Chapter 47

[Olivia's POV]

It's Wednesday and me and Sophia have just finished hanging up campaign posters during free period. I have told some people to vote for me and they actually acted like they might which was surprising.

I have been told by a few people that my main threat is Alisa with Kelsi as her princess and Lucas as her king. He didn't seem that interested but I didn't really expect him to be. I on the other hand have no idea who I want to have for king. Considering Mani is like my brother, Alex is messed up, Joey is just a no, and Liam know...Liam.

I decided to just let the thing take it's course and I would see who would be king or whatever. We have set it up so anyone can vote however many times they want on a website we have made and put on the school website. Whenever someone gets a vote their beam goes a little bit higher.

For now Alisa was winning. But I was close by. I can use the multiple votes thing to my advantage. I have the band, volleyball team, some football players, and even some cheerleaders on my side. I also have younger students who are friends with Ruby who are going to vote for me. This is going to be close, even closer than homecoming.

At the end of the day I went home and did my homework.

As I was finishing my Spanish work my mom came into my room.

"So, how's your campaign going?" She asked while almost glaring at me.

"It's going fine. I'm behind Alisa by seven votes in second place." I replied not even looking up.

"Second place?! You need to get prom queen! It's what your father-" 

I cut her off, "What dad would want!? Yeah I know mom! You have only told me every single damn day! I will get the votes! Just get out of my room and leave me alone!" I yelled.

Mom almost growled at me, but she left the room. I fell back on my bed and I listened to some music. I sat back up and quickly finished my homework. I put my stuff by my door and grabbed my phone. 

I signed into the website and I looked at the votes. I was still down by seven. I went on any social media I had and I posted anything I could about voting me for prom queen.

When I was done I remembered that the band actually are going to perform one song at prom. We need piano, drums and soundpad so I'm going how to teach Alex how to use the soundpad. 

I looked over the song we are doing and I think it will be great. I listened to the song a few times and then practiced the piano on my keyboard. My drumset is in the garage and I go in there to practice every now and then.

-Time Skip-

A month later there are only three months left before prom. The planning committee is now going in every direction. We are checking on catering, pictures, the dj, and everything else that will happen. We are getting more supplies and other things for decorations and art club has kindly helped us in making different decorations. Everything is dark blue and gold and silver and I think it is absolutely beautiful. And it actually reminds me a lot about my dress.

I also helped the gang rent a limo and we planned where we are going to get pictures before prom. We are going to head to the small woods area where the cabins are and get pictures in front of all the trees and stuff.

When school was over all of us went to the mall and the guys went to get tuxes and we went to get dresses for the other girls and accessories also.

Alex was going with Anna, Joey was just gonna go by himself, Mani and Sophia are going together, Willow and Lauren are going together, Brooke and Ruby are just going to be hanging out with everyone, and Isla won't tell us who she's going with.

As the others looked at dresses me and Sophia looked at jewelry and bags. We also looked at shoes. Me and Sophia both got a pair of earrings, a necklace, a bracelet, a ring, and a purse that matches our dresses. I got some shoes that are the same color as my dress and Sophia got shoes in a light pink color instead of the red color of her dress.

When we were all done shopping we all got our things and left our dresses at the store after getting them fitted. We met the guys at the food court while carrying our bags and we all ate some food before leaving and heading to Mani's.

"Alright you idiots let's play some truth or dare." I announced.

Everyone cheerfully sat around in the living room and thought about what to dare.

"Alright Olivia you go first." Mani said.

I shrugged and looked around, "Hmm...Mani truth or dare?"


"I dare you to do something weird and unexpected. And I must be allowed to record it." I said.

He laughed a little, "Alright."

He ran upstairs and I got my phone out. 

After around ten minutes we finally could hear him coming down the stairs. I pointed my phone towards the doorway and couldn't believe what he was doing.

He was walking in, wearing Ruby's old cheer uniform. Luckily, he had shorts and other clothes on under it or else that would not be good.

"Ayee what's up, people!? It's ya gurl Manira here!" Mani then started his own little cheer routine.

None of us could stop laughing. Eventually I dropped my phone and we just laughed and laughed while 'Manira' did her little show.

He eventually finished and ran upstairs and changed back into his original clothes. It took a long time for all of us to stop laughing but we were able to stop for the most part.

"Alright let's see..." Mani said while looking around, "Isla truth or dare?"

"Uh dare." She quickly said.

"I dare you to tell us who your prom date is." He said with a smirk.


I looked at her and saw that she was sneakily looking at someone else in the room, "So they are in here? Well it's not Mani or Alex. So is it Joey or Liam?" 

Joey and Liam were right next to each other. They both looked confused and I looked back at Isla.

"Well? Who is it?"

She sighed, "I'm going to prom with Liam."

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!} 

