Chapter 20

[Olivia's POV]

I looked over at who said that and it was Bryce. He's a senior and is in my homeroom class.

I smirked, "Alright. The rest of you move over and give him some room."

They listened to me which was surprising but I smirked as I saw the cheerleaders come over from their table and started to crowd around us.

"Looks like we have a bit of an audience." I say.

"Looks like it." Bryce replies.

We get ready and I have Sophia countdown.

"Alright you two. Three...Two...One...Go!"

I was able to force his hand back right when I heard her say go and I got into a position where his wrist was exposed. I rotated my body so my shoulder was in line with the direction I wanted my arm to go and I was able to quickly get his arm down.

"And that's a win for Olivia!" Sophia exclaimed.

I high fived Lauren who had came over with the rest of the volleyball team to watch and looked back over at the boys.

"Who's next?"

-Time Skip-

It's like twenty minutes later and I have beaten ten of the twelve players with only Mani and Liam left.

"Alright, Mani you're turn. I wanna save Liam for last." I said as I glared at Lucas.

"Alright." Mani said as he walked over to the other side of the table and sat down.

"Also, if I find out any of you went easy on me than I will personally slap you over the head, understand?" I said as Mani and I got ready.

Everyone said ok and I looked back at Mani. Sophia counted down and said go.

I slowly curled my wrist inward and I almost immediately weakened Mani's wrist. I let Mani put my arm down a little but then I started to pull his arm closer to myself. I forced his wrist back and I pulled his arm to the table.

"And Olivia wins again! Now only one left to go. Liam the quarterback. Will she beat him or will he break her winning streak? Let's find out!" Sophia says in an announcer tone.

Liam switches places with Mani and everyone gets slightly closer to us than they had for the rest of the matches. Liam placed his arm out and I took a hold of it making sure my knuckles were as high as possible.

"Ready...Set...Go!" Sophia exclaimed.

I let Liam pull my arm down slightly but I quickly turned my wrist inward. "Go easy on me I dare you." I said as I smirked at Liam.

Liam smirked back and looked me straight in the eyes, "Wasn't planning on it."

I leaned back a little and I pulled Liam's arm out a little bit more. I moved my body over my arm and I pulled Liam's a little closer while pulling it down.

"C'mon Liam! You can do it man!" I heard people cheering but I could hear slight desperation inther voices. I smirked and looked at our arms. Liam's arm was almost down and I could tell he was hardly able to keep it there.

I smirked and I leaned in my right shoulder while I quickly pulled Liam's arm down to the table and right when it hit the volleyball team cheered and the football team and the cheerleaders all groaned.

"And that's it everyone! Olivia beats twelve football players in an arm wrestling tournament. And she has proved she is stronger than them all! That's it for table time today folks we'll see you tomorrow!" Sophia announces and the volleyball team all laughs and we head out to the track and we all start to run a few laps.

I run ahead and I hear the girls singing "She is the champion...of the world" and I just laugh and run the laps.

As I'm running I see someone waving me over so I run off of the track and go over to the person which I realized was Lucas. I smirked and walked over to him.

"So why did you wave me over here?" I asked.

"I just wanted to apologize." He mumbled. Sure I could hear it but I like messing with people.

"I'm sorry what was that?" 

"I wanted to apologize." he said a little louder.

"One more time."

"I wanted to apologize!" He exclaimed.

"Dang dude no need to yell. Anyways apology accepted. Now how about you don't challenge me again and think that the only lucky person in mine and Liam's relationship is Liam. I beat him in a race on my first day as well. So how about you run along and go back to your cheer friends while me and my team celebrate our big win." I said with a smirk.

Lucas walked back into the school and I laughed and ran back onto the track. I ran over to Sophia and we ran around until we heard the bell for sixth period.

Most of the girls ran back into the cafeteria since they were in their junior year so they had classes but Willow, Lauren, and Brooke are all in their senior year so they stayed with me and Sophia.

"You did great against the guys Olivia." Willow said.

"Thanks. It was a little hard, but with the right techniques I was able to beat every last one of them." I replied.

"So have you guys voted for homecoming royalty yet?" Brooke asks.

"I haven't even seen the ballot." I replied.

"Me neither." Sophia added.

"Oh well you may want to..." Lauren said while grabbing her phone out of her pocket.

She went onto the school website and you could see who the main people that have been voted for royalty. And the three girls at the lead were me, Sophia, and Alisa. With Liam, Mani, and Lucas for the lead boys.

"You have got to be kidding me!" I exclaimed.

"Neither of us were even running for royalty." Sophia added.

"The students get to choose who they vote for. Last week on Friday the secretary counted all the votes and you three were in the lead, so you are the ones on the ballot for the rest of the week." Lauren replies.

"This is just great." I mumbled.

I ran off of the track and I headed inside. I ran over to where we were sitting at lunch and I grabbed my things and headed to the auditorium.

As I walked in I saw Isla standing on stage looking through the list of songs that I had given her.

"Hey Isla..." I said as I placed my things down on a chair and walked onto the stage.

"Hello. The song you sang earlier was that on the list?" she asked.

"No, I hadn't put it on there. I didn't think it would be the best for the dance." I replied.

"Good idea. Anyways I decided what song would be for backup." 

"Oh which one?" Almost right after I asked her that my phone buzzed and I saw that Isla sent me the link to the song.

"That one."

"Alright. I know that you thought the other song would be good for the dance, and I do to, but I don't think I would be able to move all the background music onto a launchpad. I mean I'll try to but I may need to do the song you just sent me."

"Fine. But we are using that song for our next gig." Isla said.

"Alright. I need to listen to the music to refresh my memory so I'll see you later." 

"Mhmm..." Was all I heard before I jumped off of the stage and grabbed my things and walked out of the room.

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!} 

