Chapter 19

The president of a listed company who is used to speaking up, has not realized for a moment what kind of existence he is annoying.

I just typed on my own words: the 30-level Dao Xiu number is like a mineral water bottle on the roadside. Although it can be recycled, it is worth only 50 cents.

Yun Feiyang: If you need it, I can help you practice a Demon Clan. Demon Clan is the king of Demon Realm.

Seeing this, Su Xingchen was so angry that he didn't want to talk to this person anymore.

"You are the mineral water bottle ..." Why the abominable and poisonous owner of the house said that someone else's account was worth only 50 cents?

Su Xingchen bit his lower lip in real life, clicked the mouse's finger, and held down the delete friend button until his fingernails became white, and then he realized that he was out of control.

Su Xingchen finally knew why as long as he faced the owner of the house, he would lose his normality, or even be difficult to accept that the owner treats himself with a bad attitude.

Because he really wanted to be friends with the owner.

Unfortunately, the other party doesn't seem to have this idea ...

This is why Su Xingchen is unhappy.

"Forget it." Friends can never be met. Of course, Su Xingchen understands this, so he convinced himself to treat the owner with his usual heart.

So Su Xingchen withdrew the idea of ​​deleting a friend, and typed the next line: Thank you, but I don't need you to help me practice the number, then, I'm going to do the task, goodbye.

Yu Fengxing watched Xiaodaoxiu leave in front of her, and her fingers typing on the keyboard couldn't help but pause.

However, it is definitely not Yu Fengxing's style to leave the trail in such a way.

Soon after, Xiaojun received a transaction request from the young demons. He opened it and saw that it was a full 500 gold coins and some valuable things.

Su Xingchen felt very speechless. What did the owner of the house give such valuable things?

So he ordered a refusal to trade.

President Yu Da, who was rejected again, stared blankly at the system prompt. He didn't do anything but just left the keyboard with his hands and leaned on a chair to light himself a cigarette.

It took about ten minutes.

Yun Feiyang: If I were you, I would wait for the heat to go online.

Xiaodao Xi's dislike for himself, Yu Fengxing is a dead man, and he can feel it.

So after saying this, he controlled the character and ran to other places.

Sweet and sour lotus root: Thank you for your reminder, Yun Feiyang.

This private message, lying in Yun Feiyang's conversation list, has never been opened.

In the course of the mission, Su Xingchen, who was really harassed a lot, decided to follow the advice of the owner of the house, temporarily give up the idea of ​​playing the game, and waited for a while for the heat of sweet and sour lotus to go on, and then come to see it.

Just at this time, President Yu opened the news of Xiaodao Xiu and saw with his own eyes that Xiaodao Xiu's head changed from color to gray.

Yu Fengxing's inexplicable irritability was inexplicably cured again: "Really obedient."

"Hello!" Su Xingchen, who was chanted, hit two hellos in one day and was worried that he wanted to catch a cold, so he sneaked around to find the medicine chest in the room.

As a result, they didn't even find Baogen.


Su Xingchen could only go into the kitchen and took two pieces of ginger, soaked in boiling water, and added two spoonfuls of brown sugar.

After drinking, my body was warm and my cheeks were hot.

Then Su Xingchen went to sleep.

On the other side of S city, Yu Fengxing made himself a pot of thick black tea and drank it cup by cup to resist the drowsiness of quietly coming.

Yu Fengxing didn't want to sleep.

Not because he can't sleep.

Yu Fengxing was just a nightmare with disgusting ghosts. After disappearing somehow a while ago, she continued to come back to entangle herself last night.

This made Yu Fengxing very irritable, and at the same time delved into the reasons why he was not awakened by nightmares a few days ago.

But no matter what Yu Fengxing thinks, he can't think of any difference.

After smoking several cigarettes one by one, the man with a handsome but gloomy face wiped out the one that was half smoked in his hands and went back to the room to sleep.


Su Xingchen, who slept early, heard the painful slang again in the bedroom of the owner.

"Having a nightmare again?" The sleepy-eyed young man got up from the sofa, rubbed his eyes, closed his slippers, walked into the bathroom unsteadily, twisted the hot towel, and reached the owner of the house, putting his eyes in one go.

Oh, by the way, hold hands.

"I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid." Su Xingchen sat drowsily on the edge of the bed and yawned, so his voice was vague and perfunctory.

Amazingly, every time a nightmare owner hears the appeasement of Su Xingchen, whether it is very passive or not, he will immediately improve.
"Hmm ..." The owner's good-looking eyebrows were loosened, slowly transitioning from pain to soothing, and then to breathing calmly, in the process, he firmly held Su Xingchen's palm.

When Su Xingchen saw the owner so uncomfortable, he was embarrassed to complain about the poison of the owner.

Maybe ... Maybe the owner of the house has gone through an unknown pain before he can turn into a non-speaking person in the game.

Well, tolerate yourself more, understand the pain of others, and speaking of it is also liberating your own emotions.

Su Xingchen's state of mind suddenly suddenly opened up: "Good night, Yunfeiyang." Even his tone was bright and bright.

This emotion seems to affect Yu Fengxing who is sleeping, allowing him to sleep in a dreamless and painless sleep with a soothing breath and sleep until dawn.

Woke up.

Yu Fengxing looked at the ceiling silently, carefully recalling that he seemed to have a dream last night, but it was not a nightmare, but a comfortable dream.

The warmth, like the feeling of floating on a cloud, is intriguingly sought and followed.

After enjoying it, it fell back to reality, but left a trace of loss in the heart.

Because there is nothing in reality, only real life that is still daunting.

"..." Yu Fengxing sighed, getting up in a bad mood, ready to go to work.

Su Xingchen woke up in the morning to make breakfast. It was scallops and glutinous rice chicken prepared last night. In addition to the scallops and glutinous rice, the fillings were mixed with corn kernels, carrot kernels, and vegetarian food. Rich, tasty and juicy.

Among them, scallops and Yaozhu are ingredients made by Su Xingchen from Beijing. They are a little expensive, so they are small in quantity and only serve to enhance freshness.

The finished product is delicious but delicious.

Yu Fengxing ate two in a row and was not tired.

Mr. Yu, who has a wealth of money, suddenly noticed that in a lotus leaf glutinous rice chicken, there were only two Yaozhu and scallops. Compared to a lotus leaf bag with a large volume, the weight of Yaozhu and scallops was extremely small.

Combined with the ingredients that the mysterious people used to cook in the past, they are very ordinary ingredients. Seafood, cattle and sheep have never appeared. This type of more expensive types, Yu Fengxing guessed, the mysterious people are not rich.

And this mysterious man who is not rich, for whatever reason, never stops to deliver meals to himself three times a day.

Thinking of this, President Yu muttered anxiously: "... you haven't done supper for two days."

Su Xingchen, who moved furniture at Uncle Niu's house, suddenly felt itchy and said to Uncle Niu: "I'll move the table and chairs back first, then I will move the bed tomorrow, and then take you to help me install it."

"Well, that's it." Uncle Niu smiled. He likes Su Xingchen especially these days. He kept Su Xingchen and said, "Don't rush back, uncle is going to cook now."

Speaking of clap, turn around and go to Taomi.

"No, Uncle Niu ..." Su Xingchen said busyly, "Wait for you to come tomorrow, we will have dinner together.

"Are you going back now?" Uncle Niu persevered. "If you don't wait any longer, a meal will be fast."

"It's really impossible." Su Xingchen refused with a smile, and finally checked the ropes for fixing the furniture, and returned home in a tricycle.


When the dogs saw the owner return, the little tail fluttered and followed the tricycle into the yard with excitement.

Su Xingchen got out of the car, carefully untied the ropes, and put a bamboo chair, one or two ... down from the car.

Just sitting in the middle of the courtyard where the sun can be reached, I didn't rush into the lobby on the first floor.

There are three pieces of bamboo furniture, a bamboo table serving as a dining table, and a multifunctional bamboo cabinet. It can be opened to store vegetables and items, and it can also store things on it.

Uncle Niu is very delicate and small, but also has a certain weight.

After Su Xingchen moved these furnitures, he was slightly sweaty.

Su Xingchen went upstairs to take a fighting bath before the homeowner might be at work, before he went home, and then started cooking.

These days, Su Xingchen has figured out that the house owner is most likely an office worker from nine to five.

I usually spend the weekend on time, but I am very homey, hardly go out, entertain friends at home, or ... have no friends at all.

The reason why Su Xingchen guessed this way was because the owner's cell phone seldom rang, even if it was, it was like talking about business affairs.

The owner is almost certain to be a single dog.

Oh no, Su Xingchen thought, wrong, the house owner is not a bachelor dog, he is a bachelor dog, and the house owner is a golden bachelor.

Super handsome.

Even small trash like Su Xingchen has also yearned to make friends with each other. It is conceivable that the owner of the house should be highly sought after by women in real life.

Su Xingchen nodded and agreed with his thoughts.

Then open the house owner's "idle" refrigerator. This refrigerator with a small capacity puts a few bottles of house wine, and the rest is all ingredients.

At noon today, Su Xingchen was preparing a round of pearls and a slip of peas with glutinous rice left in the morning.

Pearl round rice uses glutinous rice, pork stuffing, and ravioli.

Because there is no ravioli on hand, Su Xingchen uses carrots and corn kernels to break it, instead of ravioli and fat, suitable meat foam, stir together, add flavoring condiments, make a medium-sized ball, and wrap it The layer of cooked glutinous rice, a chubby pearl round, and you're done.

An eight-inch household porcelain plate can be placed with twenty crystal pearls.

After putting it in the pot and steaming it, sprinkle the green onion flowers, which not only has a good selling appearance, but also has a good moral meaning.

Su Xingchen himself also likes to eat.

After making it, I could n't help but taste it first. The soft texture of glutinous rice allows young people who like to eat glutinous rice to close their eyes and hum quietly: "It 's delicious.

Su Xingchen speeded up his movements, finished the egg peas, and gave the owner the appetite for food with an appetite, and divided twelve pearls.

Su Xingchen opened the food container and prepared food, but found a pile of blind cash lying in it ...

Well, a stack of red and hundred-dollar bills.

You can see Su Xingchen's tongues. Why does the owner like to throw money at people so much?

Although the owner of the house did look rich, but the money could not be collected, Su Xingchen thought so, and when he reached out to take out the cash, he found a note.

When Su Xingchen opened the note, the first thing he saw was the pen character of the house owner Long Feifeng Wu, who wrote it very vigorously and beautifully.

The note reads: Please continue to do supper, thank you.

Su Xingchen: "..."

Su Xingchen thought blankly, the owner of the house even made a small note to pay the bribe, so is it far from ordering a small note?

The author has something to say: Su Xingchen: Can't fuel this atmosphere.
