Chapter 39

[Olivia's POV]

It's three weeks later and the bonfire is in two days. I have been able to get help and support from everyone, except for Liam. Mani helped me get everyone together so I could talk to them about what happened. They all forgave me pretty quick which I was happy about, but we had a lot to do.

Everyone was excited for the bonfire but me and the band still had to finish the songs. We decided to do three songs. Two hyped up ones and one that was slower that would be a solo. Isla let me do the solo which I tried to get out of since people still were looking at me weirdly after the article.

Speaking about the article, turns out it was Alisa. Someone on the cheer team knew the cashier and they told her about it and then she wrote the article. 

Anyways, I'm doing the solo and I am doing any music I need myself. We perfected the first song and I am happy with how my solo is but we still need to work on some transitions for the second song.

"Alright Joey, remember have to be lighter during the first verse. But right when the chorus starts give it your all. Ok?"

"Ok." He replied.

We did the song a few more times and finally perfected it as best we could.

"Alright everyone that's it. Tomorrow we will just run through all three songs and then we will be ready for the bonfire. I'll see you guys later." It was the end of the day so they all went home and I cleaned up the stage. We had sheet music everywhere and it was just a huge mess.

When I was done cleaning I grabbed my stuff and turned off the lights as I walked out of the auditorium.

I headed to my car and when I got in I just sat there and breathed there for a second. I always had to breathe a little bit after rehearsals, sometimes I don't get enough air but I'm able to do it.

Once I was done I pulled out of the parking lot and I drove home.

When I got home I went up to my room and got my keyboard and guitar out of my closet. I set up everything and I grabbed my phone and recorded what was needed for my solo song. I was going to sit and sing at the keyboard while I sang and I would play the guitar now and play the recording then.

For the second song there is piano as well. So I recorded myself playing the keyboard so I could play the recording while I sang and I wouldn't have to sit at the piano the whole time.

Once I was finally done I headed downstairs and made some food. I ate and then went back up to my room. I finished some homework and then went to bed.

I had a lot to do tomorrow.

-Time Skip-

It's the next day and I have just finished changing into a maroon cropped tank top, black ripped jeans, a black leather jacket, and maroon heeled ankle boots. I curled my hair and then walked out of my bathroom and grabbed my stuff off of my bed.

I walked downstairs and grabbed some food and a bottle of water before leaving and heading to school.

When I got to school I went in and headed to the office.

"Hello. The principal told me I could talk on the announcements this morning." I said to the secretary.

"Yes, I remember. We will start in a few minutes."

I nodded and sat down and listened to some music.

When she was ready, the secretary waved me over and she started the announcements.

"Good morning, Griffins! Today is Friday, February 14th! How fun! Now we all are excited for the bonfire tonight and we just have a few quick announcements about it."

I took the microphone and started talking, "So right after school the planning committee will be heading to the beach to setup. You are more than welcome to come and help if you'd like. And remember it is completely free, and the more people the better. There will be food, music, and of course the sunset bonfire. It starts at 6:30 and we hope to see you there!"

I hand the microphone back to the secretary and she finishes off the announcements. I wave to her signalling I'm going to homeroom and I head out of the office.

-Time Skip-

It's the end of the day and I am driving to the beach with tons of boxes filled with decorations and food.

There was a small beachwear store close to the beach so I parked in it's little parking lot and I got the boxes out of my car. 

I started walking towards the beach and I could see people setting up tables. I walked over to the tables and set down the boxes on top of them.

"Alright people we only have a few hours to decorate, set up the stage, and set up food. Plus I need to bring the instruments and equipment for the band and dj." I announced.

Everyone started to unpack the supplies we all brought and we decorated the tables with candles and set food around them. Someone brought props for pictures so we were setting those at the end of the table that had silverware, cups, and plates and other stuff like that. We hung streamers everywhere and I helped set up the stage. 

Alex and Joey came over carrying the speakers and they told me the other equipment other than our instruments were in their car. I told them where to put the speakers and I headed to their car.

When I opened the doors I saw the microphones and the soundpad equipment in there also. I carried it all to the stage and I set it up there and told them we could move everything around once we had everything here.

I called Mani and asked him to pick me up in his truck since we would need it to get the instruments here and soon enough we were driving to the school.

I headed to the auditorium and, with the help of Mani, got the drums, guitar, and keyboard into his truck. We drove back to the beach and carried everything to the stage.

I set up the speakers and the other equipment so people would be able to actually hear us and I moved the drums and keyboard around the stage. I set up the soundpad even if we weren't going to use it and I moved the guitar also. I left enough space for me and Isla to be able to move and enough room for the dj's equipment.

It was 5:30 and everything was completely set up. I had time so I went home and changed. I changed into a flowy red tank top and some black ripped shorts. I put on some converse I had and I put my hair up in a ponytail and curled the ends.

When I was done I drove back to the beach and as I got there I saw people starting to drive up also.

I quickly got out of my car and ran to the beach.

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!}

