
Yo, CommonOtaku here! I never expected myself to be able to finish this book! Well, All End All-Good! Oh Yeah, I am at 99 followers, (By that time I am writing this ) We almost reach 100 followers…! Still, 99 ppl caring about my work...They were all like a dream! ...I thought It was just a dream to have 100 people followers! Geez, as a normal newbie fanfic writer, This is surely something that I never expected! When I started writing this book, I got a feeling like “What am I doing…? Why am I doing this” Lol! If you guys enjoy this even in a slight, I will be really happy! As I finished the one book, I guess I should reveal myself a little more!
    You see, the reason I wasn’t able to update normally was because of my country problems! You know, I am from Myanmar! I don’t know if you guys knew the situation here or not but there has been a war happening here, Between the Military and the Whole country, that is why I was not able to use connections all the time! Yeah, I missed a lot of streams of Hololive! Oh Well, I hope everything will be okay when the time is right! That's why I decided to just keep writing cuz sometimes, your guys' comments give me the motivation to write and to stay alive through that! Of Course, I will still keep writing and stuffs, The continuation of this story will be in the
“ Being A Manager Of A V-Tuber Is Not Easy” Which is a Book I have already published! Oh yeah, About the confession, I am thinking whether I should make this common in that book or not, But the most possibility is I will just not include that! Y/N and Aqua will just keep their normal friendship for the sake of the story! Hope you guys can understand that, Oh Well, Nice chatting with you guys after a long time, It was sure refreshing! See you guys at new books! Bye Guys!
