Chapter 66 Transition

Gu Xueyi smiled. The legs and feet of all the gentlemen present became weak and they hurriedly hid behind the servants.

Ordinary ladies with their sweet smiles are lovable but this one, although her appearance is not bad, the evil energy all over the body can't be hidden. Not only can't you see how beautiful it is, it only makes people tremble.

Ye Chonghui frowned and when he was about to speak, he saw that Gu Xueyi had already suppressed her smile and spoke slowly. She said: "Young Master Ye, I have a bad temper. Today, you two brothers have offended my face. Do you think it can end so easily? "

As soon as she finished speaking, she stood up suddenly and tapped the horse's back with her toes. She jumped onto the simple carriage next to her, grabbed the whip and kicked off the driver. She raised her hand and waved the whip and snatched the carriage away in a few breaths. The carriage of the Ye family with the Second Young Master of the Ye family in the carriage.

Gu Xueyi laughed a few times then whistled and her white horse followed the carriage and ran out of the city together.

Ye Chongjin was shocked by this turn of events. After years of experience in the military camp, the bandit spirit in her only increased and she would grab whatever she wanted regardless of the consequences. He opened the curtain and looked back and saw that Ye Chonghui had snatched someone's horse from someone unknown and was chasing him. He was followed by a large number of people. The Ye family's servants and other families were watching the fun. The horse's hooves stirred up dust all over the sky and the scene was very chaotic.

He was always weak and could not bear the bumps. What's more, the speed of the carriage was so fast that it made him dizzy and a mouthful of sour water welled up in his chest. It took a lot of effort to hold back the sour water.

Ye Chongjin took a deep breath and said to Gu Xueyi: "Sister Princess, the carriage is not as good as the horse. My Brother will catch up soon. Why don't you let me go? This matter will be settled and we'll just treat it as a joke. We promise not to pursue it. What do you think? "

Gu Xueyi lashed her whip again and the black horse neighed and ran wildly, bringing up a gust of wind and sand.

She pulled her lips and said, "Just Ye Chonghui? That young boy who has only learned martial arts for a few years. He really thinks he has some weight. Even if he chase until tomorrow morning, he will only be able to follow behind this Princess and be unable to catch up."

Ye Chongjin was silent and asked: "The Princess does not seem to think that bullying a weak scholar and a seven-year-old child is very embarrassing for her?"

Gu Xueyi said indifferently: " So what?"

Ye Chongjin grinned and said, "No wonder, no wonder Uncle Lu doesn't like you, Sister Princess."

This sentence was like a cold blade stabbing directly into Gu Xueyi's chest. The pain was so painful that she could hardly hold the whip.

Ye Chongjin was furious. He had never been so offended by anyone in his life. In his previous life, even Gu Xueyi's father, Prince Sheng, must also treat him lightly. Anyone who dares to let him suffer such hardship will be beheaded by Gu Chen. Moreover, just now, Gu Xueyi's words contained a lot of disdain for his brother which made him particularly angry.

No matter how or what bad things happen in the family, it is not the turn of outsiders to find fault with.

Ye Chongjin held on to the edge of the car and continued to insert the knife: "Lu Ziyan told me that the Marquis of Zhenyuan likes gentle and virtuous women the most. I dare to ask Sister Princess which of the words 'gentle', 'virtuous', and 'good' have in common with you? Don't say that people like Lord Lu look down on you. Even ordinary people, who would dare to marry a woman like you? It's good to marry a woman and ward off evil spirits but there is no hope of peace in the back house.

Seeing that Sister Princess has been in her prime for more than 20 years, if she still can't get married in a few years, Lord Lu will marry a wife and take a concubine and he will have several fat and white young masters. By then, Sister Princess will still be alone and lonely. Thinking about it, you are really pitiful..."

"Shut up!!"

Gu Xueyi roared angrily and then shouted in a panic: "Shut up, shut up, shut up! You want to be crushed to death by this Princess, you unabashed bastard?"

How could Ye Chongjin be afraid of her fierce threats? He asked, "Why do you want me to shut up? Did I say something wrong just now?"

Gu Xueyi's face turned pale with anger. It was precisely because what he said was right that she was so angry.

She laughed angrily, tightened the reins and drove the carriage into the mountain and forests.

"As expected of the Ye family's treasure. You are really sharp-tongued. I wonder if you would be able to walk out on your own if I threw you into the mountains. Fortunately, Longzhi Mountain is not big. Even if you get lost, your amazing brother will be able to find you."

"You...are you serious?"

Gu Xueyi said: "I just wanted to scare you. Who knew that you, a little kid, born with porcelain and jade skin and looks more spiritual than an immortal but your mouth is so poisonous. You poked a few holes in this Princess' heart. If I don't let out this evil breath, this Princess will not be called Gu Xueyi!"

Ye Chongjin's face froze. He opened the car curtain and looked out. They were several miles into Longzhi Mountain and his brother had been left behind for an unknown distance. He was anxious when he suddenly heard a tiger's roar, startling the birds in the forest. Then the big cat's vigorous figure broke into his sight.

Ye Chongjin thought sadly that the person who came to save him at the critical moment was not a lingering person nor a trusted relative but a pet that he had always disliked - - Big cat, I have not loved you in vain!

Gu Xueyi's eyelids twitched and she looked back at the young tiger chasing after her. She frowned and said: "It's not yet an adult."

The child snorted softly and his words were full of meaning: "Even a young tiger knows the way. Didn't the Princess want to throw me into the mountains? You're welcome to just throw me away."

His confident look made Gu Xueyi want to whip him twice but she didn't dare to do it. She was afraid that if that person from the East Palace found out, her cousin would definitely kill her out of righteousness.

She whipped hard again, thinking to get rid of the little white tiger but the speed of a ferocious beast running with all its strength was terrifying. Soon the big cat had passed them. Gu Xueyi quickly stopped the carriage and the little white tiger roared at them. The black horse pulling the carriage was frightened. With a flinch, even Gu Xueyi's favourite horse moved back. Although the young tiger in front of him was not big, it was majestic and had a domineering aura that made people afraid.

Gu Xueyi did not dare to slack off and held the sword tightly. Just waiting for the tiger to attack, she would kill it with her own hands.

One woman and one beast are facing each other and a fierce battle is about to break out.

However a dramatic scene happened. Just when Gu Xueyi was waiting for the tiger to attack, the little white tiger howled and jumped onto the carriage and got into Ye Chongjin's arms. It looked aggrieved with a 'why did you leave others behind and ran away? I am so wronged' whimpering kind of attitude.

"..." It's really embarrassing. The child looked melancholy.

Princess Ancheng was stunned for a moment, feeling that she had been frightened twice by this thing today. It is really a dark history that is unbearable to look back on.

She coughed lightly, drew her sword and cut the rope between the carriage and the black horse. Then she hit the horse's butt with a whip and the black horse ran away with a neigh. Ye Chongjin got off the carriage and looked at Gu Xueyi angrily.

Gu Xueyi said: "Aren't you sharp-tongued? Just sit here and reflect or let your big tiger take you home." There was no hint of ridicule in her words and then she climbed onto her beloved horse neatly. Shaking the reins, she said: "Zhui Feng, let's go."

Ye Chongjin looked at her lightning-like back and sighed. Generally speaking, beasts can find prey based on smell but his tiger seemed to only recognize his smell. They are now together in a place which means there is no way back.

"Why are you so stupid?" Ye Chongjin grabbed its ears and said bitterly: "If you had waited for my Brother and the others, you could have found me by scent by now."

The little white tiger stared with a pair of bright yellow eyes. With a pure and innocent look, he then turned his head and swiped at the butterflies.

"What kind of tiger are you! Even if it's a cat, it knows the way at least," Ye Chongjin scolded it angrily, "Fortunately, I threw a sachet at the foot of the mountain. If my Brother sees it, he would know that I am in the mountain but Longzhi Mountain... has no other advantages besides being big."

Gu Xueyi. Ye Chongjin gritted his teeth and picked up a weed. It would be unkind to not avenge this.


At the foot of the mountain, a man in black clothes and a mask picked up the sachet, his dark pupils exuding a faint light. He whispered in a low voice: "Master..."

He placed the incense pouch in a conspicuous position then he got up and chased into the forest. In terms of tracking scent, his ability was no worse than that of a big wild cat. In just one stick of incense, he had already found the trace. When he saw that the person and beast was unharmed, he breathed a sigh of relief and hid his figure in the dense forest.

He did not lie to Chunyi. His master was only Ye Chongjin. Unlike other death men, from the day His Highness, the Crown Prince sent him to the Prime Minister's Mansion, he no longer took orders from anyone else. He was just hiding in the dark to protect his master. A sharp sword for the master.

He has only two paths for the rest of his life. One is to die protecting his master and the other is to be discovered and expelled by his master then commit suicide.

He knew that there were two groups of people outside Funing Yuan, one was the trash from the Prime Minister's Mansion and the other were people from the elite death soldiers. However, in recent days, the people from the death soldiers had obviously restrained themselves a lot. Except for patrolling the outer defences, they would hardly go near the inner courtyard otherwise he would not have taken action.

Chunyi is a restless person. As long as her love for Yao Zhen does not die, she will only cause endless trouble to the little Master. So he simply went with the flow and sent her away with Ye Ruoyao. The exposure of his identity was just an accident. Fortunately, the secret is still a secret.

As long as he can stay with his master, it's just one or two lives so it's a great deal.

Ye Chongjin sat on a small stone, holding his cheeks with his jade lotus-like arms and muttered: "I can't even drive him away when I don't need him and I can't even see his shadow when I need him. Gu Xueyi bullies me and it's because of him and he has the nerve to ignore me."

A gentle smile flashed in the man's pupils.

Ye Chongjin had vented enough so he climbed onto the little white tiger and said, "Big cat, go with your intuition. You might be able to find an exit. You are a tiger and you must have the intuition of a beast. You have to believe in yourself!" He doesn't know whether it's to cheer up the tiger or to cheer himself up.

At this time, Ye Chonghui's people had reached the foot of the mountain and found the sachet. Then he looked towards the endless mountain forest and said coldly: "Gu Xueyi, Prince Sheng's Mansion, let's wait and see."

Suddenly a lightning-like horse galloped past. It was Princess Ancheng's beloved horse who came but the person sitting on the back was no longer the arrogant and domineering Princess, but the Crown Prince with a serious face, wearing a black cloak that rustled in the wind.

Gu Chen trotted closer and stared at the sachet in Ye Chonghui's hand, his eyes as thick as ink showing no emotion.

Ye Chonghui said: "This horse..."

"Gu just met my cousin and gu wanted to borrow her precious horse." Gu Chen said calmly.

"What about her?"

"Of course she will walk back. It is less than a hundred miles away. Although my cousin is very strong in martial arts, she is very poor in lightness skills. If she uses her legs and feet, she should be able to reach the palace before dark."

Ye Chonghui finally felt smooth in his chest which was rare. Putting aside his prejudices, he sincerely praised: "Excellent."

Gu Chen raised the corners of his lips and said: "Follow gu, this horse knows the way back and can find A-Jin."

The group set off toward the mountains in a mighty manner. Ye Chongjin was being led around by the big cat and he fell asleep on its shoulder after a rough day which had exhausted all his energy.

Ii is not known how much time passed but when he opened his eyes, it was already dark. He was lying on the edge of the stream with the big cat lying next to him, using its soft fur to warm him up. Suddenly, there was firelight in front of him and he heard vaguely someone shouting loudly: "Found it! Found the Young Master!"

Then there was a burst of complicated footsteps, the sound of horse hooves, and cheers. The entire forest was reflected in the large firelight.

A black shadow rushed over and with a slight movement, he was held firmly in someone's arms. Someone seemed to be crazy and gnawed at his face. A row of teeth marks were left on the child's white and tender face. His breath was completely messed up and all he could do was mutter over and over again: "A-Jin, A-Jin..."

Then his brother's cold air hit him. Ye Chongjin was sandwiched between the two of them and he opened his mouth weakly.

Gu Chen and Ye Chonghui hurriedly leaned over to listen but they heard him say in a very soft but gritted tone: "I want to... teach... Gu Xueyi!"
