Extra: Aqua Wanted To Go On A Date! Part 1

“Umm, what is going on here Aqua??”
With the school concert, the Final boss was beaten, Aqua suddenly invites Y/N out on a date, on Christmas Eve! Right now, With Y/N being at the meeting location, he doesn't know how to start a conversation when she arrives!  Y/N was a virgin, no doubts! He ends up dying without losing his virginity after all!  Even after all of that, He definitely didn’t have enough courage to even ask a girl on a date. So, He was more afraid that he would screw over this!
He was not a fan of Christmas Eve! With that day before the holy couples lot of couple were having Christmas dates, something Y/N thought was reserved for normie's exclusive elusive activity! Not every once in life, He hasn't didn't think that he will be on a date on Christmas Eve with some cute girl!
Whatever Aqua was plotting, or trapped him something, maybe even forced him to buy something, He was still happy to go to this degree with someone, This is just like once in a lifetime! Men sure are simple and pathetic beings, aren’t they?
Under the Late-December morning sky, He gazed at other people walking past him. And finally, the person he had been waiting for arrived.
“Good Morning, Y/N”
“Ah…Aqua, Good Morning”

Aqua that came walking towards me was wearing a blouse and mini shorts. Having her hair styled in a different style Y/N used to see, makes her look like a real grown-up. Pairing with her natural cute looks, she attracted a lot of gazes from other boys around her!
“…..” Of Course!  That was the same for Y/N.

“Ah, well this is the first time I’ve seen you in those clothes…You look cute.”
Flustered by Y/N compliments,  As She followed the tsundere test book, She went “Hmph” and

“ Of Course, I put a lot of effort into this after all.”

Apparently, Aqua had sealed away her childish looks for the day due to her mom’s advice and her mom’s guidance!

“Then should we go?”
“ Yeah”
Meeting up with a girl on Christmas Eve, walking through the town. This was a new experience for our new boring virgin boy! Because of naivety in his past life, he had been betrayed countless times! Even in his wildest dream, he would never dream of going on a date with such a cute girl! Because of that, his heart had been pounding out!

“I-I’m sure an easy and pathetic man heh?”
“ There are many things I want to do, Let Go, Y/N!”

Pulling Y/N’s hand, the girl headed towards the train station. And with that, Y/N first Christmas date with Aqua Minato began.

When they stepped off the train and made their way outside the station, the town in front of them was filled with Christmas colours. No matter where they looked, everything was sparkling, Christmas songs were playing in the background, and the countless people in Santa Claus costumes were standing in front of the store, selling special cakes. The people walking along the streets were enjoying themselves as well.

“ There are a lot of couples around huh?”
Naturally, all kinds of normies couples would use this day to go on dates in town. It is a once-in-a-year event and the romantic atmosphere is blooming in the town after all!

Y/N gazed over at Aqua. Though They weren’t holding hands right now, Aqua remained normal!
“ It’s been a while since we went out like this huh Y/N”
“Now that you mention it…”

His last outing with Aqua was back in May. Right before she dragged him to a club room! Since then, they haven't gone out a lot due to some personal affairs!                     

“So, What are we going to do today? “ Y/N said
“ I don’t know, maybe a movie or some karaoke”
“No Objection from me”

Y/N and Aqua are both indoor types, who enjoy doing indoor activities such as reading the light novel, manga and playing games. So they rarely went out to watch a movie or do karaoke, though, so a change of pace might not be bad. However, They had underestimated Christmas Eve...Day, Cinema and all sorts of entertainment places were full of couples! Some even reserved it before Christmas Eve!

30 minutes later, the two of them found themselves just standing in the middle of the city, spacing out.

“ That’s the holiday for you…”
“Both the cinema and karaoke were full, even the arcade was jam-packed full of people! “

Indeed, the 24th of December was a prime day for couples to go out. It was a day where every couple went out for a date. Not to mention that today was also a holiday, so any sort of entertainment business was full of normies. It made sense that the standard locations for a date were all packed!

“Well…We could line up and wait if you want”
“We both know how I am not good with the crowd…, Well. Any ideas Y/N?

“Sorry about this. Even though I was a boy, I didn’t have time to come up with a  proper plan.“ “Don’t make yourself feel down with that. Hey Y/N, Define the meaning of “Date”?

“ Another form of meeting or outing between opposite sex or as best friend..?”

Naturally, Y/N was confused by this sudden question. 

“ Yeah, That why, if I am with you, isn’t that considered a success?”
“ So…did your heart skip a beat, You sure are easy “
“Don’t tease me like that”

Y/N complained, but he felt his face grow hot to his ear. When Aqua saw this, she grinned in joy! Thanks to Aqua asking her mom for advice for a date. She got some important advice on how to enjoy the date and so on. The girl must make sure, the boy is also enjoying the date by teasing him a bit and there, like clinging to him and stuff! It was sure valuable information!

I will get the wrong idea!

    But this was exactly how a normal virgin would act if he got teased like this! In his past life, she was surely out of his reach! But in this new life, once he got closer with her, She would smile more frequently, making you happy yourself if you watched her. While Y/N was lost in thought, the girl beside let out a cute “Hoi” and clung to his arm.

“Umm... Aqua, what are you doing..?”
“Isn’t it fine? Everyone is doing it right?”
“ I mean, they are a couple.”
“ But. Don’t get the wrong idea, it was just to enjoy the atmosphere! “

“I mean, it’s embarrassing…”
“What kind of maiden are you? Shouldn’t you be happy that a cute girl like me is doing this for you?
“Don’t call yourself a cute girl..”

Since this was a reality, not just some dating sim or visual novel, Y/N couldn’t figure out how to respond. It didn’t feel bad at all. Her suddenly clinging to his arm was completely outside his range of expectations. That might just show how serious she wanted to enjoy the date!

“So what are we going to do now” Asked Aqua.
“Hm...Well. The amusement park is no good either! Since we were both indoor types….”
“ Let just do some light shopping then,” Aqua asked
“ Well Okay”

As time passed, the day grew colder. It would soon be too cold to stand outside. Just when the two of them went to the nearby store!  
“Merry Christmas!!”

One beauty in Santa costumes called out to them. They had pocket tissues in one hand, baskets in the other. Judging from the time and place, He figured that she must be working at a part-time job but the fact that that girl was a classmate of two of them stood out even more,

“Oh, Y/N, Aqua-Tan, Fancy Running into you here”
“ Fubuki-San, Good Morning!”
“Good Morning”
Y/N had seen these Santas before.

Namely, she was a classmate from his class, Fubuki, Daughter of some important family in the town!

“ Are you on a part-time job?”
“Yup! I was helping my family, Since I don’t have anything to do, I guess, I will spend my time more effectively, resulting in here!”
“ I see”
“ You sure are a considerate, Fubuki-San”

Once the quick greeting was over, The certain girl handed put pocket tissue
“Here, Santa-San will give you some pocket tissue “

Fubuki also gives them to Aqua, Their pocket tissue were often handouts that different companies gave away and they often had advertisements within. A common way to promote something at Christmas by handing out flyers and tissue! 

“An Arcade?”  

Apparently, you can take a bus to an arcade which was just recently opened, they seemed like they were holding a Christmas event there! Because it was built one month ago, It was not popular with some locals, resulting in advertisements and holding Christmas events!

“ It seems they have some interesting prizes there”
“ If you two are on a date, why don’t you guys check out on that, It was not crowded yet, So I figure it will be perfect for you guys”
“ What do you think? Aqua?”

Whatever it may be, It was still better than waiting in line for the movie! With that in mind,

“Well, I have no problem with that!”
“Let go, Then ”
“Right behind you” Aqua replied with a smile!
