Extra 1 Looking for the dragon vein

Regarding the location of the dragon vein of the Jin dynasty, Gu Chen was not interested. In addition, the treasure map was not easy to decipher therefore it was shelved.

Ye Chongjin was naturally unwilling to give in.

He had never given Gu Chen any serious gifts. That person is an Emperor, a son of heaven, the supreme being in the world. He really couldn't think of anything he could give him. The treasure map of the Jin Dynasty could barely be regarded as a worthy gift.

Moreover, he was also very curious in his heart about how shocking the rumored treasure house was.

He called out: "Song Yi."

Song Yi came in, bowed, and responded: "Master."

Ye Chongjin smiled brightly and beckoned his fingers at the well-behaved man.

Song Yi's expression paused. He had served Ye Chongjin for too long. Seeing this situation, he knew who his Master was going to trouble again. He bit the bullet and strode forward.

Ye Chongjin whispered a few words in his ear, and Song Yi nodded and left.

That night.

After Gu Chen finished handling the political affairs, he returned to Zichen Palace. All the people in and outside the palace disappeared. He raised his eyebrows slightly and stepped into the palace alone.

He pushed aside the silk curtain. Two red candles were lit in the inner room, and the red window was slightly open, spilling silver light into the room.

Lying on the beauty chair was a beautiful young man, who looked no more than sixteen or seventeen years old, but already stunningly beautiful. He closed his eyes lightly, opened his cherry lips slightly, and exhaled a light fragrance.

Gu Chen walked closer to take a look, and saw that this treasure was only wearing a thin piece of cloud satin, with his slender body half-covered. He held an emerald wine flask in his arms, revealing a section of his bright wrists and slender white fingers. As warm as jade.

His breathing abruptly dropped. The Emperor stood where he was, not daring to move a step forward.

After pausing for a few breaths, he took off his black dragon-patterned cloak. He leaned over the young man's body, took the bottle of wine from his hand, and placed it on the table. He raised his hand to pick him up, and carried him to the bed.

Ye Chongjin leaned in his arms, his breath filled with the domineering scent of ambergris. He quietly peeked and looked at the man's strong jaw. Unexpectedly, he met a pair of gloomy black eyes, full of forbearance.

Ye Chongjin laughed and asked: "Your Majesty, what is the meaning of this?"

Gu Chen glanced at him and quickly looked away, saying: "Showing courtesy for nothing is either committing adultery or stealing. A-Jin is using a beauty trap on zhen. Zhen doesn't know what the purpose is.


Ye Chongjin pressed up to him and blew gently into his ear. He then asked ambiguously: "What do you think, Your Majesty?"

Gu Chen paused in his steps, his breathing became disordered for a moment, and he almost lost his consciousness. He gritted his teeth and said: "It's not a good thing after all, and zhen is determined not to be fooled."

After saying that, he quickly walked to the bed. He tucked Ye Chongjin into the bed, and performed the role of Liu Xiahui with difficulty. (t/n: Liu Xiahui was a virtuous man and regarded as a sage in the eyes of Confucianists because of his virtue)

Ye Chongjin had black lines on his head and asked: "Are you really not going to obey?"

The man replied loudly: "Never."

Ye Chongjin then hummed and climbed out of bed, saying: "It's okay, you don't agree to me. I will go back to Jinzhou to find my brother, he will agree with me after all."

Ye Chonghui was a thorn in Gu Chen's heart, and he couldn't even mention it. Hearing what Ye Chongjin said, he was naturally very angry. He stretched out his long arm, and pressed the person back down on the bed. Ye Chongjin stared at him with a pair of innocent eyes. Gu Chen felt that the string called "reason" in his mind broke with a snap.

In the end, Ye Chongjin got his wish.


The next day, Gu Chen ordered someone to prepare a carriage and took Ye Chongjin out to search for the dragon vein.

The subtlety of the treasure map is that it is not a map in the ordinary sense, but uses various metaphors to replace mountains, seas, and rivers, and it does not indicate the direction. Therefore, even if you get it, it will be difficult to find the treasure.

But Ye Chongjin is not an ordinary person. He has read most of the old man's books, if not all of them. He is worthy of reading a lot and being knowledgeable, not to mention that he studied under Master Kongchen for several years. He is not afraid of this trick.

He only took a cursory glance and said: "The stars imply the direction, and the sun and the moon coincide with yin and yang. According to the map... it should point to the southeast direction, the shadow of Dongyi Mountain."

Gu Chen then ordered people to go to Dongyi Mountain. Ye Chongjin leaned in his arms and yawned lazily. Gu Chen gently rubbed his waist.

Ye Chongjin touched his chin and said: "Dongyi Mountain is the tallest and most rugged. If the dragon vein of the Jin Dynasty is hidden here, it would be difficult to get it."

Gu Chen pinched the tip of his nose and teased: "Little money-lover."

Ye Chongjin said angrily: "I have spent all this time to find the dragon vein for you. Why are you calling me a money addict?"

Gu Chen asked back: "If the dragon vein is in zhen's hands, whose will it be?"

Ye Chongjin's face turned red and he felt guilty. He blinked and muttered in a low voice: "Life is already so difficult, so don't expose some things."

He looked angry, and Gu Chen was moved by the sight of him. Not to mention the mere dragon vein, he just wanted to dig out his heart and soul for him. He kissed Ye Chongjin's white face forcibly several times. Afterwards, he said in a hoarse voice: "Okay, zhen will give the dragon vein to A-Jin, and zhen will give zhen's country to A-Jin, all of it to you."

Ye Chongjin couldn't help but smile and said: "What do I want from your country, I only want you."

This one sentence went straight into Gu Chen's heart. He didn't care about the person on the carriage and directly pressed the youth into his arms. He held the two red lips in his mouth and kissed him gently, lingeringly.

Following the mountain road all the way to Dongyi Mountain, Gu Chen pulled him to set foot on the mountain road together.

Dongyi Mountain is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers. Due to the steepness of the mountain, few people go out and hunt. Therefore, the entire mountain forest is a natural scenery with few human traces. It is really difficult to find the place where the treasure is hidden. Ye Chongjin took out the map again and looked at it carefully, but he couldn't figure out the specific location.

When he was tired from walking, Gu Chen placed him on a rock and said, "A-Jin, let's rest here. Zhen will go and be back right away."

Ye Chongjin was really tired. He was already weak, and he relied on the entire Imperial Medical Office to look after his body. In addition there were endless panaceas that were tossed about vigorously. However, if he doesn't get sick, it is enough. If he gets sick, it would be a serious illness, so he had no choice but to obey his arrangements.

He thought that he would be back within three hours, but he didn't know that until dark, the man still hadn't come back.

The guard asked for instructions: "Lord Feng Jun, His Majesty's decree is that if he does not return after dark, then it is requested that you to return to the palace first."

Ye Chongjin stood up slowly and said coldly: "That's nonsense."

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the mountain. The guards hurriedly stepped forward to block his way. Ye Chongjin frowned and said, "You are so brave, daring to block my way."

All the guards knelt in front of him, refusing to move an inch, and said: "His Majesty is highly skilled in martial arts. He is definitely safe and sound. Please return to the palace first, Lord Feng Jun!"

Ye Chongjin was silent for a long time, but then turned around and sat back on the stone.

"Divide yourselves into two groups. One group will camp here. The other group will quickly return to the palace and pass on my instruction, ordering General Zuo to send more men."

"This insignificant general will take the order."

Although it has just entered autumn, it feels like severe winter in the mountains. There is the sound of gurgling water, and the faint chirping of birds and animals can be heard.

Ye Chongjin wore Gu Chen's fox fur cloak and sat next to the campfire. He blamed himself at first for going into the mountains to look for the dragon vein. Suppose something unfortunate happened to that man? After thinking about it again, he felt that his worries were unfounded. Gu Chen went deep into the desert and returned safely. What can the mere Dongyi Mountain do to him?

Even the King of Hell would not dare to accept that God of Killing.

He grasped the dragon-patterned jade pendant hanging around his waist and cursed in a low voice: "Idiot."

He didn't know who he was scolding.

At this time, there was a sudden soft cry from the surroundings. A white shadow quickly passed by and stopped in front of Ye Chongjin.

The guards all drew their swords, but were stopped by Ye Chongjin's gesture.

It was a strong white deer. It must be very old, with powerful limbs, and hard and mighty antlers. It stood on a slightly higher slope, and its silver-gray eyes seemed to be spiritual. It's not like ordinary livestock, but like a divine creature with independent consciousness.

However, there is an obvious old mark on the horn of this divine creature.

Ye Chongjin stared at it blankly. The white deer tilted its head and called to him in a low voice.

Ye Chongjin has a very good memory. He remembers that when he was young, Gu Chen once gave him a white deer calf, which he snatched from Princess Ancheng. It was very rare. He compared that little guy with the one in front of him. Whether it's the colour, pattern, or the position of the broken corners, they are all the same.

He kept the white deer in his yard. One day, his servants reported that the white deer was crying, which aroused his compassion, so he released it back into the mountains.

It is this Dongyi Mountain.

Ye Chongjin came closer, afraid to scare it, and said warmly: "Do you still recognize me?"

The white deer blinked its silver-gray translucent eyes, leaned down, and wanted to get closer to Ye Chongjin. Suddenly its two front hooves stopped as if frightened. It jumped up and ran away quickly.

Ye Chongjin felt puzzled then he saw Gu Chen arriving shortly afterwards. This man was dressed in a black brocade gown, with black hair flying in the wind, looking wanton and arrogant.

Gu Chen stopped in front of Ye Chongjin. He held his face and kissed him, and said: "A-Jin, zhen saw the white deer from childhood. Just wait, zhen will catch it to relieve your boredom."

After saying that, he immediately pursued after it.


Ye Chongjin couldn't stop him and said behind him: "What are you doing standing still? Why aren't you chasing after him!"

All of the imperial guards looked at each other and hastily left to follow the order.

Gu Chen's martial arts skills were extremely high, and the white deer was extremely strong. He was familiar with this mountain forest. The two of them chased each other and soon left the guards behind.

After more than half an hour, Gu Chen came back carrying the "Dongyi Mountain Divine Creature". Its legs and feet were bound into a flower ball, and it was placed in front of Ye Chongjin.

Ye Chongjin really couldn't laugh or cry. He bent down and while untying the pitiful guy, he asked helplessly: "Why did you catch him?"

Gu Chen hugged him from behind and said with a smile: "Zhen borrowed flowers to offer to Buddha. Cousin Xueyi made fun of zhen, saying that zhen's betrothal gift was captured by others. Zhen has always been aggrieved. This time zhen finally got what zhen desired."

Ye Chongjin was slightly startled, and suddenly remembered that when this man presented the white deer, he once said:

——The white deer is a betrothal gift.

He only took it as a joke, but this man always had a sincere heart.
