High School!

Y/N and Aqua are now in High school, but they still have stayed together throughout this entire time! But Still, Y/N hasn't decided on his future yet! He simply Didn't know what to do, In his previous, he just wanted to have a peaceful life, he is not did not have any goals whatsoever, He wonders

"Is there even Hololive in this world!"

In another place of Japan, There is a man named Yagoo looking for candidates for his idol agency, with a dream of creating a Visual Idol Group similar to AKB48  (AK 47)

Yagoo: Ok! Everything should be okay now!

Yagoo started his dream by taking the first step, preparing to debut his first, No, Hololive Idol, Tokino Sora. Yagoo was excited for  preparing her first debut!, taking the first step to his dream,

"Do you need any water? Are you nervous?" Yagoo asked Sora! He is pretty much worried about Sora, but on the other hand, Sora is pretty much okay! No matter which world we are in, the Best girl is still the Best girl after all


In Y/N's high school life, there was not many interesting moments or experiences, hanging out with Aqua was only the one thing that is good for Y/N in school! But, one day

Teacher: Ok! Class, Today we will be reviewing all the things that we have learned about Japanese history! So be sure to pay attention because all of you will be taking an exam soon! So try your best to study hard

As For, Y/N's studying, Y/N was pretty much decent in his studies but in his previous life, he was not born in Japan, Learning the Japanese history and Japanese language is one thing that was out of his league! On the other hand, Aqua being the baqua we all know and love, didn't pay any attention to classes such as Math and History! Aqua was okay with math since Y/N could always explain it to her but.....

Sun is setting down as the sky turns to a light-Orange colour, All of the students looked pale,  turning into lifeless beings as an empty shell, exited the classroom including Y/N! As Y/N exited the gate, he saw Aqua waiting for him!

Y/N: Oh! What do you want?

Aqua: I am just here to walk home with you! Geez! You should be grateful that a beautiful girl like me accompanies you to walk you home every day!

Ever since school started, Aqua has been walking home with Y/N everyday, after school together, because Aqua is now rushia's and Y/N's neighbour when she moved in beside their home 3 years ago!

Y/N: Well, I didn't recall exactly asking you to walk with me Miss Baqua!

Aqua: Oi! Haven't I told you not to call me by that name! I don't even know how you got that! Anyway, Y/N, Want to play Apex tonight? We should rank up together! The new Season is coming soon!

Y/N: You know, I am not exactly the type of person who spends all of their time using 90% their IQ level on a game! Geez, I know you are smart but you should at least try to study you know!

Aqua: Who needs to study when you're already smart!

Aqua stood proud with her smug face

Y/N: You know what! You are cringy, No wonder you haven't made any friends!

Aqua: Oi that is rude...

Y/N slowly walked away from her as he must go home to cook! And sometimes, he has to do his part-time job!

Aqua: Hey!!!!! Are you listening to me!!!! Neeeeee!!!!

As Aqua ran to Y/N! He has to listen to Aqua's annoying talk on the way home. Well, not that he is complacent about it!

Aqua: Anyway, Hey Y/N?

Y/N: What kind of complaint do you have now? You know, I have to cook

Aqua: Want to study together? I need someone to study with!

Y/N: Wait what? Wait a second, don't tell me all this time, you were waiting for me so you could ask me to study with you? I have no problem with that whatsoever, but your mom....?

Aqua: Hahaha! Don't worry about my mom! I am sure she will allow it! Oh, I gotta go now! Bye!

Y/N: What up with that girl? What is she plotting? She could have just asked me if she wanted to study together, but still..! Oh Yabe, I need to go now! Rushia might home right about now!

As Y/N entered into his house, He started preparing dinner for two! After some time has passed, someone comes in and it's Rushia! his adorable little sister!

Rushia: I am back Ni-Chan!

Y/N: Oh Welcome Back! So how was school?

Rushia: Well, normal as ever! Nothing special!

As Rushia entered the house, she smelled something delicious! The aroma that could make Rushia happy! That same meal that her brother first made for her

Rushia: Is that what I think it is?

Y/N: Yep, you guessed it! It's Omurice! Well, I feel like my sister has been so clever all the time, so as her brother I guess, he must reward her

Rushia being the smug girl she was teased her brother.

Rushia: You have been spoiling me too much! Geez! Anyway, when will it be ready, I am hungry! Do it quick!

Y/N: You know? (I still couldn't believe she is the same quiet person! But still seeing her happy face is pretty much worth what I have done)

Y/N smiled a bit and suddenly, Their moment was interrupted by doorbell Rushia got out of her chair, went to open the door!

Rushia: Umm.., Who are you?

Aqua: Oh! I expected Y/N to open but My name is Aqua Minato! The neighbour next to you guys! I know you! Umm.., Rushia right?

Rushia: How do you know about my name and my brother's name?

Aqua: Oh! I am just friends with him! Umm, you can say "Close Friends" He talks a lot of things about you in school!

Rushia was pretty surprised, She never expected her brother to have such a friend who is a girl! Her mind quickly went blank,

Rushia: ( Ni-Chan never told me about this or any of his school problems! Is he hiding more, or maybe she is just joking with us, There is no way that my brother will hide anything from me right? Right!!!! Yes, yes hiding anything from your sister is a grave crime after all)

Since Rushia was taking too long, Y/N came out of the kitchen, and

Y/N: Rushia! Why are you taking so long! Oh! Aqua! Come In!

Rushia: (What!!!!!! He knows her??!!!)

As Aqua entered the house, Rushia sneakily followed them! Staring at Aqua and Y/N flooded her mind with questions such as, "What is her relationship with my brother?!"

Aqua: You know, your sister is cute unlike you!

Y/N: Shut Up! I know my sister is cute Anyway you came here to study right? We will be having dinner soon! So wait for a bit in my room!

Rushia: (Room??? is she possibly his girlfriend? Two alone in a room!!!) Rushia went madly blushed! (If he's hiding something from me, it is probably that he has a girlfriend!)

Y/N: Come On Rushia! Lets Go!

Rushia: Umm, right behind you Ni-Chan!!!

Y/N: Is the omurice any good? You are eating very slowly? Is everything okay?

Rushia:( This is crazy!!!! ) Umm..is this even possible!!!!!

Y/N: What the matter Rushia? Is everything okay? Did I mess up the omurice?

Y/N looked pretty worried that her sister was acting pretty weirdly! And sure, She sure is acting pretty weird!

Rushia: Oh! Nothing, it's just that it is soooo good that it made me speechless!

Y/N: Well if you say so Rushia! If you have something that is bothering you, be sure to tell me okay?

Y/N said that while patting Rushia on her head! Rushia was still pretty shocked but still believes his brother! But A girl with her brother alone in a room was a bit too sudden!

Y/N went inside his room and Rushia, still appalled, walked back to her room!

Rushia:(What is happening! As her sister, I should support this right? AH no no, what is happening, She is taking my brother away from me, What if she tricks my brother! or she just wants his attention!) I am curious about what is happening right now!

Rushia feels like she shouldn't do it but she still somehow managed to convince herself that this is for her brother safety, not for her sake and decided to peek into her brother's room!

(So what do you think what will happen?)


I know the chapter is a bit left off the clinch! I updated quickly because I want to update this story daily Today is a little shorter then normal (1200 word if you are wondering) Cuz I have maths exam tomorrow! then I will a be able to update after this!!! Which is pretty cool for me! And the story reaches 100 views in only 2 days, which I am grateful anyway guys, wish me luck and I gonna study a bit! See ya!
