Chapter 2

If he suddenly knew the condition of this house, Su Xingchen might be scared to death.

But through his father's disclosure, he has mastered the rules and circumstances of this house, but he did not believe that this was true before.

It is said that the things in this house can be used at will, but the other side has no feeling at all.

Unless you are dying yourself, pick up things and fly around in front of each other.

Thinking of this, Su Xingchen looked down at the pair of slippers on his feet, and quickly took off and put them back, so as not to see a pair of slippers walking around when the owner returned.

Then Su Xingchen went barefoot, pulled the suitcase to the front of a room, opened the door, and found it was a master bedroom. He closed in disappointment because he could not choose the master bedroom as his room.

So he opened the door next door to the master bedroom: "..." He continued to be disappointed because it was a study.

Next, gym, cloakroom ...

There are no guest rooms in the huge house.

However, this European-style cloakroom is spacious and beautiful. Su Xingchen couldn't help but open his suitcase and put his poor luggage on it.

Then take out a set of pajamas and washing tools, and go to the bathroom like a foot cloud.

Like Su Xingchen's imagination, the bathroom in this house is also luxurious.

Everything you need for washing.

However, Su Xingchen didn't mean to take advantage, but he put the set he brought up and prepared to continue using his own things.

At this time, he was still worried whether the traces created by his bath would make the owner of the house doubtful?

In this way, Su Xingchen recalled his father's story while taking a bath. The other party said that this was a unilateral spatial overlap, and only this side could share everything over there.

No matter what you do there, you can't feel it.

Unless you are actively exposed here, use the resources there to leave messages to communicate with each other, but my father said that if you do n't want to be arrested and studied, it is best not to do so.

"Using the resources over there ..." Su Xingchen muttered to himself: "Like this?" He used his fingers to point a point in the misty glass of water, but this point soon became blurred.

In addition, he still remembers his father saying that there is a restricted area in this house.

This restricted area is the exact center of the acupoint and the only area that can be perceived over there.

When the shower came out, Su Xingchen looked at the time, it was already 9:30 in the evening.

At this time, the owner of the house has not yet returned.

Su Xingchen took out his small reading lamp and turned it on in the living room, and then turned off all the lights in the house.

For now, he is still afraid to invade the bedroom, so he has to lie on the sofa in the living room, while thinking about when the owner of the house will return, while looking at a paper book he brought.

However, after running around for a day, he was too tired. Su Xingchen saw only two pages of books, and was so sleepy that he fell asleep and fell asleep.

I don't know how long after that, Su Xingchen smelled a strong alcohol in the confusion and a low coughing sound.

He was quickly awakened by these movements. After sitting up from the sofa, he saw in horror a tall figure sitting at his feet.

And the sound of the cough was made by that person.

Su Xingchen immediately reached out to turn on his small table lamp, and then saw the other person lifted a hand wearing a watch, covered his mouth and continued to cough, while the other hand was still holding a lit cigarette ...

Su Xingchen's brow suddenly frowned, after all, he was so sick of smoke.

"Ahem ..." The next second, the man took the cup on the table and drank his head up, then continued to put the cigarette to his mouth and took a silent breath.

No matter how you look at it, it looks very decadent.

This makes Su Xingchen very puzzled, because the man's appearance looks very young and only in his early twenties. He is dressed in a bright and stylish style and is full of the flavor of a successful person. His facial features are also very good.

So, what else is unsatisfactory in life, let this person drink too much alcohol and come back late at night?

Su Xingchen rubbed his eyes, took out his mobile phone and looked at the time. It was one o'clock in the morning, it was really late.


He knocked twice on the table and found that the other party had no response. From this, it can be seen that the sound he made himself could not be transmitted to that side.

In other words, if you use the resources over there to make a sound, you can spread it.

After confirming this matter, Su Xingchen got up without any worries and put on his shoes. He picked up his own small lamp and decided to change places to continue sleeping.

This time it was on the carpet in the bedroom. After all, he guessed that the owner would stay in the living room for a long time.

However, it didn't take long for him to lie down, the owner of the house staggered in from the outside, lying on the bed in a drunk state, and was motionless.

Su Xingchen: "..."

How to say, he is a kind-hearted person, seeing the other person's clothes, shoes and socks are still wearing, without personal care, he moved his heart.

"Forget it, consider it my rent." After a long time, making sure the other party was asleep, he whispered quietly, then stood up and walked over to help the other party to remove shoes and socks, unfasten the belt, and take off the trousers. And cover it with a quilt.

After thinking about it, Su Xingchen ran to the bathroom again, twisted a hot towel, and returned to the bedroom to wipe the face of the house owner, as well as his hands.

After doing this, he moved out with a small table lamp and reoccupied the soft and comfortable sofa bed.

Su Xingchen, who was struggling enough that day, fell asleep until dawn.

In the early morning of the next day, Su Xingchen was awakened by the barking of birds outside the window.

Bird calls?

He wondered, how could there be bird calls?

Su Xingchen was puzzled and looked up with his eyes closed, only to find that the window was not closed: "..." He paused, immediately stood up and stood outside the window to look outside. At first glance, he saw the endless and lush mountains. The second thing I saw was the turquoise green river water flowing like a jade belt.

Such natural scenery is so beautiful that Su Xingchen couldn't help but take a deep breath with open hands.

But ... he found that standing in the house could not breathe the outside air, and only when the probe went out could he feel the fresh and cool river breeze.

"Awesome ..." Su Xingchen looked at everything in front of him, admiring from the bottom of his heart.

The thought of my father ever seeing such a beauty in his childhood caused a tearful urge.

"Thank you for guiding me back. I think I will find my own here again ..." Su Xingchen muttered, with a smile looking forward to the future, first went to the bathroom to wash.

But ... passing the door of the owner's bedroom, he glanced into it, and found that the other party was still sleeping, so he continued to finish his work without much control.

Yesterday, he was afraid that he did n't have anything to eat, so he took a lot of bread and dry food with him.

At the moment, it was in the owner's refrigerator, which was empty except for wine.

Su Xingchen took out the bread and milk briskly and simmered in the home's microwave oven.

The smell of Xiangxiang filled the breathing room of the hungry young man. This was the smell that only he could smell, because the food was prepared by him, unless ...

Use restricted area.

Su Xingchen was eating milk and bread while thinking about the problems related to the restricted area. His father said that the restricted area could pass things, but only a fool would reveal himself.

Indeed, using the restricted area to pass bread and milk is a bit silly to look at.

So Su Xingchen comforted himself, don't worry, the other party can afford such a luxurious suite, how can he not eat and drink in life.

After spending twenty minutes eating breakfast, Su Xingchen was ready to go.

Before leaving, he still unsurely poured a glass of water and put it on the bedside of the owner's bedroom, hoping that the other party would not have a headache when he woke up.

Su Xingchen locked the door on the second floor, and saw the old furniture hall downstairs, but it looked shabby and deserted because no one visited for a long time.

But Su Xingchen didn't dislike it. He was going to renovate it and pack it into a comfortable and livable house.

Before that, he was going to a small town to buy cleaning tools.

When Su Xingchen was walking in the forest in the early morning, he found that what he needed most now was a mobility tool, preferably the one that could load things.

Just thinking about it while enjoying the surrounding scenery and breathing the fresh mountain air, an hour passed quickly.

Su Xingchen's eyes appeared in a patchwork of self-built buildings, almost all of which were above the second floor. It can be seen that people in the village are no longer living as hard as before.

Ten years ago, a highway was said to have opened nearby.

Many factories moved their factories nearby, benefiting the villagers who could only live on the land before, but they also caused environmental pollution to a greater or lesser extent.

It can only be said that there are advantages and disadvantages.

"Uncle Wang? Are you there?" Su Xingchen was carrying a backpack, standing at the driver's house in the village head, and looking around, looking at Wang Hanxiong's small bread still in the yard, relieved.

Every morning, Wang Hanxiong's buns will open to the open space in front of the village store to upload customers, and they can earn dozens of dollars in one trip.

Then pull some repeat customers and come back to the village to continue pulling people.

With enough customers, you can pull up to three times a day.

In the past, these guests were all elderly children and women in the village, almost all of whom were familiar.

Suddenly, among the women and children who were stunned, a young stranger of eighteen or nine years old appeared, and everyone looked at him.

Su Xingchen sat there quietly with a mask and did not speak.

I just asked the driver master when I got out of the car: "Uncle Wang, do you know where there are tricycles?"

Wang Hanxiong said in surprise: "Do you want to buy a tricycle? Buy a new or used one?"

Su Xingchen did not consider these issues, but hesitated for a moment.

"You buy a second-hand one, uncle takes you to buy it." Wang Hanxiong waved his hand to let him get in the car, and told him: "The new tricycle sells for three or four thousand yuan, uncle Take you to buy second-hand 80% new, the cheapest can sell 1,000, without spending that unjust money. "

Su Xingchen saw the simple and honest uncle as an enthusiastic person, and nodded with a smile: "Okay, thank you Uncle Wang."

Next, under the leadership of Wang Hanxiong, Su Xingchen met a boss named Li who specialized in buying used farm cars.

The opponent did have two blue tricycles that looked very new.

At the suggestion of Wang Hanxiong, Su Xingchen bought a headpiece, tire, etc. which looked better in all aspects, and the transaction price was 1,500 yuan.

Although it is a little expensive, it is already a lot cheaper than the new car for three or four thousand yuan.

After happily making a business, Wang Hanxiong suddenly scratched his head and asked, "Little brother, will you drive a tricycle?"

"No." Su Xingchen's dark eyes looked at him with soft light: "But I can learn."
