Chapter 108 Another person

Ye Chongjin, was a little surprised when he heard what he said. Of course, he would not have expected that in Gu Chen's place, even tigers could be considered as love rivals.

He laughed and said: "If this is really the case, then you will definitely lose. I like the big cat more than I like you."

After saying this, he was stunned, and so was Gu Chen.

The Emperor suddenly stepped forward, and held his hands. With surprise in his eyes, he said, "What did A-Li just say? Say it again."

Ye Chongjin looked annoyed. His words were an indirect admission that he also likes Gu Chen. Although the relationship between the two of them had long been clear, he still felt uncomfortable saying it so bluntly.

He pushed the man away and said, "What did I say? You heard me wrong."

Gu Chen refused to give up, and hugged the person in his arms. He said shamelessly: "A-Li, do not deceive zhen. Zhen heard clearly that you said you like zhen."

Ye Chongjin lowered his eyes and smiled. When this man acts coquettishly, he looks like a big cat. He is a beast, but he insists on making pitiful gestures that makes people dumbfounded, but it also makes them feel soft.

He pointed to the drawing on the table and said, "Look at this first."

Gu Chen stepped forward, and picked up the drawing. He looked at it carefully by candlelight.

This piece of paper records the relationship diagram between officials within the imperial court. The relationships between each person is clearly written. Some of them are known to Gu Chen, and some are unknown to him.

Ye Chongjin said: "In my previous life, because everyone thought that I was a charlatan, loyal ministers and good generals would naturally stay away from me. On the other hand, the treacherous people would often get close to me because they felt that they were of the same mindset as me, so they would talk to me. There are some secrets that even your shadow guards can't find out."

Gu Chen's eyes darkened slightly and he hugged him tighter.

"So that's how it is. Then why did you suddenly write down these things..."

Ye Chongjin said: "Because, I suspect that the remnants of the previous dynasty that you have been unable to find is hidden among them. Maybe it's just an inconspicuous pawn, or they may be powerful ministers of the imperial court. They may be loyal or treacherous, but they are huge in number and pervasive. They are secretly planning to seize your Gu family."

At this point, he narrowed his always bright eyes and said slowly: "In the past life, my assasination and the things you did may all be part of their plan."

Gu Chen suddenly clenched his palms, his eyes were stained with scarlet inch by inch, and murderous intent was already pouring out.

He asked word for word: "You just said that your assassination was planned by the cockroaches and rats of the previous dynasty."

Ye Chongjin responded in a low voice. He held the man's broad palm and tried to calm his irritable mood but with little success.

He sighed inaudibly and said: "I noticed something strange in the sky earlier. I checked many classics these days and finally found out the root cause. It turns out that there are two Emperor Stars on the main seat of Ziwei Star Palace. In the previous life, you destroyed the country, and afterwards someone ascended to the throne. That person will naturally have the destiny of an Emperor. Therefore, such a star will appear after you and I come back to life."

Gu Chen sneered and said: "Those trash from the Astronomical Supervisory are of no use at all, causing zhen's A-Li to suffer."

Ye Chongjin felt that he had focused on the wrong point, but his heart felt warm.

He said: "I asked Lu Ziyan, and according to what he said, after the fall of Daegu, the new dynasty was called 'Later Jin', and the Emperor was named Chen."

In this way, the answer is obvious.

"...It really is the scum of the previous dynasty."

Gu Chen glanced at the people on the paper, and a cruel smile flashed in his eyes. It is simply on account of the young man in his arms, that time after time, his violence and anger is restrained.

Ye Chongjin knew his temper. He would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go. He just sighed and said: "Master asked my senior brother to give me a message before he left. He asked me to stick to the right path."

Gu Chen didn't say anything, and after a long time he asked in a low voice: "A-Li, what is the right path?"

Ye Chongjin Said: "Actually, I have been thinking about this issue. My previous life did not end well. If I had to do it again, I would take every step cautiously, fearing that it would bring disaster to myself and the Ye family. I hid myself under the light of the Ye family, thinking that this way, we can avoid disasters."

"But, this doesn't seem to be the right way."

"Although I don't know how to go forward, after all, because of you and me, we have caused a lot of destruction and massacres. Now that we have the opportunity to start over, why not make up for our past mistakes? There is a saying in Buddhism: if you sow the cause, you will reap the fruit, everything is created by the mind. Do you remember that you once promised me that you would be a good Emperor?"

Gu Chen looked at his face. Many emotions flashed through him in an instant, and finally settled on being distressed.

He closed his eyes, fearing that he would notice the pain in his eyes, and said, "Although zhen has done many wrong things, A-Li is so innocent. Why, and for what reason..."

Gu Chen always knew that he had a bad temper and little patience, so he always wanted to rule the country with cruelty and strict laws in government affairs. If A-Li hadn't been admonishing him, he would not have known how many people would shed blood and died because of political reform. Those people were ungrateful, and they collaborated with the former dynasty to kill him.

How could he swallow this breath?

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chongjin understood what he meant. He felt sorry for him.

Ye Chongjin pondered for a long time and said: "Maybe it's because I have too much."

Gu Chen looked puzzled.

Ye Chongjin looked at him and said with a smile: "Because I have the rarest thing in the world, an Emperor's heart. It is too precious, so I have to exchange it for something else. Looking back on Song Li's life, if he had not met Gu Chen, he would have been just a rough servant of the Shangyi Bureau. He might have died of illness, or he might have been killed by a nobleman for making a mistake, or he might have survived, but he would have done nothing. In his poor life, he was just a slave who worked for others."

"Every gain must come with a loss. Song Li gained the affections of the Emperor for a lifetime, became a highly respected minister, and enjoyed all the glory and wealth. In exchange for decades of life, he actually got a big advantage."

Gu Chen said in a dull voice: "Why exchange it for anything else? Zhen only wants your heart."

Ye Chongjin raised his eyes and asked, "Is this enough?"

"It's enough."

Pulling the person into his arms, Gu Chen felt his chest hurt more and more. He actually knew that he was trying to comfort him.

In his past life and this life, he has always been so gentle.

Why would anyone have the heart to hurt A-Li like this? Those people all deserve to die.


At the end of the year, Prince Sheng went to the imperial study room again, for the matter of Gu You's adoption.

He was being nagged by Princess Sheng all day long, and his ears were almost covered in calluses. Even though he knew that he would be taught a lesson by the Imperial Nephew, since he wanted to steal his younger brother, he had to pay a price.

After reviewing, Gu Chen didn't say anything. He just waved his ink brush and wrote the word "approved".

Prince Sheng did not feel happy, but was shocked. Based on his understanding of the Imperial Nephew, he was afraid that there was fraud in this.

Sure enough, he heard the young Emperor on the dragon throne call softly: "Imperial Uncle."

Prince Sheng responded bravely. The Imperial Nephew usually called him "Prince Sheng" directly in the court, but now he called him "Imperial Uncle". He felt anxious and uneasy in his heart.

The Emperor smiled and said: "Imperial Uncle, don't be nervous, it's just about little Fifth. I have something to discuss with you. It's about his concubine."

After hearing this, Prince Sheng felt a little at ease and said, "My princess told me about this matter before, saying that You'er didn't want to marry a wife and couldn't be forced, therefore he does not have to settle down."

The Emperor said: "Zhen knows."

You know? Prince Sheng was confused. Could it be that the Emperor wanted to force his younger brother to marry a wife?

He asked: "May I ask what Your Majesty means?"

Gu Chen pondered for a long time and said, "Little Fifth likes Young Master Mo."

Prince Sheng blinked, thinking that he was probably really old and his ears were no longer useful.

"Who does You'er like?"

Gu Chen showed a teasing smile and said: "Imperial Uncle is really rare and strange. Ever since Young Master Ye and zhen were blessed by heaven, there has been more than a few men in Daegu who have married men. Can't You'er also like men?"

Prince Sheng was speechless now.

He knew what Gu Chen said, but he never thought of it about Gu You. That child has red lips and white teeth, and is prettier than a girl. Isn't it a joke to marry a male wife?

What's more, how can a person like Mo Huaixuan, with his status, be willing to succumb to others?

He said: "Your Majesty wants to follow You'er's wishes? If you do this, wouldn't it hurt Young Master Mo's dignity as a man?"

Gu Chen secretly laughed, hurting Mo Huaixuan's dignity was nothing. Didn't he cause You'er to suffer so much in his previous life? Now, it's just asking him to pay off his debt.

He turned serious and said unreasonably: "It's okay if it hurts. As long as little Fifth likes it, it's fine. Zhen has made up my mind. Imperial Uncle, there is no need to say anything."


From then on, Prince Sheng became even more in awe of his Imperial Nephew, the Emperor.

An imperial edict was given, and some families were happy and some were sad.

Mo Huaixuan naturally did not anticipate that Gu Chen would provoke him with this move, but he could only admit defeat. If he dares to resist and disobey the order, You'er may be angry.

It's just that he needs to take time to ease his mother's anxiety.

Gu You was so happy that he went to the Prime Minister's Mansion and told Ye Chongjin that he was going to marry Brother Huaixuan.

By chance, Lu Ziyan was also there. He smiled and leaned on the table, and said, "Little You'er, I really envy you. With the support of your Imperial Brother, you can marry a first-rank official in the current dynasty."

Gu You didn't understand what a first-rank official was. He just said: "I want to marry Brother Huaixuan and make me the Princess."

Lu Ziyan was so happy that he pinched his cheek and said: "Since little You'er is getting married, I will definitely prepare a big gift."

Ye Chongjin nodded. He was going to get married in the coming spring, so he had to prepare a lot of gifts.

Lu Ziyan looked at the two of them with envy in his heart. At least they were not related to each other. Even if they were both men, there was nothing wrong with it.

But as for him, everyone knows that he is Lord Lu's nephew.

He suddenly remembered something, and took out a brocade bag. He said, "A-Jin, you know how to tell fortunes, right?"

Ye Chongjin frowned. Why did the word "fortune telling" sound a little weird? He replied, "I just have a rough understanding of it."

Lu Ziyan put the kit in his hand and said, "It contains the birth dates of two people. You can calculate it for me to see if they are destined and have a good outcome."

Ye Chongjin laughed and said, "Whether there is a marriage can be calculated. As for whether you can achieve positive results, you can't tell based on this alone."

After saying that, he opened the kit and unfolded it to look at it.

Then, he suddenlyfrowned. The birth date recorded on one of them was exactly what he and GuChen had been looking for. The other person with the destiny of an Emperor.
