Our Birthday!!!

As Y/N and Aqua have already practised with singing and all the necessities for the concert, it's as if they are ready now! They are walking through the path they always used to walk home, snow started falling and it reminds Aqua of something!

Y/N: Snow?? It's still too early in November! Well, it has been warm! So I won't complain!

Aqua: Snow! Heh. Y/N did you know there's an important even coming up? It's in December if you want a hint!

Y/N: My birthday and your birthday? Oh, I just remembered that! Still, it isn't too early to celebrate, it is still November?

Aqua: This is just a friendly reminder! Our birthday is in the same month! Nostalgic isn't it!

Y/N: ( I want to tell you that my birthday is on the same day as Yagoo's but you will know that sooner or later!)
Hey yeah! Say... do you have any plans for the evening?

Aqua: I Got None! Why?

Y/N: How about we go to your favourite café! It will be my treat! I don't have anything to do and Rushia is not home yet

Aqua: Ok! Then, lets go! What are we waiting for?

Y/N: You are getting too excited for a café! Come On! Lets go!

Aqua: I'm coming!

As Aqua and Y/N headed to the café, he encountered Yagoo, the best girl, in the café! As he and Aqua were going into the café, Y/N suddenly bumped by Yagoo's shoulder! Yagoo immediately apologised "sorry " and took his leave! As Y/N bow down again, Y/N was stunned that he met Yagoo in real life!

Aqua: Y/N? Anything wrong?

Y/N: No! Nothing! It's just that I'm surprised!

Aqua: Surprised?? With what?

Y/N: Nah! Never Mind!

Y/N and Aqua sat at the closest seat and Y/N took their order! As Y/N finished ordering everything they wanted, Aqua was staring at the snow flurry outside as it was snowing!

Y/N: Snow eh! Oh yeah! It's almost Christmas! (Guess I should start saving money,)

December costs a lot of money for Y/N to buy a present for Aqua and Rushia, with Aqua, her birthday on December 1 and with Rushia for a Family Christmas, It costs a lot of money  As Y/N and Aqua were talking each other, and they were chatting happily! But all of a sudden, the waiters bring them their food! 

Y/N: Oh Thank you..........! Rushia!!!!!!

Rushia: Nii-chan!!!!!! What are you doing here! wait.........are you on a date?

Aqua blushed again and with the surprise she got from Rushia and Y/N blushes as well and she ends up screaming a bit, so does Y/N!

Aqua: Date!!!! No!!!

Y/N: N-no! Of course not! now to put that aside, are you working here?

Y/N was pretty mad at Rushia for lying to him, She has always said that she joined a dance club but now he wants to know the reason why she's working!

Rushia: Umm, maybe!

Y/N: Why, I mean, you told me you joined a dance club and here you are working! Do you have any reason for this miss?

Rushia: Umm, I mean, Christmas is near right? I want to buy you a present so I kinda started working! Every Christmas, you keep buying me a gifts, so I thought of repaying?

Y/N: Ahh...

Y/N was going to get angry and scold at Rushia but after what he heard, he feels kinda blessed to have a sister like her! Rushia was even prepared to be scolded,

Y/N: Geez!.. You know you don't have to buy a present or anything for me, knowing you want to pay back is more than enough! So do you still want to keep the job?

Rushia: Wait! You allow me to?

Y/N: I don't want to be a strict brother that is limiting his sister! Anyways, just don't lie to me anymore okay?

Rushia: Well, if you say so!

Y/N:  And just don't overwork yourself!

As Rushia went back to work and apologised to the manager for lying that her family approved, manager gently forgave her!

Aqua: I see! I see! Y/N! you want to be a loving brother!

Aqua making fun of Y/N of what he has said! Y/N was being teased the whole time!

Y/N: Shut Up!

When Y/N was chatting with Aqua and he could feel the gaze from Rushia, staring at him whenever she passes by him and Aqua. It's almost time for Aqua to leave, Aqua left and Y/N decided to wait for his sister as he wants nothing bad to happen to her!

Y/N: So ready to go back?

Rushia: Yes Ni-Chan Let Go!!

As Y/N and Rushia walked together, the white pure snowflakes fell slowly and slower!

Y/N: Snow is falling, it's almost time! Christmas heh!

Rushia: I'm sorry for lying about earlier

Y/N: Jeez, Don't worry, it's in the past!

Rushia: So Nii-Chan! Aqua-Senpai and Ni-Chan are going to be in concert!

As Rushia heard there's a new music club from school, she was a bit interested but decided to focus on her work

Y/N: Well yeah, something like that! It's pretty cool!

Rushia: I wonder if Ni-Chan gets popular from this? (This is bad what If Ni-Chan gets popular.         I will get so many opponents )

Rushia sighed herself, as she knows this is going to be a rough year of school!

Y/N: Something wrong?

Rushia: Nothing!

Y/N: ( I've been wondering, what if I was able to put Aqua in gen 2 and spark Yagoo's interest, and I will have Rushia to go for an interview to get in the idol route, I want everything to be normal again, It's not fair if l keep all the happiness I got if the Aqua crew or Fan dead know that I will be dead by now. Well at least I hope everything will be okay and hope my plan go smoothly as I planed)

At Aqua's side,

Aqua: Mom, I am home!

Aqua's Mom: Oh You're late! Your friends are waiting for you in your room!

Aqua: My friends?

Aqua was pretty surprised that she has a visitor, she gently opened the door to her room, and her face was frozen and saw the one who rejected her, her friends in the past!

Girl 1: Oh Long time no see! Aqua-Chan!
You know we're here to talk to you about Y/N with you! 

You guys thought I am dead because I didn't update yesterday lol, I am not dying, I am just studying for maths exam yesterday and end up not updating anyway here it is! My Daily updating Streak! RIP!
