Chapter 5

But Yu Fengxing didn't show a happy expression, but his face was dignified.

How many times is this?

Food appeared inexplicably at home.

If the previous few times may have been operated by humans, then this time, Yu Fengxing never believed that when he was awake at home, someone could send food in and leave without knowing it.

The problem that puzzled Yu Fengxing was not only the power of the other side, he also wanted to know, why did the other side give him food?

"Pei Wen, tomorrow you will bring someone over to install a camera for me." Yu Fengxing ordered straight down, then took the plate of green onion cakes of unknown origin and entered the study.

Su Xingchen was like a wooden chicken, forgetting to chew the cake in his mouth.

With a camera?

Well, he decided silently in his heart that he would not cook for this elite man in the future, and let the other party find food for himself.

Su Xingchen had a full stomach, patted his palm, and still sleeps on that luxurious sofa bed today.

Unlike yesterday, he had a small blanket on his stomach.

On Mayday night, nothing will be covered and it will be cold.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Xingchen gave himself a bowl of cabbage and egg noodles. After eating, he went to the first floor to continue his work, and strived to clean the first floor hygiene today.

At 10 o'clock in the city of S, Pei Wen brought two technicians to the BoSS home to install indoor monitors.

He was very curious, what exactly happened to BoSS?

"Why do you have to install surveillance?" Pei Wen said.

"Isn't it very popular to install surveillance now?" Yu Fengxing smoked cigarettes, stood in the center of the house, and watched the technicians work, holding his arms and saying, "Especially people like me, how many people stared at me?"

Pei Wen thought, is there?

BoSS, they are just a little richer young entrepreneurs, usually very low-key, not to mention anyone staring.

But ... Pei Wen touched his chin, maybe after the death of both parents, BoSS was more or less guarded against the outside world, which is normal.

The indoor monitoring was quickly installed.

Before leaving, Pei Wen looked up and down at BoSS's leisurely dress and asked, "Boss, when do you go to the company?"

Yu Fengxing said: "A few days off." He wondered and said, "What's wrong? Senior executives have opinions?"

Pei Wen smiled awkwardly, shook his head and said, "No opinion, just, Director of Planning ..."

When he heard the name of his ex-girlfriend, Yu Fengxing immediately stood by, because anyway, Ji Jiaying was a good girl he had disappointed: "What's wrong with the director?"

What he was most afraid of was that Jiaying was still thinking about himself over the years.

Not worth it.

"Ahem." Pei Wen said, "The director of the plan invited the company's employees to work late for supper last night. They also bought wine and said there is a story about wine, please listen to the story ..."

"..." Yu Fengxing took a cigarette in silence, his eyes filled with the vicissitudes of old beasts.

"Hahaha." The employees of Fengxing Game Company have almost heard the stories of old beasts and young aunts, but few people know that the prototype of the old beasts is the young and handsome president Yu Fengxing himself.

"I'm back at the company, go back and help you look at the counting director." Pei Wen patted BoSS on the shoulder, and suddenly it was a pity that this pair would be nice if they were still together.

Pei Wen thinks that the director of the program is very good. He is a clever girl and always knows what he should do.

But sometimes stimulated by Yu Fengxing, it will go crazy like last night.

Such a girl has flesh and blood, who would not like it.

At noon again, Su Xingchen looked at the old house where the windows were bright and bright, and felt proud in his heart.

He was so happy that he couldn't wait to call Dr. Fang: "Hey, Dr. Fang, good noon, have you had lunch?"

Su Xingchen walked for two or three days, this is the first time to call Beijing.

Dr. Fang had long worried about his condition, but did not dare to contact rashly.

Suddenly received a call from Su Xingchen at noon today, and he was in good spirits after listening to the voice. Dr. Fang quickly asked: "Xing Chen? So happy?"

"Um." Su Xingchen laughed with a smile and said with a broom in her hand, "Isn't I going back to my hometown the day before yesterday? I came back to clean up the old house for two days, and I feel like the days are more fulfilled. Now I just want to pack the house as soon as possible , Put it in your favorite way, and then raise two more dogs and chickens and ducks. By the way, Dr. Fang, the scenery here in our hometown is too beautiful. I will send you two photos in a while. "

He didn't know what Dr. Fang was happy over there.

"Okay, send it to me. I want to see how beautiful it is."

"Well! I'll hang up first, and I'll send you a photo right away." After Su Xingchen hung up the phone, he pulled out the green mountains and waters, forest trails taken this morning in the phone, and picked some angles and light for Dr. Fang. go with.

—Dr. Fang, I'm going to cook. I'll contact you when I'm busy.

—Go on, let's take a closer look at the picture.

At noon today, without having to cook the elite man's meal, Su Xingchen cut the amount in half and simply made a cucumber fried meat slice.

After eating this meal, the meat is gone and I can only eat eggs at night.

But ... he looked at the clear river, thinking about going to town tomorrow morning, buying some fishing tools and returning.

As the saying goes, rely on water to drink water and drink water from the mountain.

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and seemingly blocked, but as long as you have the intention, you can live well without a delivery supermarket.

After having dinner, Su Xingchen took a diary and wrote a diary under a desk lamp. By the way, he listed out the items to buy tomorrow, such as a hatchet, a machete, and various equipment for entering the mountains.

And puppies.

But he said that after Yu Fengxing asked someone to install surveillance, he sat in front of the computer and stared at the movement in the room.

The time elapsed minute by minute. He was hungry, and frequently checked the time in the lower left corner.

At twelve in the end, the dining table was still empty, and the red-brown food container was never seen again.

Yu Fengxing couldn't hold her hungry, picked up her phone and ordered takeaway.

After another half an hour, the takeaway was delivered, and the mysterious lunch still did not appear.

Yu Fengxing opened the take-out box, and the moment he saw the sale, he was a little tired of this lunch.

See, this is the standard takeaway.

No matter the smell at the moment of packaging or opening the box, there is a strong commercial atmosphere. Such a meal has no soul.

Yu Fengxing picked up his chopsticks and tasted it, so he didn't want to eat it anymore.

"..." He suddenly remembered that there were still half a plate of green onion cakes left over last night in the refrigerator, so he got up and walked to the kitchen to heat the green onion cakes.

The smell of chilli sauce came out in the microwave and it moved your forefinger.

Last night Yu Fengxing didn't eat this half because the stomach is not good, and spicy food will cause stomach pain.

But now he doesn't care so much. After heating it, he takes it out and eats it. He was surprised to find that the hot pepper sauce is not spicy at all.

After eating this half plate of green onion cakes, Yu Fengxing snooze contentedly.

Can't help but sigh: "The weight is real."

Wait, he suddenly sat upright, right. When he was having dinner last night, he once discarded a small amount of sentences, and soon after, a plate of pancakes appeared on the table ...

Yu Fengxing was numb to the scalp, and there was a kind of creeps that were monitored.

However, I have to admit that the food is really delicious, with an indescribable homely taste.

"..." Yu Fengxing looked around and said to himself: "Who are you? What is the purpose of giving me food?"

Quietly, only his own voice.

"If you can hear it, send it to me again in the evening?" After Yu Fengxing said this, he quit the study and took a nap.

In the evening, Su Xingchen carefully walked into the living room on the second floor, and it turned out that cameras were installed in the dark corners of the ceiling.

He was tense, went into the kitchen and looked up, and found that the kitchen was not equipped with a camera, and he was relieved happily.

Because Su Xingchen was not upstairs during the day, and I didn't know if the owner had ever gone out.

I only knew that when I came up, the other party was there.

In this way, Su Xingchen needs to carefully drill holes in cooking and bathing.

Fortunately, the owner's daily life is fairly regular, and he will spend an hour in the gym every evening.

This hour was enough for Su Xingchen to clean and cook, and then he could take a bath and sleep after the other party took a shower and entered the study office.

Tonight, no mysterious food appeared on the table.

Yu Fengxing had to guess that the monitor was discovered by the other party.

"..." It looks like we'll have takeaway again tonight.

Since starting the business, Mr. Yu, who has been tired of eating takeaways, is inexplicably in a bad mood.

It seems like a person who has been sleeping on a hard board bed. Suddenly, he sleeps in Simmons for a day or two, and then falls back to sleep on a hard board bed.

Obviously can be more comfortable.

Eating is also very satisfying.

So why bother your stomach?

"Ding Dong ..."

Someone rang the doorbell.

Su Xingchen sat on the sofa and read a book. He didn't get up to open the door, because even if he went to open the door, the space outside the door was not the space where the owner was.

So he watched as the owner came out to open the door and received a takeaway.

The owner opened the take-out directly in the living room, but after a few bites, he stopped eating, and he didn't seem to have any appetite.

Su Xingchen's cowardly heart rose again, but there was no way. Whoever let the owner of the house die for himself had to install a Roche camera in the house.

So he took a few glances and continued to lift the book to read it.

"Ah ..." Yu Fengxing threw the takeaway into the trash can and made a pot of tea for himself: "Tomorrow, I pulled the camera."

The book covered by Su Xingchen's face shook gently, as if smiling.

Because he did not expect that the successful man who seemed rich and beautiful would toss his house back and forth because of a stutter.

Pei Wen didn't expect to install a camera for two days, and BoSS was removed the next day.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?"

Yu Fengxing said: "It's fine." But there is no food after it is installed. He has to try it. If the camera is removed, that mysterious phenomenon will happen again.
