Chapter 39

As a matter of fact, Su Xingchen also has a medicine cabinet at home.

Su Xingchen went to the street a few times ago and bought red potion, iron liquor, gauze and so on, which are all corresponding to trauma drugs.

For a moment, I forgot to buy anti-inflammatory ointment.

No matter whether the owner of the house has it or not, when he goes to town to send it by express, he is bound to buy some anti-
inflammatory ointment.

So after texting, Su Xingchen didn't wait for the owner to reply, he just packed himself up and went upstairs to make steamed buns.

Kids with big fists, two flavors.

One is minced meat with green vegetables.

One is fungus meat stuffing.

Chubby and soft in taste, I can't stop eating.
Su Xingchen ate several in one breath and felt a little full, so he used a fresh-keeping box and packed a box for Uncle Niu.

"Xiao Huang!" The young man went downstairs with steamed buns and fed Dogs breakfast.

As far as he knows, many people in the village say they can only make money if they don't feed the dogs in the morning.

Is it so magical?

The young man, who dreamed of getting rich, looked at the two dogs who ate steamed buns and shook his head in disagreement.

Su Xingchen ate steamed buns while Dogs was eating, got on his bike and went out the door.

At this time, it was only eight o'clock in the morning, and the air in the mountains was very fresh, and the verdant scenery was refreshing at a glance.

And Yu Fengxing, on the S side has just woken up.

A man who has a good night's sleep will check his cell phone the first time he wakes up.

Sure enough, there is an unread text message in the inbox.

Yu Fengxing opened the corners of his mouth slightly, and after reading the content, his face became dignified.

"bitten by a mosquito?" It's a big deal.

The mosquitoes in the countryside are more severe than those in the city. Like the swelling described in the Su Xiaochen text message, it should be that they have encountered poisonous mosquitoes.

Yu Fengxing got up without hesitation, went under the TV cabinet in his living room and rummaged through the commonly used medicines in the drawer.

It was found that they were all stomach medicine and there was no anti-inflammatory ointment.

Boss Yu frowned, went into the room non-stop and changed his clothes, then picked up his wallet and cell phone and went downstairs to the drugstore.

As we all know, drugstores in cities usually don't open until after eight o'clock.

When Yu Fengxing goes down at this time, people have just opened their doors for business and are still doing sanitary work.

Yu Fengxing was a little worried, and he couldn't help saying, "Hello, don't sweep at the moment, give me an anti-inflammatory ointment, thank you."

After buying the ointment, he hurried back.

I texted Su Xingchen on the way and said, "there is an ointment. When will you come up to get it?"

At this time, Su Xingchen was driving a tricycle on the road, and it would take half an hour to get to town at the earliest to see the news of the owner of the house.

The owner of his house was so impatient that he called directly before he saw Su Xingchen reply to his text message when he got home.

When Su Xingchen heard this, he quickly parked his car by the side of the road and answered the phone safely: "Hello?"

Yu Fengxing squeezed the ointment he had just bought and said, "does your face hurt?"

Su Xingchen was stupefied, touched his face and said, "it hurts, but it itches." He scratched it accidentally and hissed, "Hey."

"then come up and wipe the medicine." Yu Fengxing glanced at the chubby ointment and put it on the table.

"well, but I'm out of the door now." Su Xingchen held the handle of the car and said, "Why don't you wait until I get back at noon?"

Go out?

Yu Fengxing picked the eyebrow and said, "where are you going so early?"

Are you going to work in the mountains again?

"go and send express delivery to the customers." Su Xingchen said.

"how do I get there? Is it a long way? " Yu Fengxing is concerned.

"drive a tricycle!" Su Xingchen said, "it's not far."

Boss Yu, who is used to driving luxury sports cars, heard the word tricycle, and the whole person was in a state of unresponsiveness.

It took a long time to frown and say, "tricycle?"

Su Xingchen: "mm-hmm." I kind of want to show off to the owner that he learned it after half an hour, but when I think about it, I still refrain from talking.

Yu Fengxing hesitantly said, "you." But come to think of it, he doesn't know what to say. After all, this is Su Xiaochen's life, and even as a friend, he has no right to interfere.

"then go ahead and be careful." After thinking about it for a long time, he said with a sigh.
"Bye, Mr. Yu." Su Xingchen hung up and hit the road again.

When I arrived in town, after sending the express delivery, Su Xingchen to the customers, I went into the drugstore and asked the clerk for a tube of anti-inflammatory ointment.

Seeing 24 herbal tea granules doing activities at a discount, I also bought a pack.

After paying the money, Su Xingchen opened the ointment and put some on his face where he had been bitten by mosquitoes. He soon felt a pleasant coolness on his skin, as if he would soon feel better.

Given that the mosquitoes in the mountains are so rampant, Su Xingchen thinks he should buy a mosquito net.

In this way, you can save money on mosquito-repellent incense, so why not.

So it was nearly noon when Su Xingchen got home in large and small bags.

He climbed to the second floor and saw that the ointment the owner had put on the table was the same as the one he had bought.

Su Xingchen was amused and asked the owner with a text message, "how much is the ointment Mr. Yu bought?"

At this time, his' cohabitee 'was still sitting in the company, and when he saw the text message, he didn't care that Secretary Pei was still reporting his work. He first took out his wallet and searched for the small ticket that he had casually stuffed in the morning.
Looking at the amount above, he replied: fifteen yuan, don't worry about it.

Su Xingchen replied with delight: I bought only 13 yuan!

Boss Yu sees the message.

Boss Yu completely sketched the image of a jubilant young man in the market, but unexpectedly did not find it annoying.

Secretary Pei, who was forced to stand aside and stop working, suddenly wondered who
BOSS was texting.

Why is it funny and thoughtful?

It's not normal for this expression to appear on BOSS's face.

"what are you looking at?" Yu Fengxing pulled away from his thoughts and saw Secretary Pei looking at himself strangely. He stared back without thinking: "where were we?"

Secretary Pei shivered, but he was so curious that he would rather risk his salary deduction and ask, "who is the boss texting?"

I smiled so softly just now, but it was infiltrating.

"is that the one who cooked for you last time?" Secretary Pei glowed in his eyes and guessed with gossip: "or the one with a nice voice?"
But that's a boy, and he's still with him?


Yu Fengxing was bored to death by this man and said angrily, "Why do you know so much?"

"I care about you!" Secretary Pei said plausibly, and then lowered his voice: "I'll tell you something, don't tell the director, or she'll kill me."

Secretary Pei made a move to wipe his neck.

It naturally aroused Yu Fengxing's curiosity, which made him ask suspiciously, "what's the matter?"

Secretary Pei looked around, approached the director and her ex-boyfriend and said, "Director, she has a boyfriend."

"that's it?" Yu Fengxing looked at Secretary Pei, with murderous eyes as if he were blaming him for wasting his feelings.

Secretary Pei thought wrongly that I was wrong and that I didn't take into account the degree of your indifference.

"get off work." Yu Fengxing said bluntly.

"how was the vegetable market I introduced to you last time? Are you satisfied? " Secretary Pei gives full play to Xiaoqiang's spirit and is not afraid to catch up and ask.

Speaking of this, Yu Fengxing paused for a moment, did he give Secretary Pei a good look: "not bad."

"is the one at home satisfied, too?" Secretary Pei scratches his heart and wants to know whether it is the virtuous girl who can cook or the boy with a nice voice who is with BOSS now.

Yu Fengxing, aware of Secretary Pei's attempt to spy on the news, scowled and warned, "I'll tell the director in a minute that you're talking about her boyfriend."

"Oh, hey?" Secretary Pei is dumbfounded.

Isn't BOSS an aboveboard person?

When did you get the bad habit of being a snitch?

Yu Fengxing will not tell the big-mouthed Secretary Pei, that the virtuous girl who can cook is actually the same person as the boy with a nice voice.

Otherwise, the whole company will know by then.

After all, what Secretary Pei is good at is, I'll tell you one thing, you don't tell everyone.

As a result, he said that to everyone, huh.

Yu Fengxing went home with the fruits and vegetables he had just bought, looked at the table deliberately, and put the ointment he bought there.

There seems to be no sign of being used.

Mr. Yu frowned angrily, feeling that Su
Xiaochen was really an outsider.

Always refuse to accept the kindness of others.

The owner of the house Su Xingchen saw exudes an air of apprehension, which makes people wonder what happened to him.

Is it like last time, what angry things happened?

Su Xingchen was worried. Without thinking much, he took out his cell phone and sent a text message to: Mr. Yu,. I bought 24 herbal tea today. Would you like a pack?

Herbal tea lowers the fire.

Yu Fengxing:, you are so kind to me that I dare not ask for your things.

When Su Xingchen saw the reply, he was at a loss. He didn't understand why the owner of the house said that.

Is it because of the ointment?

Su Xingchen felt anxious and amused when he thought of this possibility.

By the way, I have a quick finger typing: Mr. Yu, on my face. I don't need it yet. I can use it when I take a shower in the evening.

This is what he thinks. The owner's ointment is on the second floor and everyone can use it if they need it.

After a while, the owner of the house replied: mm-hmm.

Su Xingchen is careful: would you like some herbal tea?

Yu Fengxing: wants it.

Su Xingchen breathed a sigh of relief and found the owner's temper unfathomable.

Then put down the phone to get the granule, send several packets at once, and make a cup of herbal tea with each other's cup while the owner deliberately went back to the room to avoid.

When he saw vegetables and fruits on the table, he took them to the kitchen and put them away.

Mr. Yu, came out for herbal tea.

A text message was sent to the Yu Fengxing phone that had just changed.

When I get home, Yu Fengxing is used to changing into home clothes so that I can take a nap for a while.

When he came to the table, he saw a black thing in his cup and a strange smell.

, Yu Fengxing, a boss who has never drunk herbal tea granules in his life, stared at the cup with an uncertain expression.

I even want to pour this cup while Su Xiaochen is not there.

But Yu Fengxing thought about it, and if he really fell down, he would be sorry for the busy Su Xiaochen.

So he put up with it and smothered the granule by pinching his nose.

So, Mr. Yu drank Su Xiaochen's herbal tea and, Su Xiaochen used Mr. Yu's ointment at night.

The two people go back and forth, care for each other, and have a very good relationship.
Before going to bed that day, Su Xingchen stepped on the bed and hung up the mosquito net while answering the phone call from the owner: "Hello, Mr. Yu?"

The thing is, when, Yu Fengxing looked at the midnight snack, he couldn't help thinking about his friend's situation. He wanted to say a few words to Su Xiaochen: "well, it's me."

Su Xingchen stood on tiptoe and pulled the rope and said in an unsteady voice, "well, are you hungry?" Midnight snacks are on the table.

Have you seen them? "

He just texted the owner of the house.

"I see it." Yu Fengxing paused and said, "you said you were suspended?"

"Ah?" Su Xingchen was confused and said,

This topic is so sudden.

Yu Fengxing said with a straight face, "you can't do this. At your age, you should go to school."

Instead of driving tricycles around the countryside, let alone digging yams against the July sun.

"well." Su Xingchen was said to be afraid of rebuttal.

To tell you the truth, if my father is still alive, give him a thousand courage, he does not dare to go through the suspension procedures.

Of course, if Dad were alive, there would not be an emotional breakdown that would lead to suspension.

Anyway, suspension is unreasonable., Su Xingchen is ashamed.

"then go back to school." Seeing that Su Xingchen is not the kind of person who refuses to listen, Yu Fengxing softens and says, "if you have financial difficulties, I can help you."

"No." Su Xingchen felt as if the owner of the house had misunderstood and always wanted to give himself money: "I have no financial difficulties, Mr. Yu,. I have a house in Beijing."

Hearing this, Yu Fengxing almost lost his jaw: "is there a house in Beijing?"

Su Xingchen: "Mmm!" But he didn't want to show off his wealth. He just didn't want to make the owner of the house feel poor again.

Boss Yu:.

Boss Yu digested the unexpected message silently and thought it was good.

Then he went back to the subject and said,
"Let's continue to talk about your school."
When it comes to school, Su Xingchen feels so stressed that his voice wilts: "good."

"do you have any relatives?" The man has no parents, and he doesn't know if he has any relatives.

But Yu Fengxing did not care, he said directly: "forget it, you tell me when you started to study, and when do you plan to go back to school?"

Behind Su Xingchen is a wall. He sat down against the wall and said, "I'm going to take a break from school in May this year. I'm going to." I didn't go on.

"what?" Yu Fengxing thought the signal was bad: "I beg your pardon?"

Su Xiaochen: "Mr. Yu", who has the strength to avoid the problem of going to school, I'm sleepy.

Mr. Yu:, who was brazenly fooled for the first time. As soon as I heard it, I could tell that Su Xiaochen was faking, but he had no idea of debunking each other at all in his heart.
