Chapter 45

[Olivia's POV]

It's the end of the day and there is a planning committee meeting so I'm heading to the auditorium for that.

When I get there everyone else is already there and I'm the last one to arrive.

"Alright! Now that we are all here it is time to discuss the topic for today! We need to decide what the theme should be for prom." Cassie announced.

Everyone exploded with ideas and I just sat back in my chair. I heard under the sea, carnival, and so many others including fire and ice. 

"Alright one at a time!" Cassie yelled.

I laughed a little and looked up at her, "Didn't know you could yell that loud. Would've been helpful on court."

"Yeah, yeah Olivia. Now, one at a time, what are your ideas?"

People took turns saying their ideas and I heard the same things once again. I paid no attention to it because I didn't even feel like going to prom. But I will have to since the planning committee cleans up after words.

"Olivia," Cassie said grabbing my attention. "What are your ideas?"

I thought for a moment and looked at her, "Starry Night. With a kind of masquerade. We decorate with blues and golds and place twinkle lights everywhere. People have to wear a sort of mask or something that covers some of their face. It could even be makeup designs on your cheek. I think masks would be fun though."

"Not bad. Who else thinks that would be good for prom?" Cassie asked.

Surprisingly, everyone raised their hand. I didn't think it would be that popular but I guess I was wrong.

"Alright then. The prom will be Starry Night with a masquerade twist. We can tell the principle tomorrow and if he likes it we can announce it on Friday." 

We all talked more about decorations and and when it will happen. We decided it would be on June 8th and it would be seniors only. We will be throwing other dances for the lower grades but we want this to be special for the seniors. We sketched some ideas for posters and tickets since we design the tickets with the art club.

After two hours we get a lot of details planned and Cassie has written everything down to tell the principle. We all go our separate ways and went home.

-Time Skip-

It's Friday and the planning committee is super excited to announce the prom theme. The principle loved the idea and was impressed with how much we had already decided. 

Me and Cassie are now in the office and the secretary has just handed us the microphone.

"Hey everyone! Alright so I know we have all been wondering what this years prom theme will be and it has finally been decided. So, this years prom theme is...drumroll please..." I jokefully drummed my hands on the secretary's desk. "Starry Night! With a masquerade twist. Blues and golds everywhere you look. And people hiding some of their face. It may be makeup or just a plain old mask. Tickets will be sold in two weeks!" 

Cassie handed back the microphone and we headed out of the office and to our homerooms.

-Time Skip-

It's a week later and I have been running the sub-committees with Cassie.

Ticket committee is designing the tickets and posters. We put Van Gogh's painting behind a plain white mask on the tickets and put the date, time, place, and other information on the tickets. I also placed a small line where we could write a number on the ticket. 

When someone buys a ticket they will write their name down in a notebook and we will write their ticket number right next to it. This is so if they lose their ticket we can see if they actually bought a ticket and aren't lying. It is also so we can make sure their ticket isn't stolen and isn't someone else's ticket.

I told the committee this and they were impressed. We put the same kind of design on the posters but made it a lot bigger and placed the price of tickets on there as well.

We made the tickets ten dollars each since we will have to buy and make decorations, hire a dj, and refreshments. And we still need to plan other entertainment. 

Budget committee set our budget but I may use a little extra money I have saved on other decorations. We are getting sponsors and chaperones that we need to pay.

We check the posters and tickets five times before printing them and hanging the posters around the school. I wrote numbers on the tickets we already had and gave them to Cassie for safe keeping.

Food committee books caterers for refreshments since we aren't doing a full out meal. We'll have baked goods and drinks and other foods like that but nothing major.

I booked a convention hall where we would have plenty of space for people, and entertainment.

We planned for what felt like forever and when I got home I went to my room and fell asleep.

-Time Skip-

It's the first day of ticket sales and a few people have gotten their tickets. You would think promposals would be happening in every direction but not really. Sure there's been one or two but not that many.

We have been doing bake sales and car washes and other events to raise more money for prom and it's going great. We have almost doubled our budget. The bell rings so we finish selling the tickets to the last few people and then take the table back to the auditorium.

I go throughout my day writing down some ideas people have given me for party favors, entertainment, and other things. 

Since it's Friday the whole committee is meeting and talking about what they have accomplished.

We have gotten a third of the amount of adults we need for chaperones so that's good. We have also gotten sponsorships from restaurants nearby who always have a lot of people come prom night. 

For music we have been able to get the amazing dj we have been able to get for all of the dances and special events this school year and he didn't even raise his prices. The band is thinking of performing a song or two but we aren't completely sure yet.

We made more tickets and started to figure out what to do for pictures and how to set up voting for prom court. We also had to get tiaras, crowns, sashes, and so much more for the coronation.

We planned and talked for a few hours and we were able to decide what to do for party favors. 

When we were done we all said bye to each other and went home.

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!}

