Chapter 3

[Olivia's POV]

I walked back into the school and walked around. I found where my next class was so I knew where I would have to go later and then walked around the school more. I walked around and found the gym, nurses office, some storage rooms, the music room, and the auditorium. 

"This is a decent school.." I thought. I sat on a bench and grabbed the folder that the secretary had given me. I grabbed the paper with a list of clubs and after school activities and read it over.

Sports Teams

Cheer squad                    Football team

Baseball team                Softball team

Golf team                         Tennis team

Wrestling team             Volleyball team

After School Activities

Art club                             Music club

Yearbook                         Drama club

Film club                         Math club

Science club                  Creative writing club

Book club                       Chess club

"Lots of things happen in this school..." I thought.

I was listening to some music and looking at the list again when I was interrupted by someone sitting down next to me.

"Hi, I'm Sophia. I heard that you beat my dork of a friend Liam in a race." the girl said.

"Yeah I did. How is he a dork when he is the quarterback?" I asked while taking out my earbuds.

"Well he is the quarterback, but he also has been here his whole life and he has always gotten straight A's. He can only play football if he has good grades and he's been playing since he could put on shoulder pads. He also tutors science." Sophia answered.

"Alright well enough about him, what about you? What do you do?" I asked.

"Well I am actually the captain of the volleyball team. I have good grades also, not as good as Liam's but still good, and I tutor History. Me, Liam, and Mani, the linebacker on the football team are our own little friend group. We stick together no matter what." Sophia smiled when she talked about her friends.

"What's Mani like? Sorry if I'm being nosy I just like to talk to people and see what they say their friends are like."

"Mani is smart also. He's the linebacker like I said, and he actually tutors english. Yeah we all tutor something I guess. Alright enough about them, what are you like? What do you like to do on your free time?" Sophia asked.

"You haven't heard? Wow your school doesn't talk much. Well I have been expelled to every school I've go to since I was ten. I have been arrested for breaking into and robbing different stores and gas stations, and I have been suspended and expelled for throwing knives at people who I thought were idiots." I said. I'm tired of repeating this over and over again.

"Wow that's something." Sophia replied not really knowing what to say.

"Yeah well other than all of those things I love music. I almost always have earbuds in and I carry drumsticks around with me in my bag."

"You know how to play the drums?" Sophia asked.

"Yep, and piano and guitar. And I think I'm a decent singer if I have to say." I replied with a slight smile on my face. I like Sophia, she is great. She didn't automatically judge me for what I've done and she doesn't seem scared of me.

"Well I'd like to hear you sometimes." Sophia said with a smile on her face.

"I already have." Said a voice that was annoyingly familiar.

"Wait what? Liam what do you mean you already have?" Sophia asked while turning towards him.

Liam walked up in front of them, "Well before me and Olivia here did our race I had broke her out of her trance of drumming on the bleachers, and it actually sounded great. Oh good job with that race by the way." Liam grabs his wallet from his back pocket," I believe I owe you this."

Liam hands me a twenty dollar bill, "Thanks Liam. Where is Kelsi?" I asked.

"I don't know. She said something about being excited for my next game and a party I wasn't really listening." Liam said putting his wallet back in his pocket.

"Well that's rude, She cheers you on at your games. She is a cheerleader." I said putting the twenty in my bag.

"So? I don't care about cheerleaders. Anyways, class is going to start soon. Where are you going Olivia? Me and Sophia are going to science with Mrs. Lee."

"I'm going to the same place, actually." I said while grabbing my bag.

"How about a race?" Liam said with a smirk on his face.

"Another? You're on." And with that I sprinted off to my next class with Sophia and Liam right behind me.

When I ran into the classroom I saw a tall guy with messy dark brown hair and tan skin sitting at a desk in the second row.

"Hey Mani." Sophia said while walking into the room.

"Hey Sophia. Who's the new girl?" Mani asked.

"I'm Olivia. Do I have to tell you all the things I've done or has someone told you already?" I asked while sitting behind Sophia.

"One of the cheerleaders told me about you already, Alisa I think?" Mani said.

"Wow you guys really don't care about the cheerleaders." I said.

"Yeah they're weird like that. The only girl they like to talk to is me and a teacher if they have to. But I guess you have kind of been added to the list." Sophia replied.

We all talked as the other students came into the classroom as well. And soon enough the teacher was calling attendance and introducing herself.

-Time Skip-

It's now after school and I'm walking to my car when I feel a hand tap my shoulder. I immediately grabbed the arm and twisted around.

"OWW!!! OLIVIA!" Liam yelled. 

I let go of his arm and watched as he fell onto the ground, "You should be happy I didn't grab my knife."

"Knife??" Liam asked.

I leaned over and grabbed a knife from a holder in my shoe and then stood straight up and grabbed my pocket knife from my pocket, "Yeah knife. I'm a criminal, I have weapons."

"Right, sorry." Liam stands back up and grabs his bag from the ground. 

"No I'm sorry I shouldn't have hurt you like that. I just always am getting in trouble so I can never be too careful." I said apologizing.

"It's alright Olivia. So...just wondering, what did Kelsi say to you? I mean I know she tripped you but I couldn't hear what you guys were saying." Liam asked.

"Well she said bad kids get bad consequences and she couldn't believe that her dad let me come here. I just said that I didn't care about what her dad or she thought of me, I'm my own person, and if she attacks me I'll fight back." I said as I started to walk to my car again.

"Wow, you are strong Olivia, Physically and mentally. Would you like to sit with me, Mani, and Sophia at lunch tomorrow?" Liam asked.

"I fly solo, Liam. It's how I work, sorry." I replied. We got to my car and I unlocked the back door and threw my bag in.

"Oh, alright well the offer stands. I'll see you tomorrow Olivia." Liam then walked away.

 I shook my head, got in my car and drove home.

{That's it for this chapter guys! Hope you enjoyed!}

