Chapter 16 No Secret Drinking

After the two of them returned to the shore, Gu You's face was pale and he was lying on the riverside retching. His little hand was still holding Mo Huaixuan's sleeve tightly as if he is his life-saving straw and cannot be let go, no matter what.

Although the Mufang River is not deep, many people have drowned. In the palace, there are always embarrassing things that cannot be brought to light. Since Gu You was a child, he had been warned by the people in the palace to avoid going to the river. The spirits in the water would capture him as a scapegoat.

Gu You choked on his saliva several times, thinking that he would definitely die. Now that he is still alive, he can't tell whether it is reality or a dream.

After all, he was young so he would inevitably feel aggrieved when he was maliciously hurt. He rubbed his eyes and cried softly. His fair and delicate face was wet with tears and the corners of his slightly raised eyes were red. He was both pitiful and surprisingly beautiful.

Mo Huaixuan was pulled by his sleeves and couldn't move away so he said: "Your Highness, it is safe."

Gu You raised his eyes with tears in his eyes. When he saw the young man's face clearly, he relaxed a little and said in a sob: "It's a dream. Fortunately, it's a dream..."

Mo Huaixuan frowned. His Highness, the Fifth Prince is really confused. He couldn't tell the difference between dream and reality.

Ye Chongjin stepped forward, took off his jacket, put it on his shoulders and said: "If your clothes get wet, you will catch a cold."

Gu You was embarrassed to be crying when he was looking at such a small child. Although the jacket kept him warm, his clothes inside and outside were soaked. When the wind blew, he shivered from the cold. He trembled and pulled at Mo Huaixuan's wet sleeves and said, "I have clothes to change in my palace."

Mo Huaixuan lowered his eyes and looked at him. He said "okay" in a low voice.

Ye Chonghui also took off his cloak, put it on his younger brother and said, "A-Jin will catch a cold."

There is a big difference in stature between the two. Ye Chonghui's cloak fit just right and covered the child's body like a big cloth. Ye Chongjin looked back at the cloak trailing on the ground and chuckled but didn't say anything. He suddenly felt that there was no harm in having more stupid brothers.

Gu Xian also regained his senses at this time. When he saw the two brothers of the Ye family, his face changed slightly and said: "It turns out that it is the two young masters of the Ye family. This little child is really beautiful. I have never seen him before. Could it be the Young Master Ye engaged to the Crown Prince?"

Ye Chonghui raised his hand to salute him and said: "What the Third Highness said is strange. My brother is a boy so the gift of marriage will naturally not count. His Highness's repetition of the old words would be a slap in the Emperor's face."

Gu Xian narrowed his eyes and said, "It's just a joke, Young Master Ye, you don't have to take it seriously." He glanced at Mo Huaixuan on the side, snorted coldly, and left.

Mo Huaian and the others quickly followed. As soon as they left the Imperial Garden, Gu Xian suddenly turned around and kicked Mo Huaian on his calf. He knelt down on the ground in pain.

Gu Xian said bitterly: "Don't think that I don't know you were the one who pushed Gu You. Even if you are stupid, you almost caused me to be punished with you. I would have been charged with the crime of harming my younger brother in vain. If you hadn't had good brother, I would have killed you right now! Go away and don't appear in front of me tonight."

Mo Huaian was dripping with cold sweat and retreated but in his heart he put this account on Mo Huaixuan.


After Imperial Concubine Li passed away, Gu You still lived in Qinghe Palace where she lived during her lifetime. Emperor Qingzong's reign title contained the word "Qing", but he did not hesitate to give this word to Imperial Concubine Li's residence which shows his favour during his lifetime. It's a pity that after her death, the Qinghe Palace was no different from the cold palace.

When the palace people saw Gu You's appearance upon entering the inner palace, they were all frightened. The Crown Prince had just given orders a few days ago to serve His Highness, the Fifth Prince well. If there was the slightest mistake, more than a dozen palace officials in Qinghe Palace would lose their heads.

The eldest palace maid Caijuan hurriedly greeted them. She bowed to several people, then pulled Gu You to look up and down and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong, Your Highness? The clothes are soaked, could you have fallen into the Mufang River?"

Gu You nodded timidly and did not dare to say that he was pushed. The palace maid wanted to get angry but did not dare. She said behind her: "Send His Highness to bathe and change clothes. It is so cold and freezing, what should we do if he is frozen?"

Gu You said: "Brother saved me, his clothes are wet."

Caijuan then noticed that on the side Mo Huaixuan's clothes were also wet. With a grateful expression on her face, she said: "Thank you for rescuing His Highness. His Highness has always been playful and caused trouble for you. I will order people to prepare suitable clothes. I also ask you and His Highness to go into the inner hall to take a bath first. It will be a sin if you catch a cold."

Mo Huaixuan glanced at her lightly and said, "It's not that His Highness, the Fifth Prince is playful but he had an argument with His Highness the Third Prince and accidentally fell into the water."

Everyone present could see that Gu You was timid and naïve. He would definitely not argue with someone and he can only get pushed into the water. Mo Huaixuan was reminding her.

The palace maid's face changed and she forced a smile. She said: "I see, Their Highnesses are young and they occasionally get into arguments. Just be more careful in the future."

Gu You and Mo Huaixuan went in to take a bath and the two brothers of the Ye family sat drinking tea in the front hall. Ye Chonghui leaned into the little child's ear and asked in a low voice: "A-Jin likes His Highness the Fifth Prince?"

In Ye Chonghui's eyes, his younger brother is arrogant and noble. He doesn't pay attention to people he looks down on. He won't even give charity with this eyes. But now he has followed the Fifth Prince to Qinghe Palace. Could it be that His Highness, the Fifth Prince aroused his interest in some way.

"His Highness, the Fifth Prince is very good." Ye Chongjin nodded.

But he thought in his heart that Gu You was stupid. Since he had bumped into him, he should take care of him to prevent him from being taken advantage of by someone with ulterior motives.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't notice the dissatisfaction in his brother's eyes.

Caijuan learned that they were the Prime Minister's sons. She became even more attentive and served another plate of exquisite refreshments. She said, "This servant Caijuan is the old maid who used to serve Imperial Concubine Li. His Highness, the Fifth Prince had a hard life. He lost his mother when he was born and His Majesty..."

She sighed and said, "Thanks to the care of the Empress and His Royal Highness, we are in peace and harmony in the past few years. I hope that the two Young Masters will interact with the Fifth Highness more often in the future. Although he is not smart, he has a good heart and is very gentle with others."

Ye Chonghui said in a neutral tone: "My brother likes His Highness very much."

Caijuan showed a surprised look and said: "That's very good." She bowed her body and retreated.

The child who was nibbling snacks on the side raised his head and asked with some surprise: "Brother is not happy?"

Ye Chonghui raised his hand to wipe away the debris from the corners of his lips. He said bitterly: "A-Jin never said that he likes brother but he said that he likes His Highness, the Fifth Prince and asks me if I am happy. I have fed you so many delicious foods since you were a child but it is nothing compared to having someone cry in front of you, you little heartless one."

The corner of the child's mouth twitched and he took a piece of snack and stuffed it into his brother's mouth.

Mo Huaixuan came out after changing his clothes and left in a hurry. Seeing this, Ye Chongjin also pulled his brother to leave. Before leaving, Gu You stuffed a few candies into his hand and said, "If you like it, you can come again."

This was completely treating him like a child. Ye Chongjin silently held the candy and said, "Okay."

Gu You looked at the child who had a straight face but his face was flushed. He was obviously embarrassed. He pursed his lips and laughed, saying to himself: "I have to tell Imperial Brother that little Fifth has a friend."

After a pause, he thought again, "But this is a dream. When I wake up, it will be gone."

Why he thought it was a dream was naturally because Brother Huaixuan was someone who only appeared in his dreams so what happened today was all a dream, Gu You thought.


In the Wansheng Hall, seeing that the banquet was about to begin, imperial officials had already arrived. Prime Minister Ye couldn't find the children anywhere and he was sweating profusely. Just when he was about to confess to the Emperor and go out to look for his two sons in person, the noisy main hall suddenly fell silent. When he looked up, it turned out that His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince had arrived.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Gu Chen's aura had become more and more impressive. He was wearing a black brocade python robe with four-clawed golden dragons embroidered on it. He wore a moon-white crown jade prescribed for the Crown Prince and wore brocade boots with dragon patterns on his feet. His young but indifferent face made people dare not look straight. He looks like a celestial being.

The special thing is that he is holding a child as beautiful as a porcelain doll.

Ye Yanbai was quite confused. Isn't that his sweet baby? Looking again, his eldest son was following the prince, looking very reluctant.

"Whose child is this? It looks like he is blessed. Bring him up and show to aijia" The one who spoke was the Empress Dowager.

Ye Chongjin's scalp went numb when he heard that familiar loving voice. This old woman disliked him very much in his previous life. Whenever she found an opportunity, she would suppress him mercilessly. She also repeatedly advised Song Li to become a monk and go to Huguo Temple to practice and pray for the royal family.

Of course he refused. Not to mention that he couldn't eat meat or drink wine, he just couldn't accept having a bald head. So the old woman didn't want to see him even more.

Gu Chen's hand holding the child was stiff for a moment but it was only for a moment. Even Ye Chongjin didn't notice it. He said: "Imperial Grandmother, this child is from Prime Minister Ye's family and his nickname is A-Jin."

The Empress Dowager is nearly sixty years old but looked well-maintained, as if a woman in her forty or fifty with shrewd eyes. She heard that he was from the Ye family and her expression became more kind. She smiled and said, "He has a good appearance and a good name. He will definitely be a talented person in the future."

This is not an exaggeration. After all, there are no direct descendants of the Ye family who are not talented people.

Ye Yanbai quickly said a few words of modesty.

Gu Chen had already brought Ye Chongjin to the Empress Dowager, who was looking at him with loving eyes. Ye Chongjin was stared at by the two women who hated him most in his previous life and his legs weakened.

Fortunately, the Empress Dowager didn't say that she wanted to hug him otherwise Ye Chongjin would probably have nightmares at night.

After the Empress Dowager and the Empress finished looking, Emperor Qingzong also joined in the fun and said he wanted to take a look at minister Ye's family treasure so Ye Chongjin was placed on Emperor Qingzong's lap. The Emperor had many sons so he was very good at holding children. After weighing him, he said: "How come a three-year-old baby only has this little weight? It needs to be replenished. Li Gui, please send the few ginseng plants in my private treasury to the Prime Minister's Mansion. It is a small sentiment from me."

The Emperor opened his mouth to reward him and the Empress Dowager and Empress also rewarded him with some tonics. The high-ranking concubines also smiled and rewarded him with some trinkets.

So the Prime Minister's office, which had always been low-key, was suddenly thrust into the limelight because of the small child's first appearance.

Ye Chongjin was placed next to Gu Chen for dinner. The youth didn't seem to notice anything was wrong and just kept putting easily digestible food into his bowl.

Some confused palace servant put a pot of fine wine on the table. Ye Chongjin smelled the aroma and licked his lips unconsciously. He had a good capacity for drinking. He could still remain conscious after drinking three or four pots of this kind of wine. Thinking of this, he reached into the pot with a gold-rimmed silver ladle and scooped a drop in it then greedily put it into his mouth. The aroma of the wine entered his throat and he smacked his tongue, feeling a little addicted.

He saw that Gu Chen was still picking crab meat for him and not paying attention to him. He held the wine bottle and took two sips at the mouth. He was about to drink more secretly but someone suddenly took the wine bottle away.

The youth frowned and said: "This is wine, you can't drink it."

The little child looked at him with flushed cheeks and burped slightly, his bright black eyes were covered with a layer of water, soft and waxy. His voice sounded a little aggrieved and he said: "A-Jin didn't drink secretly..."

Gu Chen couldn't laugh or cry. There was still wine on the child's lips. The fragrance of the wine was overflowing and it was a little intoxicating when he smelled it. Do you want him to kiss it and check?

He thought it was just that the Ye family and his son had been staring here so he didn't have the courage for the time being.
