Chapter 41

There are things scattered all over the place, including kudzu root with soil and yam braving slime.

As Xiong Yuanfei said, you will inevitably get a lot of hands if you pick up these things with your own hands.

But Yu Fengxing didn't care. In fact, when he looked down and saw these things, what came to mind for a moment was the object he was angry with, Su Xiaochen.

The day before yesterday, braving the scorching sun of July, Su Xiaochen went up the mountain and dug up these things to make soup for him.

All these Yu Fengxing are kept in mind, so he thought, as a social person who is nearly three years old, why not tolerate children like Su Xiaochen who are not familiar with the world?

Yu Fengxing found himself a step down, and immediately decided to finish talking about the technical department, and then gave Su Xiaochen a call.

"Thank you, boss!"

The two men soon packed up Gegen and yam, Xiong Yuanfei gratefully said to BOSS, admiring.

After all, he still remembers that the last time his boss caught him watching the live broadcast at work, he didn't say anything about him at all.

"did you buy this online?" Yu Fengxing clapped his hands and asked curiously.

"Yes!" Xiong Yuanfei said repeatedly: "this is a wild mountain product dug up by an anchor in the mountains. It is not planted artificially. Do you want it, boss?" Why don't I give you some and take it back to make soup! "

As a boss, Yu Fengxing doesn't have the nerve to take the stuff of his employees. Besides, it's not like he doesn't have it: "No, I have it at home, too."

Xiong Yuanfei said enthusiastically, "this is dug in the mountains!"

Yu Fengxing thought silently that mine was also dug in the mountains: "go in. I'll wash my hands first."

Then he went straight to the bathroom, turned on the faucet and washed the dirt and slime off his hands with hand sanitizer.

Washed, Yu Fengxing and found something wrong.
He felt his hands itch.

What's going on?

Yu Fengxing could not help scratching, but found that the more itchy he scratched, resulting in a pile of red marks on the back of his hand.

"." Boss Yu has a black face and is not a good person.

Suddenly he remembered that, Su Xiaochen should know what was going on.

So without hesitation, he took out his cell phone and called Su Xingchen.

The sudden call startled Su Xingchen, but he answered happily: "Mr. Yu?." Are you looking for me? "

Isn't that nonsense?

Yu Fengxing felt awkward for a moment, looked down at the back of his red and itchy hand and said, "Yes, I want to ask you something."

Su Xingchen immediately Alexander thought Mr. Yu was going to ask about school again.

"well, you say."

"I just touched Pueraria and yam, and now my hands itch. What's going on?" Yu Fengxing said succinctly, in a tone that was too blunt and indifferent.

"Oh, that's right." Su Xingchen didn't pay any attention to what was wrong with Mr. Yu's tone. He focused on how, Mr. Yu met the yam. Then popular science said: "this is a normal phenomenon, because you encounter the yam mucus, so it will cause itching."

The solution is also very simple.

Su Xingchen said, "is there any gas around you?"

"No." Yu Fengxing looked around and said, "I'm in the company."

"well." That's a little difficult, Su Xingchen thought:

"then you use waste paper to make a small fire, bake an itchy place, can play an immediate role." But pay attention to safety. "

It's not hard.

Yu Fengxing nodded and said, "I see, thank you."

"you're welcome." Su Xingchen smiled and froze: "Uh, Mr. Yu, are you still angry?"

Su Xingchen finally noticed that, Mr. Yu had a strange tone today.

The boss who was directly questioned felt that it was really hard work and unnecessary to get angry with a dull person like Su Xiaochen, so he sighed and said, "No, I'll make a fire first."

When Su Xingchen got the answer, he believed it and told him, "be careful not to cook it."

Yu Fengxing raised the corners of his mouth and pressed it down with a lot of effort: "well, hang up."

The bathroom is undoubtedly the best place to commit a crime., Yu Fengxing, according to Su Xingchen, drew a pile of paper towels and operated directly on the sink.

As for the lighter, as an old smoker, he had it in his pocket.

When the thin fire rose, Yu Fengxing shook his hand back and forth on the fire, feeling the heat of the fire,
burning itchy things on the red skin.

Sure enough, as Su Xingchen said, it soon stopped itching.

Boss Yu put away the ashes before leaving and swaggered into the technical department with a different face.

Ye Xiaohan almost suspected that his boss and brother was not looking for trouble, but to talk to him about the wine.

"Old Yu, you just played me on purpose, didn't you?"

Otherwise, the holiday had been agreed a long time ago, and it was impossible to change your mind temporarily.

"mm-hmm." Yu Fengxing simply accepted it.
Anyway, it makes no difference for the company for the technical department to spend the weekend.

Anyway, if the company has something to do, they still want to come back. This is the hardship of programmers.

"you really are!" Ye Xiaohan is pissed off.

Instead of feeling guilty, Yu Fengxing looked around and said, "didn't you say you had slippers?" Where is it? "

Ye Xiaohan exploded angrily and bent down to take off his shoes.

"all right, stop it." Yu Fengxing pulled up a chair and sat down to get down to business with Ye Xiaohan.

Just then, Yu Fengxing's cell phone rang.

He took out his phone, saw Su Xiaochen's name, picked his eyebrows and made no movement.

Ye Xiaohan looked at Yu Fengxing, questioningly and was about to ask why he didn't answer, when he saw the phone strangely cut off: "Hey, it's cut off?"

Yes, it's broken.

Yu Fengxing did not hesitate to call back immediately.

After a while, Su Xingchen's voice came over the phone and said, "I'm sorry, Mr. Yu,. I just called the customer and accidentally pressed your phone."

So is this the wrong number?

Yu Fengxing frowned instinctively, realizing that something was wrong and loosening: "it's all right."

By the way, tell Su Xingchen:, "the method you said is very useful."

"is that so? That's good. " Su Xingchen was happy to be able to help Mr. Yu. "then I'll continue to call the other customers and remind them," he said with a smile. "

Yu Fengxing: "mm-hmm."

Hung up the phone and met Ye Xiaohan's weird smile, which made him kick it impolitely.

This pervert, full of yellow waste, must be thinking about indecent things again.

"Oh, why are you kicking me? I didn't say anything. "

Ye Xiaohan howled with his calves in his arms and his face was covered with wrongs.

"get down to business." Yu Fengxing gave him an upright glance, with the air that he would kick the other foot if he beeped again.

"good, good." Ye Xiaohan crouched low and curled his mouth at the same time.

I don't know, he extremely disagrees with Yu
Fengxing's way of life.

How abstinent!

The image of Yu Fengxing in their minds is an ascetic spiritual practitioner.

Obviously looks so overbearing CEO, holding so many money resources, Leng lives like an ascetic monk.

Not to mention taking the initiative to drink flower wine, even a beautiful woman walked past him without glancing at it.

How many men in the world can do this?

Yu Fengxing can do it.

If Yu Fengxing hadn't been in a relationship, Ye Xiaohan wondered if he was dysfunctional.

But then again, even if you've been in love, it doesn't
seem to prove anything.

There was a wretched smile on, Ye Xiaohan's face when he thought of it.

"Oh, why did you hit me?" The next, Ye Xiaohan will hold his head and feel pain.

"be serious." Yu Fengxing warned ferociously, as if knowing that Ye Xiaohan was thinking about himself again: "School starts in two months. What about what I told you last time?"

At the mention of that, Ye Xiaohan reined in his hippy smile: "this."

As soon as I said a word, someone's cell phone in the office rang again, interrupting their conversation.

"Hello? The anchorman? " The person who answered the phone was Xiong Yuanfei, although he deliberately lowered his voice, but Yu Fengxing had a strong ear and heard him say clearly: "Yes, Pueraria and yam have been received, what?" Does the mucus of Chinese yam itch when it touches the skin? Oh, why don't you just roast it on fire? Well, I see. The anchorman was so careful that he specially called to remind me. "

Xiong Yuanfei talked to each other for a few words, and the other party said goodbye, and he hurriedly said, "OK, thank you. Goodbye!"

The programmer who hung up the phone suddenly saw a figure standing next to him: "Uh!" Xiong Yuanfei was startled and looked up: "Boss?"

Xiong Yuanfei stood up hurriedly and said in the same panic as last time, "what can I do for you?"

"who were you talking to just now?" Yu Fengxing just heard that something was wrong. It doesn't make sense. Su Xiaochen just said that he would call the customer to remind the customer that the yam mucus would itch., Xiong Yuanfei received a call with the same content.

Xiong Yuanfei froze for a moment, did not expect the boss will ask such a question, then scratched his head and said: "is to buy yams for my anchor brother, boss, what's the matter?"

"what's his name?" Yu Fengxing stared closely at his subordinates and asked.

"I don't know." Seeing the disappointment in his boss's eyes, Xiong Yuanfei suddenly said, "but you can look at the express order, which may have a name on it."

Yu Fengxing thought about it, and without waiting for Xiong Yuanfei to do it, he looked directly at the express box at the employee's feet.

Sure enough, the box was affixed with a complete delivery order with a clear name and phone address.

When Yu Fengxing saw the word'Su Xingchen', he looked stupefied, because what came to his mind was not the Su Xiaochen, who played naughty with him and said he was sleepy, but the young man Su
Xingchen who had met in Han family in Beijing.
In other words, some of his absurd guesses are probably true.

Yu Fengxing thought of this, silently opened the address book and compared the two groups of phone numbers, and found that they were exactly the same.

When I realized that I had been fooled, my Boss Yu, expression became extremely ugly in an instant.
Needless to say, Su Xingchen is Su Xiaochen!
Son of a bitch. full of lies!

"Boss." Seeing BOSS's face getting uglier and uglier, Xiong Yuanfei couldn't help but shudder: "Why, what's the matter?"

Does the boss even know the anchorman?

Otherwise, why would there be the phone number of the anchorman in the address book?

Or, the boss also bought the yam of the anchorman!
I have to say that, Xiong Yuanfei is a little rich in imagination.

"you said he was the anchor?" Yu Fengxing calmed down, glared at Xiong Yuanfei and said, "tell me which platform he is." What account number? "

Xiong Yuanfei wondered wobbly, why does the boss look like he wants to find fault?

Should I betray the anchorman?

But if you don't betray it, you will be fired by the boss!
So Xiong Yuanfei didn't have to struggle at all, so he presented the anchorman's live platform and account with both hands, and said with all his knowledge:
"this anchorman doesn't usually broadcast live, but he regularly publishes some short videos about pastoral life and his dogs and chickens."

When Yu Fengxing heard the keywords like dog and chicken, his eyebrow jumped and said coldly, "two dogs and ten chickens, right?"

Xiong Yuanfei was stupefied and nodded. "well, boss, how do you know?"

Does the boss really know the anchorman?

Yu Fengxing thought gloomily, of course I know, I still eat his cooking and midnight snacks every day!

I just didn't know he was that kind of guy.

"Old ye, let's talk about it next time. I have something to do right now." Yu Fengxing, holding his breath and holding the information given by Xiong Yuanfei, left the technical department unhappily.

Ye Xiaohan was stunned and said to Xiong Yuanfei, "what's he going to do?" Do you have a group fight? "
Xiong Yuanfei shook his head. "No." I don't know. "
But he had a hunch that he was in trouble?
