
Living in 2020 sure is hard with many kinds of stuff happening around! Y/N who just gave up on his love life and school reputation, has been trying to survive in this world!

Born in a medium family, Y/N has been blessed with a family Caring Father, a strict mom but kind and caring, as well as a mischievous little brother, he has gotten everything he needed!

But When he hit puberty, He has been staying away from them and always ends up going to his room after he finishes school ! not even, spending time with any friend or his own family, But still cares for his family!

He is a gentle, kindhearted boy who always helps others, but the world is too harsh when you are being too nice, everyone ends up taking advantage of your kindness!

But still, no matter how kind he is, in the heart, he is a human and can feel! During his high school years, he ended up being ignored by the one he loves! Even though, he is always helping her whenever she is in need, and when he is of no use to her anymore, He ends up getting rejected again!

He is getting fed up of it, starts to stay away from anybody, he has lost his will to trust, he stays distant towards his classmates, even sometimes his family! Unable to build up self-confidence and will to trust, he decided to stay away from people, later developing the socialising problems!


After that, a few year passed, Y/N got interested in an Anime and 2D things are the ones who can't betray him! But after some time, he ends up finding someone who has been in a similar situation, but still never gives up!

Minato Aqua, The introverted V-Tuber, who always trying no matter how many times she fails, he was inspired by her to do things Sure, she is a crybaby at times but she just doesn't give up in life!

Giggling to himself when watching her doing cute stuff. He knows maybe there is still hope for him! But it all ends in a single day!


In the night, where the sky is covered with beautiful stars, Y/N heard a noise downstairs of his house, Rising and soon rubbing his eyes, he slowly walked downstairs! His parents left for a business trip, so he's home alone with his brother right now!

But out of nowhere, something is burning inside the house, The whole kitchen is on fire when he reached there, but it was too late and soon the whole house is on fire! He could escape but his little brother is still sleeping! He runs to his brother's room, suddenly wakes him up, as, his little brother awoke, he suddenly carried him and he is still 10 years old! He ran to the entrance of the house. However, the door was crowded by fire!

"ArgghhhhhHh!!!! Damm this world!!!!"

Then he ran to up the stairs, and tried to break the window, The neighbour was pretty worried and looked at the sight of the burning house, while some are calling the fire department! He tried to break the window as quickly as he could and still couldn't break it, due to his strength!  He ends up hurting himself, groaning in pain!

But after that, he used his last bit of strength for his brother's sake and makes last effort to throw his brother to a nearby neighbour. Soon after, the ceiling broke and collapsed, after being hit by the debris of the ceiling, he is unable to move!

He couldn't feel his leg and body, and ends up running out of oxygen! He wishes that he could have told his family about his problem of get along well with other people. He wants to tell his brother that this is just a some troll but not this time! He ends up spending his time hoping his death won't affect anyone epically his brother!

And His brother was shouting his name, He was unconscious and all he saw was pitch black!


Ok, I think this ends the chapter! You may notice that I wrote passage more time now, and not dialogue, well, l am trying to change my writing style, if you don't like it you guys can comment about it, and I copied ideas from other stories to write this prologue, but l can ensure you that I will write my own content starting from the next chapter and upcoming chapters! I will give the link where l got the idea from, he always writes cool Hololive stories that, So go check him out as well! I was inspired by that to write this, I am sorry for copying some ideas! and I like his writing style, even though I always write a diagram with a lot of dialogue, I decided to write, so I will be happy if you guys could help me as well
