Chapter 20

Su Xingchen thought that he hadn't seen this small note, nor had he seen this stack of RMB.

After Su Xingchen packed the meals, he put the note and RMB on the food box intact.

At noon, Yu Da BoSS went home to eat without a storm. In recent days, he always finished his meal at home and took a break before going to work.

Yu Fengxing quickly saw the contents of the food box, and frowned a bit deeply, thinking in his heart: Do not accept RMB? Is it close? (Under Coins)

Su Xingchen certainly did not know that the owner thought so, otherwise he would startle himself.

At this time, Su Xingchen was neatly dressed, carrying a backpack, ready to go out.

"Gone." The young man in the straw hat greeted the two dogs, then locked the big lock on the courtyard door, and went up the mountain.

This time, in addition to picking some raspberries, Su Xingchen also wanted to find out if there were any wild things that could be eaten.

Such as yam and kudzu root, these are common herbs on the mountain.

In the mountains in the afternoon, the sun was shining through the dense leaves, and the stars were shining on the dog, creating an illusion like a dream.

Su Xingchen couldn't help but open the live broadcast platform and greeted everyone: "Good afternoon, everyone, I'm free today, I'm back in the mountains, I want to try my luck and see if I can find yam."

At this moment, there were not many viewers in the live broadcast room, because at this time, everyone was taking a nap.

So Su Xingchen didn't say much, and kept walking along the stream, upstream.

A green and white plant suddenly appeared in front of the audience of the live broadcast room. After the anchor brother approached, someone soon recognized the name of the plant.

Akana Lixiang: Ah! Lily of the valley!

Time fright: beautiful bellflowers ~~

Akana Lixiang: Can the anchor brother take some pictures? I really like Lily of the Valley, and it's still wild, so rare.

Su Xingchen also thought so. When he saw a piece of blooming bellflower, his smile waved involuntarily, and he said in a soft voice: "We encountered a piece of blooming bellflower. It's too beautiful. I It takes a few photos. "

In the process of taking pictures, Su Xingchen's soft whisper appeared particularly quiet in the mountains: "bellflower, also called lily of the valley, lily of the valley, and monarch grass, are all good names. They bloom from May to June every year. We The time is right, um, by the way, the flower of the bellflower is the return of happiness. "

Akana Lixiang: Uh-huh, tears, is the return of happiness. My first love sent me flowers for the first time. Now we are together again, and we will never be separated again.

Su Xingchen took a good photo, cut back to the live broadcast room, and saw the fan's message. He smiled and said, "Blessing everyone who sees the bellflower today, will be very happy."

The beautiful face value, coupled with beautiful words, beautiful scenery, firmly grasped the hearts of the audience at this moment.

Maybe there are many good-looking people in this world, and there are also many people who can talk, but like the little brother of the anchor, just so few people are soothing and relaxing.

"Let's go on." Su Xingchen put the cell phone on his forehead again. At this moment, he took the straw hat in his hand and fanned himself from time to time.

Pueraria likes to grow in a dry and cool place, and some hillsides near the stream are ideal locations.

"We've found wild kudzu roots." The anchor's younger brother announced his joy with excitement, then lowered the backpack on his back and dug with a short-handled hoe.

The two dogs spit their tongues and lay on their left and right, watching six ears and listening in all directions, like two guardians.

The owner will be notified as soon as there is any movement.

"The pueraria in May and June is actually growing. It is not the best time to dig pueraria," Su Xingchen said as he wiped his sweat. "December-February is a good time to pueraria pueraria, because at that time Gegenzheng Is dormant. "

Su Xingchen also said: "Kudzu root contains special hormones, which can effectively regulate endocrine, balance yin and yang, coordinate internal organs, and improve the body's own metabolic capacity. It is a very good medicine."

"Well, it's quite big." Su Xingchen vigorously pulled out a chubby kudzu root, wiped the mud, and threw it into a snakeskin bag.

The live broadcast room has been exploded. Ask the host, can I sell this kind of kudzu root?

However, the anchor brother was so focused on digging into the pueraria genus that he never thought of selling it.

"Wang!" Suddenly the dog barked and caught Su Xingchen's attention.

This is a dangerous mountain. Su Xingchen didn't dare to carelessly, quickly put down the things in his hand, and looked at the dog's sight: "What's wrong?"

Su Xingchen froze, grinning her lips, raised her palm and waved, "Hi!" It was the mother and son of the mountain monkeys! They look at it on the tree!

After Su Xingchen waved and greeted him, the mountain monkey came down from the tree holding the child and ran towards Su Xingchen.

Su Xingchen was surprised again and said happily, "Which day is the mother and son of the monkey, do you still remember?"

I saw the mother monkey ran to Su Xingchen, and found a stone to sit down, like an uninvited guest who saw others working and then came over.

Su Xingchen touched his pocket, found a big white rabbit toffee, and handed it to the watery little monkey: "Here, it's delicious."

The little monkey looked at Sugar timidly, and then looked at Su Xingchen, looking like he didn't dare to reach out.

At this moment, the mother monkey moved her mouth, as if she was encouraging the little monkey, and then the little monkey gathered the courage and reached out his hand, held the big white rabbit toffee, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Su Xingchen was very annoyed and felt that he should peel the candy paper for the little monkey ...

"..." The little monkey bit his sugar paper with his mouth and spit it out, and began to eat sweetly.

Su Xingchen felt that his IQ was despised.

Su Xingchen shook his head and turned to put the second Kudzu into the bag.

"Well." The monkey mother crawled to Su Xingchen's feet, and stretched out her hands and pulled his pants.

"Ah?" Su Xingchen understood the meaning of the other from the behavior of the mother monkey, and asked in surprise: "Do you want me to follow you?"

The mother monkey continued to pull Su Xingchen's trousers and backed away.

Su Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry, but she was also curious. Where would the mother monkey take herself?

"Wait, I'll take things with me." Su Xingchen said, carrying a backpack and tools, and a snakeskin bag containing kudzu roots, went down the hillside with the mother monkey and went to the unknown deep mountains.

The audience in the live broadcast room also saw the mother monkey pulling the anchor's younger brother's pants, and one after another said that this mother monkey is fine, and the anchor younger brother must not be fooled by it!

There is also a ridicule that the mother monkey looks good on the anchor little brother, and takes him back to be a cousin ...

The brain hole is too big.

The mother monkey walked quickly, Su Xingchen and two dogs followed him pantingly, and then disappeared into the mountain forest.

I don't know how long he ran, and when Su Xingchen felt that he was about to faint, he saw the mother monkey stop on a high stone.

Su Xingchen sat on the ground with fallen leaves, took out the water in his backpack and took a few sips, which made him more comfortable.

"Here." Su Xingchen poured water from the lid and drank the dogs with tongues out.

At this time, the furry monkey came together and asked Su Xingchen to drink water.

Su Xingchen feeds the little monkey and asks with a smile, "Did you monkey monkey hold the sugar?"

The monkey baby couldn't understand the human words, and only looked at Su Xingchen with big watery eyes.

The monkey mother froze the little monkey's head hair, turned around and jumped to the stone.

Su Xingchen got up to keep up, and looked into the past.

At this point in the live broadcast room, they fry again, because they saw from a distance, two huge, ganoderma-like things, growing near the stone, beside a huge dead wood.

Qiuci cat: dig a groove! Is it Ganoderma? ? !!

When the anchor brother approached and squatted in front of those two things, the audience in the live broadcast room was basically sure, yes.

Heart-to-heart: This is wild red zhi, which can be called blood ganoderma if its volume has grown for at least several decades or even hundreds of years. Its efficacy is dozens of times that of the year. It is most suitable for the elderly and the sick.

Puppies do not eat fish: Oh my god, how much are these two Ganoderma lucidum worth? The anchor brother got rich.

Heart to heart: The real wild Ganoderma lucidum cost thousands of dollars a catty that year, and the longer the year, the more valuable it is. The two young brothers of the anchor will not be under 200,000.

Ordinary ten years: We watched the two younger brothers. They were absolutely no fake. They were real wild ganoderma. If I could afford the money, I would buy them.

Here, Su Xingchen didn't know that the broadcasting room had already been fried.

Su Xingchen stared blankly at the huge Ganoderma lucidum, and did not dare to reach out to touch it. Is this really ... is it really Ganoderma lucidum?

It turned out that the monkey mother made a special trip to bring herself here to tell herself that there are two Ganoderma lucidum here.

Su Xingchen immediately moved her eyes to be red, and looked back at the monkey mother who was beside her, while the monkey mother was helping the little monkey to catch lice.

"Thank you." Su Xingchen said, then carefully picked off the large ganoderma lucidum on the plate. I didn't know where to put it, so I could only put it together with the kudzus.

Su Xingchen, like a child picking up a treasure, seemed extra excited and a little uneasy.

So he hurried back to the original road and brought the Ganoderma back to his home.

After Su Xingchen found that the monkey mother was no longer following him, she turned around and waved goodbye to them: "Goodbye, I'll see you next time."

At this time, a call was made to a young director in a certain department in Beijing.

"Director Han, I found something as good as it may be good for your father's body."

Director Han has been upset and sleepy for his father's weakened body recently. Although he didn't fully believe the call, he asked with some hope: "What's good?"

The man said, "Wild blood Ganoderma lucidum for more than a century."

Two minutes later, a recorded video was sent to Director Han's mobile phone. It was the live broadcast of Su Xingchen going up the mountain in the afternoon this afternoon. It was originally recorded by fans to collect, but he encountered such a big event as blood Lingzhi.

Director Han's name is Han Muxun. He is thirty years old and cautious.

Generally I would not believe such a ridiculous thing.

But now the old father is frail and can't eat anything, and blood Ganoderma can not be found. Why not buy a strain?

"I want his contact information." Han Muzhen called the person just now.
