Rushia's Jealously And Aqua's Idiocy

Y/N: Ok! This should sum up studying! I wonder what happened with Aqua! Well, I think there is nothing to worry about!

Y/N decided to play some games a bit with Aqua after studying, as he saw her online in Apex!

Y/N: Just As I thought! No matter what happens, Aqua is still Aqua!

At the Aqua's house,

Aqua: I really can't believe Y/N has someone he loves! And what's wrong with me? I was just going to play apex and now I'm not in the mood to start!

But out of the blue, Aqua got a message from Y/N through discord! When Aqua saw at that, she was surprised and it made her happy!!

Y/N: Yo Aqua! Still Awake?

Aqua: Well! You know me too well! I'm sure you could have guessed that! Anyways, anything you need?

Y/N: Nah, I just wanted to play apex! Want to join and duet with me?

Aqua: Sure but...
Y/N: But...?

Aqua: Never Mind! Leave the rest to your cute and only friend you have, Aqua-Sama will carry you in Apex!

Y/N: Oi!! You know you can leave behind 'the only friend' part!

Aqua: So you admit that I'm cute?

Y/N blushed a bit when he was typing to Aqua and quickly changed the topic

Y/N: Shut Up!!! No talk! We will see if you're better then me or not in this game! Bring it on! Let see who gets the most kills!

Aqua: Oh yeah! Ok! Loser has to pay for the winner's entire lunch on Monday!

Y/N: Heh bring it On

Aqua: Lets Go!!!!

The game started with Aqua and Y/N landing in the same place and their friendship is a bit..friendlier than normal! Y/N and Aqua pass each other items like each one is going to loot! And like that, they got killed in the top 60 without any kills!

Aqua and Y/N laughed at each other, enjoying their time and fooling around, until someone calls them noobs in the game!

Aqua: Did he just....called us noobs?

Y/N: Yea Probably!

Aqua: Ok Y/N no more playing around! You know the rules of our gameplay and so do l

Y/N: Let Show him what we can do!

Aqua: Right behind you!

Y/N: Heh! Just bring your A-game!

When another game started, Aqua and Y/N rushed to collect the items, While they were being attacked by two squads at the same time! Aqua knew what Y/N wanted do! Whereas Y/N played defensive while Aqua played offensive! Y/N quickly made the portal through the roof and Aqua was shot and dealt damage as she was running to the portal, her health is low! Then As Y/N looted the long-ranged weapon and with his accuracy, he could deal a lot of damage and then Aqua and Y/N killed them as they see fit!

Y/N: (heh! In my previous world, I always used to watch her streams until she finished, which ended with messing up my sleep schedule most of the time. She streamed Apex a lot and watching her too many times playing apex made me understood her better and through years of playing of course. I will improve! Seems like wasting a lot of time watching her streams and playing is not a waste, at least in the game)

Aqua: Nice Shot! Sorry Y/N. I will steal those kills!..

Aqua suddenly shot the ppl that were coming after them which ended up with Aqua stealing the kills, resulting in her win!!

Y/N: Isn't that cheating?

Aqua: Nope! Just prepare your wallet!

Y/N: *Sigh* ( But still being able to aim at them with a short-ranged weapon is still something she possesses! Well She is the one who uses 90% of her IQ for the game after all)

Y/N: GG!


Y/n: Hey! Don't scream too much! Your mom  might be sleeping right now

Aqua: Yabe! Y/N! Be sure to prepare your wallet at Monday cuz I am going to eat a grand feast

Y/N: Hai hai! Anyways, I know it's still not your sleeping time and tomorrow is a Saturday but try sleeping early, I don't want you being sick ok! Just take care of your own health

Aqua: Heh! Worrying about me won't decrease the money you will spend!

Y/N: Geez, I was serious, Anyways I gotta go, I still have to do my part-time job tomorrow!

Aqua: Ok! Bye-bye! (At least he worried about me! I'm so happy!)

Aqua suddenly jumped to the bed and rolled her blanket as she blushed!

Y/N: I should get some sleep too!

Meanwhile in Rushia's room,

Rushia: Ok! Nothing was happening with Ni-Chan and that girl, but that girl can't be trusted! What if Ni-Chan suddenly gets rejected or ignored! Or maybe this is just some prank!

Rushia thought about her plan on how to make her brother notice her!

Rushia: My birthday! I am sure Ni-Chan will remember that, and I just need to take back Ni-Chan from her and everything will be okay! But how?

Rushia suddenly screamed and she didn't know what to do?

Rushia: Ahhhhh! If Only you knew! Ni Chan! How much l love you!

Here is a short chapter update cuz l can't sleep! Help it is 2 am! Umm, I don't know why and my brain is like "What about writing your character spend their time at night" and it led to this! Anyway pls don't mess up sleep your schedule like me it sucks when you have early classes like me anyway oyasumi! And I don't know how l got 121 ranks at when there is like many stories and I just started this a bit ago! Wattpad being drunk as usual!
