Chapter 126 Marriage

At the same time, on Longzhi Mountain in the outlying districts of the capital, two teenagers stood in front of a nameless monument. In front of the tombstone were two bottles of good wine.

The elder was dressed in purple and sitting in a wheelchair with a cold expression, while the younger one looked like a rogue and sat on a big rock nearby.

"Today is A-Jin's wedding, and the situation is very tense in the capital. You have to come out to pay homage to Mother at this time. Let me tell you, Chen Zizhao, do you think your life is too long?"

Chen Zizhao glanced back at him and said: "Since we are going to travel far, it is natural that we must pay homage to our Mother before leaving."

Lu Ziyan jumped down from the stone and said, "Why don't I know about this long journey?"

Chen Zizhao said calmly: "The underground palace has been discovered. Your good brother, the Second Young Master of the Ye family is really not a fuel-efficient lamp. He sent people to guard outside the An Mansion for several days. If Sui An hadn't discovered it, we would have been caught by someone as soon as we left the mansion today."

Sui An is the name of the little book boy.

Lu Ziyan frowned and said nothing.

"You treated him like a brother and went out of your way to inform him, but he used you to come to me. In this world, except for blood relatives, who can really be trusted?"

Lu Ziyan picked a piece of straw casually and sneered: "Actually, you said the opposite. You let me out specifically to let me report the news. A-Jin is always cautious. If he knows someone will grab something, he will definitely make arrangements in advance. This is your opportunity. I guess you don't know where that thing is, so you want to use A-Jin's hand to find it, so that you can more easily snatch it, right?"

Chen Zizhao said: "You only want to believe what you believe. It's useless for me to say more."

"No, it's just that I know A-Jin too well. Others may think that he is spoiled and difficult to take care of, but after getting along with him for a long time, I realize that he actually cares about others. If, according to what you said, he had discovered that you were hiding in An Mansion, why didn't he tell the Emperor and let him arrest you, but just let people stay outside the mansion?"

Chen Zizhao lowered his eyes and said, "Of course it's because he has no evidence."

Lu Ziyan crumpled the straw in his hand into a ball and said with a smile: "Why do you have to deceive yourself? When did the Second Young Master of the Ye family need evidence when doing something? He did this because the An family is his maternal grandfather's home. He actually doesn't like this family very much. He just had to take care of the family because of the love from the two old people in the past. As for the second reason, it is because he is concerned about me. He knows that I have no other relatives in this world, so even if he knows your whereabouts, he has not revealed it to the Emperor. Otherwise...Brother, you and I would have died countless times."

Chen Zizhao's expression looked increasingly embarrassed.

He said solemnly: "The fight for the throne is about your own death and my own death. To win is to be king and to be defeated is to be a bandit, nothing more. Madam Ye Chongjin's benevolence has nothing to do with me."

Lu Ziyan looked at him, with a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

"I thought you still had some conscience, but now it seems that is not the case. In fact, when you say that the country hates the family, it is just using your parents as a raft. You are doing it because your legs are lame therefore you hate heaven and earth. You wish more people would bleed and be sacrificed..."

There was a slap sound. Lu Ziyan stroked his cheek, met Chen Zizhao's panicked eyes, and smiled coldly.

He turned around and faced the nameless tombstone. He said slowly, word by word: "Mother, this is not an unfilial child. It's just that Chen Zizhao wants to trap all people in fire and water because of his own selfish desires. His sin is so serious that this child would never agree with it. If he must trap this child in a situation of disloyalty and unrighteousness, it would be better for this child to die in front of Mother's grave than to see the whole world in ruins."

Chen Zizhao's expression changed drastically. He moved forward to hold his hand and said, "Ziyan, it was Brother who was wrong. If you blame me, just beat and scold me. Don't scare Brother with such words."

"Who wants to scare you?" Lu Ziyan threw away his hand and sneered: "I know what you think. Lu Ziyan is a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death. He will never do stupid things. If you think so, just give it a try and see if I dare."

Both of them were silent. At this moment, Sui An arrived in a carriage and asked them to get in.

"Young Master, shall we leave the capital immediately?"

Chen Zizhao glanced at Lu Ziyan and sighed: "Find a place to stay first, and we will discuss everything later."

Sui'an hesitated and said, "But it's really not safe in the capital..."

"Just do as you are told."


Chen Zizhao opened the brocade box that Han Yan had brought back, and the three things were neatly placed in it.

He opened the gold-painted folding fan, took a look at the writing on it, and nodded with satisfaction. Suddenly he paused. This folding fan was thirty years old. How come the old relics made many years ago look like they were newly made.

"Could it be..."

He closed the folding fan and opened the scroll. No matter the writing strength or the implication, even the habit of writing was almost the same as the original painting. There is no difference between them. Even the most discerning expert can never tell that it is a forgery. Only the old and new traces reveal it.

In this world, apart from Chen Zizhao himself, the only one in the capital who has such superb forgery skills is the Eldest Young Master, Ye Hengzhi.

No wonder he even deceived Han Yan and Sui An.

Chen Zizhao suddenly put his forehead on his hands and burst into laughter, but there was a vague hint of endless frustration and helplessness in his laughter.

"As expected. Ye Hengzhi is worthy of being a brother of the Ye family. Chen is willing to be the inferior, willing to be the inferior..."

Lu Ziyan said: "What's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly go crazy?"

Chen Zizhao only said: "You are right, I can't defeat them. In the end, people's hearts are still unpredictable. I lost."

He was defeated not only by the Ye family brothers, but also by Master An, who raised him. The Chen clan's dragon vein fell into Gu family's hands. There is no chance of winning anymore.


In front of Zichen Palace.

The Emperor, who was dressed in black brocade robes, was holding his beloved beauty in his arms, his expression slightly paused.

Ye Chongjin glared at him. He had hidden those things in his sleeves. If Gu Chen hadn't suddenly hugged him, they wouldn't have fallen out.

Gu Chen was silent for a moment, feeling that if he didn't do something, he would probably have to stay alone tonight. He winked behind him, and the guards quickly picked up the few things and sent someone to take them into the palace.

The man looked at the young man in his arms. He didn't expect that he would be given a big surprise as soon as he entered the palace. He asked, "Were you hungry on the way?"

Ye Chongjin nodded repeatedly and complained, "My Mother woke me up to change clothes in the middle of the night. Then I listened to the nanny reciting those annoying rules. The imperial carriage drove around the capital city. After entering the palace, it went from the east gate all the way to Xuanwu Gate, then passed Xuanhe Gate, and finally arrived here. Fortunately, I prepared snacks in advance, otherwise I would faint from hunger on the way."

Gu Chen laughed and said: "This is the case for empresses when they enter the palace, but zhen's A-Jin is probably the first Empress who dares to hide snacks in his sleeves."

At this point, he chuckled again, unable to hide the fondness in his eyes. He teased: "Are those things A-Jin's gifts to zhen?"

Ye Chongjin shook his head first, then suddenly nodded, and whispered in his ear: "It's a gift for you, and it's a big gift."

Gu Chen looked surprised and said, "Zhen will go take a look."

Ye Chongjin was not in a hurry. He winked at him and said with a smile, "Don't be in a hurry. Let's look together when night falls."

After hearing this, Gu Chen thought of the scroll falling to the ground and regarded it as something to add to his amusement. His eyes turned red for a moment, and he wished he could eat this seductive spirit alive right now.

His breath was a little unsteady and he said, "Okay, let's see it at night."

After saying that, he laughed twice and strode into his carefully decorated wedding room with his beloved in his arms.

Outside the Zichen Palace, the maids and palace attendants all had strange expressions on their faces. Looking at His Majesty's condition, they are afraid that he is not only in love with the Second Young Master of the Ye family as rumoured outside, he is clearly in love with him to the core of his being.

Entering the palace, the layout is somewhat like an ordinary wedding room. Bright red silk and satin are hung in the palace, and a dragon and phoenix knot hang in the center. All auspicious objects are complete, except for those that mean "having a noble son early" and "full of children and grandchildren" have been eliminated.

Gu Chen put down the youth in his arms. He held his hand, and slowly stepped into the hall.

A white tiger slowly walked out of the hall, much stronger than before, with a red flower ball tied around its neck. It stopped in front of the two of them, roaring.

Ye Chongjin laughed, stretched out his hand to rub the smooth and shiny fur around its neck, and said, "It seems that it was well raised in the palace, and it has gained a lot of weight."

Gu Chen raised his lips in a light smile and chuckled, "Of course he was well raised. All it eats are wild animals, this is how tigers should be raised."

The big cat growled at him and rubbed against Ye Chongjin's legs coquettishly.

Gu Chen raised his lips, and took off the flower ball from its neck. He handed one end to Ye Chongjin, and the two of them walked in together.

There were no parents, no relatives, or friends watching the ceremony, only a portrait, which was the appearance of Song Li in his previous life. Ye Chongjin looked at his former self, with many emotions flashing in his eyes, and finally settled into joy.

Gu Chen said: "The high heaven and earth are not enough to prove zhen's heart. Zhen only swear to A-Li in the past life and A-Jin in this life, and we will never betray each other's feelings in this life."

Ye Chongjin curled his lips and said slowly: "If you don't leave me, I will not give up either."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled. Gu Chen held up his face and gently sucked the two red lips. There was a hint of sweet floral fragrance, which captured the heart in an instant.

Ye Chongjin raised his apricot eyes slightly, and his apricot pupils seems to be shining brightly. He whispered softly: "You have eaten all the lipstick my Mother put on me."

Gu Chen held him tightly in his arms, feeling the emotions in his chest almost gushing out. He tore open the red silk flower ball that was in the way, picked him up horizontally, and carried him straight into the palace.

Could it be that he was going to do something like that in this clear daytime? Ye Chongjin felt guilty and whispered: "It's getting late. It wouldn't be good to delay the enthronement ceremony of the Empress..."

Gu Chen said: "Being an Empress is not as important as zhen marrying a wife. The Empress is the Empress of Daegu, but zhen's wife is zhen's wife alone. A-Jin say, which one is more important?"

Ye Chongjin could only smile and said: "Of course it is more important for Your Majesty to marry a wife."

Gu Chen's eyes were full of satisfaction and he put the youth in his arms on the table. His arms were propped up on both sides, trapping the person in it, like a strong cage, making it difficult for Ye Chongjin to escape. Fortunately, the table was covered with a layer of bright yellow brocade, so it wasn't cold when sitting on it, but it was just a little hard.

Next to it is a pot of fine royal wine and a pair of gold wine glasses.

Gu Chen poured two glasses, put one in Ye Chongjin's hand, and said, "As zhen said previously, on your wedding day, you can drink as much as you want."

Ye Chongjin tilted his head and smiled, "Is this a drink?"

Gu Chen nodded, and said: "A-Jin, after drinking this glass of wine, you will be zhen's wife, are you willing?"

Ye Chongjin slowly raised his hand, passed it around the man's arm, and murmured: "You didn't ask me if I was willing until now. If I say I don't want to, will you still let me go home?"

Gu Chen said with a smile: "After entering this palace gate, there is no reason to let you leave."

The two of them laughed and drank a glass of wine.

The young man's lips were stained with liquid, like flower petals stained by morning dew. His originally beautiful face was covered with a layer of light blush at some point, just like a flower that is about to bloom. When it is about to bloom, it is the most exciting.

Gu Chen carefully took off the brocade belt around his waist. Ye Chongjin hurriedly stopped his movement and said: "What are you going to do? Civil and military officials are waiting in the Xuanzheng Hall, for you to take charge of the overall situation. This is not the time to fool around."

Gu Chen glanced at him with a smile and said, "Where did A-Jin think to? You are going to the enthronement ceremony, and it's not easy to wear this wedding dress."

Then Ye Chongjin remembered that he had to change into the Empress attire for the enthronement ceremony.

Gu Chen smiled and said: "If A-Jin really can't wait to go to bed, it's not that zhen can't compromise. It's just that you've been hungry for too long, and zhen is afraid zhen won't be able to satisfy you once or twice."

Ye Chongjin's scalp went numb when he heard it. He hurriedly stretched out his hands to cover his mouth.

"Shut up, don't talk -"
