently he didn't trust Michael to give them to Luke- God knows why not- but unfortunately, the bathroom cupboard was almost completely barren. Maybe they were in a kitchen cabinet?

  But when she walked into the living room to get to the kitchen, she was met with something else.

  "Luke!" She rasped, after running back to the boy's room. "Get up, there's someone in the house!"

  Luke just turned and looked at her sadly, his eyes a little wider than normal. Annie took a moment to realize just how sickly he looked- his eyes were ringed in red, dark bags and hallow sockets. His skin was cold and a grayish hue, and seemed to sag. He looked like he was dying. 

  "Who is it?" He rasped back, his voice croaking like he hadn't used it for a while. "What do they want?"

  And Annie was forced back in to reality. She forced herself to swallow, to look away from Luke's dying form. "I don't know. They're asleep, but.... I don't know."

  Before she could stop him, he was pushing past her, striding to the living room completely soundlessly, before freezing in front of the couch. On it laid a sleeping figure, toned legs peeking out of a cream colored sheet, that could only be from...

  As the pieces clicked together, the sleeping girl woke up, stretching and arching her back. The sheet fell down from her neck, to the curve of her-

  "She's naked," Luke observed. 

  Eyes lined in smudged mascara blinked open alluringly, reavealing eyes the color of dark chocolate. "Oops," the girl giggled. "I think I overslept."

  Annie blinked at her casualness. "Who- what are you doing on our couch?"

  "It's not your couch," a voice said behind Annie, causing every inch of her skin to her goosebumps and a small tremor to shake through her spine. "I can do with it what I want."

  Mikey walked around them, leaning down and casually connecting his lips with the girl on the couches, kissing her almost disgustingly. After a few moments, she pushed him away, giggling. 

  Luke recovered first. "Last night, did you two- on the couch? Eww, come on Mikey."

  Ignoring him, Mikey pressed his forehead against the girl's contentedly, mumbling something that didn't sound very PG. That was when Annie noticed so,etching about the girl that should've been obvious- her hair wasn't dark brown, it was dark green. She was Mikey's date from the awards show. 

  "Oh my gosh- you're Emma Greene, from the awards show. What the hell are you doing on our couch?"

  "Not your couch," Mikey reminded Annie, replying for her. "And she stayed over last night. Stop staring you two, its rude."

  "I don't mind it," the girl spoke seductively. "If anything, I like people watching me."

  The two's eyes connected, and they seemed to have some sort of silent conversation that involved a lot of eye movement and smirking. The girl- Emma- pulled her lower lip in between her teeth, her impish smile making Michael groan. "You've been so naughty, you had no idea everything I want to do to you, mmm-" 

  "I'm leaving," Luke decided. "You two are disgusting. I'm never sitting on that couch again." 

  "Same," Annie decided, wondering why her entire body seemed to have gone completely numb. How was Luke so calm about this? Didn't he know about... about Mikey? "Where's the... medicine? For Luke's... cold?"

  Mikey stopped grinning at a Emma for a second to look at Annie unamused. "His cold? Seriously? Key's under Ashton's pillow, it's in his medicine cabinet."

  His pillow? Annie was so disturbed it took her a moment to realize he was talking about the meds. "Oh. Okay... um.. thanks."

  "Come on Mikey, pay attention to me," Emma whined, pawing at his face needily. Annie felt her stomach recoil in distaste. 

  Annie got the meds and watched Luke take them intently. "Do you want me to open my mouth, show you I've swallowed them?" Luke mocked, eyebrows raised at her expression. "I swallowed them. Relax."

  Annie blinked. "The pills or the other boys?" They both winced at the attempt at a joke, and Annie sighed. "I'm sorry, that was bad. I'm just kind of in shock."

  His eyes were half closed, his body leant heavily against the bed frame. "About what? Finding a girl on the couch?"

  More like finding a naked girl on the couch. "A lot of things. Everything. Nothing. I- I don't know." Annie glanced at her phone, realizing it was after twelve already. "Whoa, okay. Do you want to go to Chipotle for lunch?"

  He raised his eyebrows. "I'm still on house arrest."

  "Yeah yeah, I don't care. Let's go."
